School Me On This Russia/Ukraine Kerfuffle

I still am at a loss that people are taking this war so casually. You got Elon Musk on twitter cracking jokes while innocent people are being bombed and murdered.

I got friends who cracking jokes about it too (too low brow to even bring up). I can't understand the lack of empathy.
History repeats itself over and over

People turn a blind eye until it comes to their front door
All dude said is that there's major racism in Europe, I don't know if it's to the levels of the USA. But the point is that it exist & is a very real thing i'm not sure what the pushback is about :lol:

and also there's been countries at war our entire lives, there's poverty & murder all throughout the US. If people can joke through that they should be able to joke through this war as well.

I think the pushback is just people taking his OPINION and offering their disagreement to his statements. He allegedly thinks he’ll never go back to Europe because it’s way more racist that here in the US. Others think that america is far more racist.
So messed up. Been to Europe once and never need to go back there again. The history and architecture are mindblowing, but easily the most direct racism I've encountered ever. The U.S. got its problems but it ain't even close, Europe is largely a one-race continent (U.K. and tourists aside). I'm good right here in Murica.

As this war continues, I can't help but realize the petty side of me comparing how Ukrainian refugees are treated in Europe than refugees with a different hue.
Said it before, America has problems but you can't pay me enough to live in homogeneous Europe. There's not a single doubt in mind if "my kind" showed up on the borders of Europe they'd tell me to go back to where I came from.
Rant over.
Perhaps I'm underestimating the Ukranian military, but I'm guessing many of these weapons they are being given would require a certain level of expertise and training. Is it naive to think they would lack such training and in fact US/NATO troops are actually the ones operating them? Similar to how you wouldn't just give a race car to somebody who's never driven before and expect them to win.
just wait for the unboxing video
im sure they break down how easy it is to use
different hue'd refugees been treated like crap all over europe for years b

lets not act like the US has welcoming parties for refugees coming up from mexico and south america


We’re just like a few short years removed from a Muslim ban, and a ban on “****-hole” countries. All in Africa, Asia and S American countries that have been colonized, destroyed, stolen from or destabilized by US/West. And this is with “legal” immigration.

The same admin that said they only wanted immigrants from Western Europe. They said they wanted MORE immigrants from homogenous counties in Europe in the US. Just to bolster demographic shifts.

This is The same country that has historically welcomed European immigrants fleeing famine and war…and allowed them to assimilate overtime (after discriminating against them for years)…when it became politically convienent to use them (1950s & 1960s onward).

Shoot, the Current admin is continuing some of those policies excluding and denying Haitians. Right now.

People should def feel some type of way for sure. I know I do. And do not feel torn about it one bitZ It’s flat out hypocrisy. This does not however excuse Putin and the Russian Govt from invading a foreign country, and their imperialism all over in their spheres of influences as well.

People can get caught up in that.
I think the pushback is just people taking his OPINION and offering their disagreement to his statements. He allegedly thinks he’ll never go back to Europe because it’s way more racist that here in the US. Others think that america is far more racist.

I mean i agree that America has a different attachment to racism, but If dude has genuinely lived both places & feels that way then that's his POV.

Russia about to have McDowells up and running.

Perhaps I'm underestimating the Ukranian military, but I'm guessing many of these weapons they are being given would require a certain level of expertise and training. Is it naive to think they would lack such training and in fact US/NATO troops are actually the ones operating them? Similar to how you wouldn't just give a race car to somebody who's never driven before and expect them to win.

Apparently, Ukraine got a shock to the system when Russia annexed Crimea in 2014. Ever since then they've been receiving training from the west to develop their army.
This is probably why Russia underestimated them and thought they could just waltz in and take over in 3 days.

History repeats itself over and over

People turn a blind eye until it comes to their front door

Exactly why they released this ad.


Russia about to have McDowells up and running.

Apparently, Ukraine got a shock to the system when Russia annexed Crimea in 2014. Ever since then they've been receiving training from the west to develop their army.
This is probably why Russia underestimated them and thought they could just waltz in and take over in 3 days.

Exactly why they released this ad.

I want to see the menu. :lol:

Drone + Dashcam + Go Pro. Crazy editing. We got the unboxing video and now something that looks straight out of a movie
This really is a war like no other and just goes to show the pointless deaths.

It's one thing hearing numbers but seeing these videos in HD is something else. I can never be in the army that's for sure.

These are of Soviet origin, so Ukrainian forces are probably trained already.

Crazy and somewhat NSFW

2nd video I've seen recently with Tanks with no support just moving round cities. Basically just sending these soldiers to their deaths.
I thought the ragdoll physics from Uncharted was fake but not anymore.

I want to see the menu. :lol:

I think the pushback is just people taking his OPINION and offering their disagreement to his statements. He allegedly thinks he’ll never go back to Europe because it’s way more racist that here in the US. Others think that america is far more racist.
The pushback is fine, totally welcome other perspectives - but notice how I said every statement from the perspective of ME and I? How does one even disagree with someone else's experiences?
And also first to say in other comments my experiences are not what others in the U.S. have gone through. But some of y'all twisting my words as if to say I think racism does not exist in the U.S., and that somehow because I've been to 5 different countries in Europe only once it somehow discounts the racism that I experienced there. Like does it take 5 visits for it to be statistically significant? If that's the case I'd doubt most people in this thread can comment on anything but the state they live in. I've spent most my life outside the U.S, my perspective is obviously different to those who have lived here but I've at least got a few continents to compare how I was treated there vs here. And again that's why everything I said was framed from my own perspective, opinion and experiences.

Moving on
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In my experience living in three countries on three different continents, visiting dozens of others, and having quite a few conversations with black men and women from those countries, whether they were nationals or immigrants, from my perspective U.S. racism is just built different.

European anti-black racism seems to be rooted more in xenophobia and classism, where racism in the U.S. is rooted in hatred and the desire to inflict actual physical violence and damage on black people.
Racism in America is a different beast because the very institutions that are supposed to "protect" you are actively trying to take you out as well. But in Europe it's more so the people and their individuals' views in regards to race.
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The pushback is fine, totally welcome other perspectives - but notice how I said every statement from the perspective of ME and I? How does one even disagree with someone else's experiences?
And also first to say in other comments my experiences are not what others in the U.S. have gone through. But some of y'all twisting my words as if to say I think racism does not exist in the U.S., and that somehow because I've been to 5 different countries in Europe only once it somehow discounts the racism that I experienced there. Like does it take 5 visits for it to be statistically significant? If that's the case I'd doubt most people in this thread can comment on anything but the state they live in. I've spent most my life outside the U.S, my perspective is obviously different to those who have lived here but I've at least got a few continents to compare how I was treated there vs here. And again that's why everything I said was framed from my own perspective, opinion and experiences.

Moving on
I think the way you said "America has problem but ..... Europe is worst (your experience/opinion)" triggered the responses....

It sounds like you're making light of the history because of some small incidents (diminishing your experience) incident/s you had in Europe.

Obviously modern day institutionalized racism can't be compared. You have cops and citizen alike lynching and enslaving blacks and minorities. Progression is super hard and just about every law it's against them ....

The Asian community deals with racism on every corner .... from accent to inappropriate jokes to at cases violance.

But lets be clear here .... Asians are just as racist as the next racist race. A lot of Asians spots (speaking on foreing countries)don't allow foreigners .. in just about every place they look at you bad, treat you hostile and discriminate against you ... etc ....

However, I will say that every race has racism built into them ...

Instead of minorities uplifting minorities they are ****ting all over each other .... which is really sad.
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