School Me On This Russia/Ukraine Kerfuffle

Think I said when this whole thing started. Just give the pro-Ruski territories to Russia and maybe they’ll strike a deal. (Crimea, Donbas, Luhansk).

Ukraine would still be one of the biggest countries in Europe and they get to keep their Black Sea shoreline. (Odessa port)

But I still doubt Putin wants that. His big thing is NATO. Hope they strike the deal tho.
Think I said when this whole thing started. Just give the pro-Ruski territories to Russia and maybe they’ll strike a deal. (Crimea, Donbas, Luhansk).

Ukraine would still be one of the biggest countries in Europe and they get to keep their Black Sea shoreline. (Odessa port)

But I still doubt Putin wants that. His big thing is NATO. Hope they strike the deal tho.
Don’t “give” them ****. Make them pay for it and pay to restore everything they’ve destroyed so far. Russia doesn’t have the resources to keep this going much longer at the rate they’re failing to progress. There’s no need for Ukraine to start giving stuff up now without any significant return.
Think I said when this whole thing started. Just give the pro-Ruski territories to Russia and maybe they’ll strike a deal. (Crimea, Donbas, Luhansk).

Ukraine would still be one of the biggest countries in Europe and they get to keep their Black Sea shoreline. (Odessa port)

But I still doubt Putin wants that. His big thing is NATO. Hope they strike the deal tho.

No don’t give Putin anything. If those people want to live in Russia let them move there. Borders are to be respected period.
No don’t give Putin anything. If those people want to live in Russia let them move there. Borders are to be respected period.

Crimea has always been like 80 percent in favor of being a part of Russia tho man.

What’s the point of fighting for that? Thousands more dead and millions of more refugees stranded?
As this war continues, I can't help but realize the petty side of me comparing how Ukrainian refugees are treated in Europe than refugees with a different hue.
Said it before, America has problems but you can't pay me enough to live in homogeneous Europe. There's not a single doubt in mind if "my kind" showed up on the borders of Europe they'd tell me to go back to where I came from.
Rant over.
As this war continues, I can't help but realize the petty side of me comparing how Ukrainian refugees are treated in Europe than refugees with a different hue.
Said it before, America has problems but you can't pay me enough to live in homogeneous Europe. There's not a single doubt in mind if "my kind" showed up on the borders of Europe they'd tell me to go back to where I came from.
Rant over.
different hue'd refugees been treated like crap all over europe for years b

lets not act like the US has welcoming parties for refugees coming up from mexico and south america
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