School Me On This Russia/Ukraine Kerfuffle

Was reading up on those stingers. They’re like point and click. One of the sources I read they’re so easy civilians can use them. Old tech but it’s what we gave Afghanistan to turn back the Russians. Unless Russia starts digging into the weapons meant to war with the US they may have some serious issues depending how much of these the west can supply.

And sound like javelins work just as easy. First world guerrilla warfare tech.

Can you expand on the “alternative trading system” because that doesn’t sound sustainable on the surface. Nearly everything needs to be imported, if even allowed. Those imports have to be paid for with real money, so buying imported goods with currency and accepting Monopoly money in return can only last so long.

Basically, any system that doesn't rely on the Euro/USD/SWIFT and that is not subjected to the regulations of the current global financial system, which is dominated by American institutions.

Russia already has a growing presence in economies heavily supported by mineral extraction (for example, the government of the Central African Republic is about to make the language compulsory throughout K-12, the Wagner group has taken over security matters in Mali since the French are withdrawing from the country and West Africa in general, and the same group has also been present in the DRC for a while). These are countries rich in raw materials that can be considered strategic for certain industries (electronics, agriculture, energy), and the chronic instability of their governments makes them susceptible to economic/military sanctions from the West.

Now, like you said, you have to know that the money you're taking in exchange for the goods/services you're providing can be used to pay for imports. For such an alternative system to become viable, there needs to be a lot of trust in those who guarantee the stability of the system, and Russia, with its history of defaulting on its obligations as the USSR and the poor military showing on display in Ukraine, won't be able to realistically convince a lot of those countries, whose populations are already predisposed to turn on the West due to their exposure to sanctions and the general unpopularity of France, the UK, and the US in those regions, to join a Russian-dominated financial system they pledge to support.
What I’m saying is she should have been more sensitive to the temperature of the political climate at hand right now. She had to know tensions between the US & Russia are high.

Yea Griner was wildin. State Department started posting travel advisories urging Americans to get out as far back as January.

They’re saying every other WNBA player who was playing in Ukraine or Russia got out and is accounted for.

Not sure what Griner was thinking. Terrified for her though.
What I’m saying is she should have been more sensitive to the temperature of the political climate at hand right now. She had to know tensions between the US & Russia are high.

In general, war time or not, Americans are tripping thinking they can go around the world acting like entitled fools. Gotta humble yourself and live the life you are in. Don’t be Money Mayweather only packing a case full of cash to Moscow.
Donate your guns if you can.

Haha. Yeah. I’m sure the US politicians will get right on sending those over. Despite what they tell you, Americans don’t have assault rifles and that’s not what AR stands for. Plus those weapons won’t use standard munition sizes for ease of re-arming. Ukraine need military grade weapons in a format that they are familiar with and easily trainable.
Haha. Yeah. I’m sure the US politicians will get right on sending those over. Despite what they tell you, Americans don’t have assault rifles and that’s not what AR stands for. Plus those weapons won’t use standard munition sizes for ease of re-arming. Ukraine need military grade weapons in a format that they are familiar with and easily trainable.

Sorry. Wasn’t trying to be rude to you. Just when I first heard this the other day I was like really. Fed government will never authorize those weapons being shipped over seas. We are probably logging every serial number that has been shipped over there. The evil that we are being forced to choose is that these weapons will exist after the war is over. It is just the lesser of evils than letting Putin go down the path of Hitler.
Sorry. Wasn’t trying to be rude to you. Just when I first heard this the other day I was like really. Fed government will never authorize those weapons being shipped over seas. We are probably logging every serial number that has been shipped over there. The evil that we are being forced to choose is that these weapons will exist after the war is over. It is just the lesser of evils than letting Putin go down the path of Hitler.

Nah I didn’t take it off as rude bro, you’re good :lol:
thats the thing NATO has warned Putin time and time again after his last invasion of Ukraine if he did it again he would pay by sanctions. I think he knew this was going to be the hand we play because it was no secret.
Habitual line steppers never figure they will get the worst punishment because they don’t respect authority. If he really thought they would do it Russia would have insulated itself better to being cutoff from the global economy.
Was listening to a couple of dudes talking about Russia and how they have never enslave anyone. In addition to fighting a lot of countries to get rid of slavery or racism.

John Wick John Wick do some research and check back with us.
8tothe24 8tothe24

One of the reasons I said “donate guns” is because I saw on the news they were doing it Long Island…. :lol:

I’m not a gun guy so I didn’t know specific guns are needed in war. :lol:

Being that this country has SO MANY….

I just thought it was a nice gesture…. 🤷

Shoot me…….(don’t tho) :lol:
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