Sean Taylor dead at the age of 24.

Wow, heard about his passing earlier this morning. I was really expecting to hear that he's doing well. But my condolences goes out to his Family and prayers go out to them.
[color= rgb(255, 204, 0)]R.I.P Sean Taylor #21[/color]
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

This guy's death was tragic, but deaths like these can be prevented so long as you just reffrain from making yourself accessible to others and inviting trouble. People don't seem to get it.

This could have happened to ANYONE. There are home invasions, robberies, etc every day but they just don't get national attention. Of course all of the focus on ST is due to his stature, but I hope no one thinks that they are immune to a certain type of situation due to where they live. He was in a good neighborhood, and ultimately died protecting his family. It's a damn shame the way things went down, but God forbid that he wasn't there and just his fiancee and daughter were in the house. From my assumption, someone was out to get him or his belongings by any means necessary.

I think it's becoming pretty obvious this wasn't a random break-in... you don't have your house broken into 4 times in one year... Somebody was out to get him or somebody in his family.

It doesn't make the situation any less tragic... i'm just saying, this doesn't seem like the picture you're trying to paint.

Exactly. This was no random break-in. Nothing was taken from him. I know that there are home invasions and nothing is taken, but seriously, STplayed in the NFL and lived in a $900,000 home. There was bound to be something of a lot of value in his home, yet nothing was taken. Again, not a randombreak-in. Somebody had it in for him
@ espn for saying he was going to be remembered because of his gun charges....i hate how the media down black individuals
i heard that it wasn;t just breaking into the home but into his room..... he was definitely targeted. i seriously doubt this to be random......
Someone definitely did this with intent. Crazy stuff, hopefully the police figure it out
damn that SUCKS. he was on his way (seemed like anyways) to getting his NFL career on track.

RIP young man. hope there are more punters wherever you are to level.
Before falling asleep, I kept thinking that even though ST had an uphill battle, everything was going to be alright. Driving to work this morning, I heard the news and my heart sank. For a guy who I didn't know personally, it really stung.
my heart cries again with all the Cane nation and ******* nation. Last year Bryan Pata's murder was hard and still no suspects. I pray thatthis is not much of the same. Both murders seem to be more than meets the eye. Our youth just is running crazy. down here like in MANY other cities around thecountry and world people getting killed over%!!+@%%!%. This sounds like a either a deliberate murder or as in some reports the robbers found his safe the otherday but did not get inside and came back with the intentions of getting in.

RIP SEAN TAYLOR my heart weeps.... for u and your FAMILY.
ESPN is pissing me off too. Everytime they finish up a segment about it, they bring up his past run-ins with the law, or more recently they were talking about the fact that he kept a machette under his bed. it seems like they are waiting for a reason to try and make him look like the bad guy.

They have to, it is something that cannot be ignored. From the little information that is available, this does not sound, look and feel like a home invasioncrime. I was thinking about it this morning. Sean Taylor was a target, for reasons that we do not know yet. The media is going to speculate. Some aresaying that the media's job is to report the news. Yes, maybe 20-25 years ago. Now they not only report, they speculate, they investigate, they lookdeeper into crimes than the authorities, especially when it comes to high profile crimes.

I like what Kornheiser said today, yes I watch PTI, but he made a good point, he basically said that he wishes he could be a fan about this. However hecan't since he is cynical by trade. They have to look deeper into these things. They can't be like fans and look at it as a player was lost, weshould respect him and not say much after that.m They want to find out why it happened and inform the general public about what happened.

I don't think they are trying to put a "black individual/athlete" down, there is a shady past, and of course the media is going to look into it. Really, how naive are you guys? The media is going to look at every angle.
I gotta give SERIOUS props to just about everyone here in S&T. The compassion that you all have shown has been astounding. I know we all have ourdifferences as far as who we root for, who we jeer, etc etc, but THAT is exactly what makes the NT S&T forum the best board on the net. However, just tosee everyone put all of that aside to show support for the Sean Taylor, the ********, and just being here for one another during this difficult time is atestament to how caring you all really are. I have had a pit in my stomach all day due to everything going on, and it has been hard to keep the tears back.Thanks for everything you all have said, and again the show of support has been incredible. The Skins board has been flooded with remembrance threads,well-wishes, etc. This has been no different here in S&T. RIP to a great man, who is no doubt ballhawking up in heaven with God.
Why do people feel the need to preface their condolences by saying, "im not a ******** fan but" or "even though im a cowboysfan"....... come on yall, a human being died tragically. What team they played on is irrelevant at this point. Don't try to put sports and human lifeon the same wavelength.
He was bound for greatness. Sad day for ******** fans everywhere. I followed the guy all the way out of the draft and was overjoyed that the 'Skins pickedhim. He would have been, if not already was, one of the best safety's of this generation. He will be missed.

But on a sidenote, I find it curious that he died from a loss of blood, especially since it was his leg that was shot. Who dies from a loss of blood when theyhave immediate care nowadays anyway? Something's fishy, or maybe I'm just being paranoid...
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