School Me On This Russia/Ukraine Kerfuffle

I think the way you said "America has problem but ..... Europe is worst (your experience/opinion)" triggered the responses....

It sounds like you're making light of the history because of some small incidents (diminishing your experience) incident/s you had in Europe.

Obviously modern day institutionalized racism can't be compared. You have cops and citizen alike lynching and enslaving blacks and minorities. Progression is super hard and just about every law it's against them ....

The Asian community deals with racism on every corner .... from accent to inappropriate jokes to at cases violance.

But lets be clear here .... Asians are just as racist as the next racist race. A lot of Asians spots (speaking on foreing countries)don't allow foreigners .. in just about every place they look at you bad, treat you hostile and discriminate against you ... etc ....

However, I will say that every race has racism built into them ...

Instead of minorities uplifting minorities they are ****ting all over each other .... which is really sad.
That's fair, and the type of response/discussion that I'd prefer to have. I definitely could've worded it better. It was in no way to diminish the racism minorities have had to endure in the U.S. and still live with today.
I 100% agree with you on the racism by Asian communities, especially elderly Asians. I mentioned it in a previous post that even though I am Asian I'd never live there because of their backwards views on other minorities


Bruh WTF did they expect Volunteering for WAR in another country

So **** got real and they wanted to leave? SMH
Just so everybody knows, that clown whining in that video is a "Bugaloo Boy", aka a Gravy Seal. He was with them at a BLM "counter-protest" carrying an AR in 2020. Typical fascist LARPer.

See this thread:

Yall already know what type of time they're on, so I wouldn't put too much stock into what he's saying. ***** went over there for some clout and got more than he bargained for. :smh: :lol:
Just so everybody knows, that clown whining in that video is a "Bugaloo Boy", aka a Gravy Seal. He was with them at a BLM "counter-protest" carrying an AR in 2020. Typical fascist LARPer.

See this thread:

Yall already know what type of time they're on, so I wouldn't put too much stock into what he's saying. ***** went over there for some clout and got more than he bargained for. :smh: :lol:

Damn…. trynafeelmink trynafeelmink out here posting proud boy propaganda videos :smh: :lol:
According to this member of the Georgia Legion, that Boogaloo Boy failed the vetting process. Most likely bc of his white supremacist, anarchist background.

Imagine traveling to a war zone on the other side of the world to live out your G.I. Joe LARP fantasy, and getting booted for being an extremist. God damn what a massive L. :rofl:
The fact people like this are still in a seat of power is crazy to me. She's obviously leans towards this war and Putin, yet, still, sits in congress, still has a seat for her state. These acts go unpunished. WILD. Straight up.
It's pathetic. Especially based on the fact that this country put Japanese people in concentration camps that were here for generations and just got locked up. She is displaying some treasonous rhetoric.
According to this member of the Georgia Legion, that Boogaloo Boy failed the vetting process. Most likely bc of his white supremacist, anarchist background.

Imagine traveling to a war zone on the other side of the world to live out your G.I. Joe LARP fantasy, and getting booted for being an extremist. God damn what a massive L. :rofl:

What a loser. :lol:

I would have put him on the very front line regardless tho.

What a way to live :lol:



Article goes on to say Russia would have to rely on China who seems to be the big winner in all this.
They have leverage over Russia and strike lucrative deals while still maintaning trade with the west.
I agree. The biggest winner in all this is China. A militarily weak neighbor in Russia. Western forces expending their military resources. China gets to watch how Russia and Western munitions operate and deploy. They get to monitor the cyber warfare and take notes. Economic impact to Russia and the world as a whole where they will be the hub of supply chains. Distrust between various world entities where Russia would have been mediator may now rely on China. Etc etc etc etc….
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