School Me On This Russia/Ukraine Kerfuffle


Something tells me you have an issue with me ignoring a particular narrative about the 2014 revolution, the biolab stories, and Hunter Biden...
To paint the US as some uninvolved bystander who did nothing to contribute to this situation is laughable. Assume whatever u like.
To paint the US as some uninvolved bystander who did nothing to contribute to this situation is laughable. Assume whatever u like.

I think you’re greatly under-estimating the Ukrainian people desire to join the EU and be more like the West. This wasn’t some CIA black Op to overthrow the government. They were massive protests that led to the ouster of a Putin puppet regime. US will always work in its interest and I think we should. The Ukrainian people voted for a non-puppet. And they don’t want a puppet. That’s why we are here, Putin tried to assassinate and install a puppet - that didn’t work, he tried rushing in with a broken *** military and scare the EU biased regime to run - they didn’t run and didn’t work, then he tried fighting the UA military - that didn’t work, then Putin tried again/still trying more assassinations - those aren’t working, now he’s trying to terrorize the country mass massive casualties to force the EU biased regime to give up - still not working. Why? Because the citizens of Ukraine want to be part of the EU and live a western life. The role the US is playing on this is minimal at best. Do we probably scrutinize elected leaders to make sure they are who they are and not another corrupt regime - damn right we better. Especially if they are getting US dollars and military assets.
To paint the US as some uninvolved bystander
The part of my comment you quoted literally mentions sanctions aimed at Russia and arms delivered to Ukraine (also forgot all the intelligence help they got from the US). Up until February, the main focus of the US was Asia and countering the rise of China. That's why I called this crisis a European problem.

Should the US be blamed for Ukrainians' foreign interests lining up with Western interests, especially when we see how the Ukrainian population has responded to the invasion? I don't think so.

Compare this situation to Syria, where there clearly were factions for and against Assad's leadership, and the civil war that resulted from those divisions, and you'll realize that if what Russia said about Ukrainian support for staying within their sphere of influence was true, they wouldn't have this much trouble conquering the country.
and to think the whole world feared Russian military for so long and now the Ukrainians are going to dismantle it with western weapons in a matter of months. And these imbeciles have nuclear codes. Definitely shows that the west military was design to annihilate USSR. We just evolved with high tech toys and guerrila warfare. Russian stayed in the 1940s. Without reprise of nukes, the west could easily mop up the entire Russian army in a matter of weeks. Not advocating - just a casual observation.


Guess Nazis are ok now
I can't imagine any legitimate reason why Russia's neighbors would rather be aligned with the West than with Russia /s
if you are asking this seriously then I have to share something about why. quite a few years ago, I had this conversation with a Ukrainian and how I was quite pro-Russia. without arguing, he said to me in a subtle manner, just be very careful with Russia. they are snakes and you cannot trust them. they want something in return and that something is more than you bargained for. it's pretty synonymous to making pact with the devil, if that makes sense. so, why would the neighbors be aligned with the prime evil? would you?
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