Serious Topic: Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?


how can pro choice be called pro choice when when irresponsible (with exceptions) women has an option to abort when abortion takes away the choice of afetus' will to be born and live
Originally Posted by Keithahundred

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Pro-Life except for rape victims
co-sign. if you can sit up and have sex then you can sit up take care of a child
You really think the jumpoffs and bustdowns of today are fit to bring a child onto this earth when they are living so irresponsibly themselves?They are doing their kids, themselves and society a favor aborting them.
Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Pro-life except in cases of rape and incest.

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by Keithahundred

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Pro-Life except for rape victims
co-sign. if you can sit up and have sex then you can sit up take care of a child
You really think the jumpoffs and bustdowns of today are fit to bring a child onto this earth when they are living so irresponsibly themselves? They are doing their kids, themselves and society a favor aborting them.
So then we should also abort the jumpoffs and bustdowns as well to do society and themselves a favor.
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by Keithahundred

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Pro-Life except for rape victims
co-sign. if you can sit up and have sex then you can sit up take care of a child
You really think the jumpoffs and bustdowns of today are fit to bring a child onto this earth when they are living so irresponsibly themselves? They are doing their kids, themselves and society a favor aborting them.
So then we should also abort the jumpoffs and bustdowns as well to do society and themselves a favor.
That doesn't make sense unless abort is code for kill those JOs and BDs now
on some Cartman's mom shhh
People should be responsible enough to not have a kid when they don't want/can't support one. The only circumstance that I think that abortion would beacceptable(aside from rape) would be if the baby has a disease that hinders it from having a happy life. If the baby is going to be born with a disease likeAutism, then why make them suffer? But certain diseases aren't able to be detected, atleast not in the fetus stage, so I don't believe that abortionshould be as widespread as it is.
Pro-Choice. I feel abortion is just as "unethical" as contraceptives and swallowing. Miss me with the "but God said..." stuff.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by Keithahundred

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Pro-Life except for rape victims
co-sign. if you can sit up and have sex then you can sit up take care of a child
You really think the jumpoffs and bustdowns of today are fit to bring a child onto this earth when they are living so irresponsibly themselves? They are doing their kids, themselves and society a favor aborting them.
ok my thing is this nobody wants they baby mother to be a JO right??? But yet we can sit up knock as many of them down and enjoy it until one getknocked up and its "oh god what have I done" we call them jump offs and bustdown....but if you're busting their walls down then they areobviously fit to have your kid, since they were fit to lay up with

besides when it comes down to it us men really dont have a say so, its all about the woman
Pro-Life if its my kid, Pro-choice for everyone else

No one should impose their morality on other adults
Originally Posted by SF JS

Pro-choice. God doesn't give a baby life, the mother does, at the cost of a part of hers. So if she doesn't want to make this exchange/sacrifice, NO ONE has the right to force her to.

wait so by your logics, your mom can kill you right now and it would perfectly fine and legal?

your parents raised you, spend money on you, gave you your physical form so in theory you are in debt to them for life.

But what happens if one day they decide to kill you because they can't afford to raise you anymore. Would you let them kill you or would you resist?
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by Keithahundred

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Pro-Life except for rape victims
co-sign. if you can sit up and have sex then you can sit up take care of a child
You really think the jumpoffs and bustdowns of today are fit to bring a child onto this earth when they are living so irresponsibly themselves? They are doing their kids, themselves and society a favor aborting them.
Having the baby would hopefully change them and make them live a totally different lifestyle. For some people, it would help put things inperspective.
Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

Originally Posted by SF JS

Pro-choice. God doesn't give a baby life, the mother does, at the cost of a part of hers. So if she doesn't want to make this exchange/sacrifice, NO ONE has the right to force her to.

wait so by your logics, your mom can kill you right now and it would perfectly fine and legal?

No, by my logic, my mother could have aborted me anytime I was still inside her and living off the nutrients of her body.

your parents raised you, spend money on you, gave you your physical form so in theory you are in debt to them for life.
to a certain point, yes.

But what happens if one day they decide to kill you because they can't afford to raise you anymore. Would you let them kill you or would you resist?
This is a completely different situation, I'm already alive, my life doesn't directly depend on my mother. Please refrain from making upsilly hypothetical situations.
What I'm saying is until a woman actually gives birth to a baby, meaning before the baby comes out and starts breathing on its own, the baby doesn't have an inherent right to live.
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