Sean Taylor dead at the age of 24.

they were talking about the fact that he kept a machette under his bed
Yeah, I saw too. He was probably just protecting himself,because he didn't have a gun. Seems like dude was turning it around too. Tough.
i don't like the ******** but u gotta respect sean taylor the player and individual. RIP and god bless his family and newborn child.

w/ this coverage
Watching Gibbs' press conference, it at least made me feel good to hear Gibbs say that Sean had a close relationship with the Lord and had been in everychapel service for the past couple years. It's at least comforting to know (if you're a Christian) that he's in heaven.
this is crazy he was my favorite defensive player. When he came to DC, it lifted the team, our Defense and the franchise

[/h1] [h1]Injury to femoral artery hard to treat[/h1]
Associated Press

Updated: November 27, 2007, 3:50 PM ET

The type of wound suffered by Washington ******** player Sean Taylor is among the most difficult to fix, trauma experts said Tuesday after the24-year-old gunshot victim died in a Miami hospital.

Even in a healthy young athlete with access to top trauma care, gunfire tearing through the main artery of the upper leg and abdomen can cause quick,massive blood loss. Doctors who treated Taylor have not given details of his injury or his emergency surgery, but several experts speculate that blood loss islikely what killed him.

Taylor was shot at his Miami home early Monday by an apparent intruder and airlifted to Jackson Memorial Hospital.

The body has two femoral arteries that branch off from about mid-abdomen into each thigh. They are among the body's biggest vessels, and in the groinarea and upper thigh, are about as big around as an index finger.

Stopping blood loss gushing from a bullet hole in that region can be extremely challenging if the wound is close to the groin. It would be hard to put atourniquet around it, said Dr. Gannon Dudlar, an emergency medicine specialist at the University of Illinois Medical Center in Chicago.

An injury of this type "essentially means you can lose all the blood in your whole body within five minutes," said Dr. Mary Pat McKay, director ofGeorge Washington University's Center for Injury Prevention and Control.

Rapid blood loss can prevent oxygen from reaching the brain and vital organs, leading to death.

"Everybody last night was breathing a sigh of relief that he survived the surgery, but his body went through" too long a period of blood loss,McKay guessed.

"Even a young healthy athlete, his body organs may be so compromised that they just can't continue," she said.

Dr. Fahim Habib, a trauma surgeon at Jackson Memorial where Taylor died, said massive blood loss sets into a motion a series of devastating events.

Blood pressure falls dangerously low, the body tries mightily to get blood to vital organs, and then the body's temperature drops below normal, saidHabib, speaking generally and with no knowledge of Taylor's specific injuries.

"When you get these three together, it's called the triad of death. Once that happens, it suggests that the physiologic injury is so severe thatthe body does not have the ability to overcome" it, Habib said.
if he lost so much blood couldnt they just give him a transfusion? or whatever it called?
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

if he lost so much blood couldnt they just give him a transfusion? or whatever it called?
If you read the above article...

An injury of this type "essentially means you can lose all the blood in your whole body within five minutes," said Dr. Mary Pat McKay, director ofGeorge Washington University's Center for Injury Prevention and Control. Rapid blood loss can prevent oxygen from reaching the brain and vital organs,leading to death.
I work for ESPN radio, and I think the radio has done a fairly decent job covering the story. Steven A. had alot of interesting things to say earlier today,BUT.....ESPN TV is disappointing me. Seems like they are hardly even talking about.

To me this is a pretty big story that needs to be talked about.
"Couldn't have this been Joe Gibbs instead? "

Chill with that. How u gon wish death on anybody?

I seriously can't get any work done today. This is so tragic.
I'm not a ******** fan, but I'm heartbroken over this whole entire situation. Sean Taylor did have a troublesome past, but does that make him less aperson than anybody else? He grew up with some problems but he made the most of his life by reaching his goals and seemingly was on the right track with goingto chapel services and the birth of his daughter was said to have a very positive impact on his life. The man was maturing into a great player, and from theopinions of some of his colleagues, maturing into an even better person. It's tragic, and a travesty that the media picks out all the negatives. R.I.P.Sean Taylor and God Bless~
Couldn't have this been Joe Gibbs instead?
relax.Did you even hear the Mike and Mike show. they had Mark Schlereth on and he recounted the time he was injured and Joe Gibbs pulled him intothe office to say he was praying for him everyday for his recovery and health. He said Joe Gibbs is a person who can help/lead the ******** through this toughtime. I am not too religious of a person right now, but that example touched me, and i have no doubts that he felt the same about Sean Taylor. although hehasn't had as much success as the 80s, when I myself lived in the DC area, he is still well respected..
I'm usually not moved when when people die I don't know but this hurts. Dude was my age and it really puts things in perspective. Just sad.
This doesnt even seem real
1 of my top five players of all time
Dude was only 24 who knows how much better he could have gotten.

RIP Sean Taylor condolences to the family
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