School Me On This Russia/Ukraine Kerfuffle

Proper behavior from a staunch defender of human rights :lol:
How can you see this ain’t think Russia is almost kinda sorta justified. **** wild….A while back I said Trump read 1984 and thought to himself that it was the playbook. Vlad did too. He was just able to get rid of the dissent before he made his move. Trump couldn’t.
With meaningless wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, I can sort of understand why former American soldiers want to fight this war.

These are some brave gentleman.

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Dude is going out like the former president of Algeria.


Bouteflika was 82 years old when the Algerian army forced him to resign. These dudes hang to power like they're the One who will defeat death.
French protests are my favorite.

I heard some guy was going to relocate union jobs overseas in the 90s there so they just killed him. :rofl:
I don't know about killing, but they have a habit of kidnapping their bosses when they're pissed :lol:

The term 'bossnapping' began receiving widespread use in the media following a series of high-profile incidents in France in the spring of 2009 where managers were detained by their workers. In early March, 2009, workers in southwestern France held the Chief Executive Officer and Human Resources Director of Sony France overnight, demanding a better severance package for workers who had been laid off.[1]

They barricaded the entrance to the facility with tree trunks, and held their hostages until the CEO agreed to a renegotiation of the severance package that laid-off workers were to receive. Later that month, workers at a pharmaceutical factory owned by 3M in Pithiviers held their boss in his office demanding similar concessions for laid-off workers as well as protections for remaining workers whose jobs had not been cut. The workers claimed their actions were not intended to be aggressive, but were rather their "only currency." French police did not intervene in either the Sony or 3M incidents, in the expectation that each would be resolved peacefully, as they were in the end.[2]

Workers in the 3M incident provided a dinner of mussels and French Fries to their kidnapped boss while he was being held.[3]

In July 2009, workers of Azur Chimie (previously Arkéma)[4] plant located in Port Le Bouc took headquarters and majority shareholders as hostages to weigh in the negotiations regarding the layoff of half of the workforce.[5] A snapshot of these negotiations was videotaped.

In May 2010, workers of a Caterpillar Inc. plant in Grenoble took five managers as hostages to enforce negotiations about 733 job losses.[6] They ended their doing after 10 hours when policemen began to record the names of the participating people.[7]

During the same month, about 300 workers of a Toyota factory in Onnaing (Northern France) blocked all entrances and hindered all trucks from leaving the premises.[7]

Further bossnappings took place in a worksite of Hewlett-Packard in France and a lock-in of managers occurred at market research firm Synovate in Auckland, New Zealand as a part of a labor dispute during a contract renegotiation there.[3][8] The wave of high-profile incidents led to publication of advice for managers who might be bossnapped, although news reports made clear that the hostages had been treated well by their bossnappers. This advice included the preparation of special bossnapping kits that included a change of clothes and a cell phone pre-programmed with numbers of family members, police, and a psychologist who might assist with the psychological stress caused by being the hostage in such an incident.[3]

These incidents took place in the context of wider French labor unrest related to the recession of the late 2000s, in which many companies in France and across the globe laid off workers during restructuring the companies did in response to falling profits or rising losses. Other labor incidents in France during this period included one in which laid-off workers threw eggs at their manager and burned effigies of him and another in which workers at a car parts factory threatened to blow it up after the factory was closed completely.[2][9]

In April, 2009, in response to the ongoing series of bossnapping incidents, French President Nicolas Sarkozy pledged to end the practice, saying, "We are a nation of laws. I won't allow this sort of thing." However, public opinion polls in France at the time showed significant support for those using the strategy, a majority who disapproved of the tactic but sympathized with those practicing it, and only a small minority who completely opposed it. Thus, observers suggested that any strong action on the part of Sarkozy government to end bossnappings, included more proactive action by police to rescue hostages and arrest bossnappers, might lead to further unrest in other forms.[10]
I love how they provided their kidnapped boss with mussels and frites. Such a French thing to do. :lol:

Another good one was when they put in speed cameras and the whole country destroyed them. :rofl:

We could learn alot from France, but we’re too busy arguing over the dumbest stuff.
I love how they provided their kidnapped boss with mussels and frites. Such a French thing to do. :lol:

Another good one was when they put in speed cameras and the whole country destroyed them. :rofl:

We could learn alot from France, but we’re too busy arguing over the dumbest stuff.

Yeah, people definitely get the French ****** up

They may like to relax and sip wine but when it's time for action they are ready :lol:
Yeah, people definitely get the French ****ed up

They may like to relax and sip wine but when it's time for action they are ready :lol:

When I visited Paris in January, their military/police force had me and my GF all sorts of bugged out.

So their protesters sometimes gather near the Eiffel Tower to make a point. (That area gets bombed by terrorists I guess often.)

Anyways the vaccine mandate protesters just carry signs peacefully, but the military lumps all protesters together. So anytime there was any sort of gathering, they would shut down all the streets and like FIFTY vans would roll up, with military or police armed to the teeth in full riot gear. It was bizarre to see them just acting like “oh just normal precautions ya know?” I’m thinking WW3 has just started but they’re just watching protesters like it’s a normal Sunday stroll in the park.

all the pictures are on my point and shoot but this pic is them about to close down the street we were walking on, which was right at the entrance to our hotel. Multiply this by like 50 and add riot gear and it was wild to see just walking casually. French indeed about that action

**** the French popo ....

I rember when my boy lived in Paris and we visted him, we took a bus, dudes came inside the bus pushing everyone back ... they pushed my wife not hard but enough to piss me off and push back. I though I was going to jail ....

Dude seemed shocked like that never happened, anyways they just asked for a transit pass to see if we paid and let us go ... apparently thats normal practice ....
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We could learn alot from France, but we’re too busy arguing over the dumbest stuff.


Instead we just sit here and criticize the French at every turn. Americans are extremely weird with the hate they have for the French. Never understood it.

Also R.I.P. speed traps :lol:

**** the French popo ....

I rember wheny boy lived in Paris and we took a bus, dudes came inside the bus pushing everyone back ... they pushed my wife not hard but enough to piss me off and push back. I though I was going to jail ....

Dude seemed shocked like that never happened, anyways they just asked for a transit pass to see if we paid and let us go ... apparently thats normal practice ....
Same thing happened to me. I was inside a McDonald’s eating a burger and some potatoe wedges. Dude walks past the front door, glimpses me, then does a 180 and walks directly toward me.

Starts yelling at me, I have no idea what he’s saying. He pushes my jacket off the seat and grabs me by the wrist. I pulled out my passport and my phone and then he finally said “VAX passport!”

I flashed it with my phone and he just walked out without saying anything. If my girl had been with me, I would have been in jail for assaulting dude for sure
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