So does Malcom X having homosexual relations change your view on him?

Someone's sexuality should not diminsh their legacy.
UNLESS, they are being hypocritical and speaking out on homosexuality, prostitution, etc. and they get caught doing what they supposedly condemn.
Much like what happens to politicians and religious folk.
Did Malcolm ever publicly speak on homosexuality? I have no clue.
It's weird to me to have dudes in here saying it's "the man" trying to discredit Malcolm when the cat who wrote the book is black.

Someone's sexuality should not diminsh their legacy.
UNLESS, they are being hypocritical and speaking out on homosexuality, prostitution, etc. and they get caught doing what they supposedly condemn.
Much like what happens to politicians and religious folk.
Did Malcolm ever publicly speak on homosexuality? I have no clue.
It's weird to me to have dudes in here saying it's "the man" trying to discredit Malcolm when the cat who wrote the book is black.

Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by solesavage

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Some of the most powerful men in history where gay/bisexual (Eg. Alexander the Great)...

I'm not homophobic or ignorant, so I don't equate homosexuality to tarnishing the image of the "black man" in this country. Out of the long list of things that tarnishes the image of black men, homosexuality is at the bottom.

With that being said, if true this doesn't change my view on him but it does make me more "interested" in his story.
 seriously.. dudes on here upset cuz' this will tarnish Malcolm's image as a gun-totting ex goon. 

Word, a lot of ignorant folks are gonna start tearing down their Malcom X posters.

"will hopefully help undermine the decades of denialism by those who misguidedly regard homosexuality as shameful and unAfrican."

Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by solesavage

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Some of the most powerful men in history where gay/bisexual (Eg. Alexander the Great)...

I'm not homophobic or ignorant, so I don't equate homosexuality to tarnishing the image of the "black man" in this country. Out of the long list of things that tarnishes the image of black men, homosexuality is at the bottom.

With that being said, if true this doesn't change my view on him but it does make me more "interested" in his story.
 seriously.. dudes on here upset cuz' this will tarnish Malcolm's image as a gun-totting ex goon. 

Word, a lot of ignorant folks are gonna start tearing down their Malcom X posters.

"will hopefully help undermine the decades of denialism by those who misguidedly regard homosexuality as shameful and unAfrican."

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by LarryEastwood

You guys don't realize what they are doing? They came out with facts that Martin had multiple affairs and now Malcolm is Gay. When people of the future look back they will think that we were uncivilized. But this is complete bologna another attempt of by the "man" to discredit the black man..smh
Um.........MLK did have multiple affairs? Doesn't make me think any less of him, he wasn't a "Saint". He is a man like you and I and liked vagina. Many white men in history were sexual degenerates. Some of this country's founding fathers frequented brothels and had illegitimate children with slaves. These accounts are well documented, and doesn't make white people think any less of them.

Bill Clinton's sex scandal didn't make me think that much less of him as a president, as long as it didn't interfere with his job.

Malcom is gay....big whoop. The only people that equate this to discrediting the black man probably think less of homosexuals and are projecting their attitude toward homosexuals to the perceived "image" of the black man.
QFT...That was my point of this thread really. To see all the people come in and say "the white man is trying to discredit blacks."  Like it just came out that Gandhi did gay !%+@, same was suggested about Lincoln in a book a while back.  The only ones who would let this affect what they thought of Malcom are black men who are homophobic.  A person's sex life/orientation should not influence how you view a man and his accomplishments.  This is only "uncivilized" to those who have ingrained prejudices.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by LarryEastwood

You guys don't realize what they are doing? They came out with facts that Martin had multiple affairs and now Malcolm is Gay. When people of the future look back they will think that we were uncivilized. But this is complete bologna another attempt of by the "man" to discredit the black man..smh
Um.........MLK did have multiple affairs? Doesn't make me think any less of him, he wasn't a "Saint". He is a man like you and I and liked vagina. Many white men in history were sexual degenerates. Some of this country's founding fathers frequented brothels and had illegitimate children with slaves. These accounts are well documented, and doesn't make white people think any less of them.

Bill Clinton's sex scandal didn't make me think that much less of him as a president, as long as it didn't interfere with his job.

Malcom is gay....big whoop. The only people that equate this to discrediting the black man probably think less of homosexuals and are projecting their attitude toward homosexuals to the perceived "image" of the black man.
QFT...That was my point of this thread really. To see all the people come in and say "the white man is trying to discredit blacks."  Like it just came out that Gandhi did gay !%+@, same was suggested about Lincoln in a book a while back.  The only ones who would let this affect what they thought of Malcom are black men who are homophobic.  A person's sex life/orientation should not influence how you view a man and his accomplishments.  This is only "uncivilized" to those who have ingrained prejudices.
Originally Posted by JBug88

Someone's sexuality should not diminsh their legacy.
UNLESS, they are being hypocritical and speaking out on homosexuality, prostitution, etc. and they get caught doing what they supposedly condemn.
Much like what happens to politicians and religious folk.
Did Malcolm ever publicly speak on homosexuality? I have no clue.
It's weird to me to have dudes in here saying it's "the man" trying to discredit Malcolm when the cat who wrote the book is black.

that really doesnt mean anything, look at Ayaan Hirsi Ali.  she's basically become a tool for the west to use against islam, since she herself is a muslim, even though she completely misrepresents islam.
Originally Posted by JBug88

Someone's sexuality should not diminsh their legacy.
UNLESS, they are being hypocritical and speaking out on homosexuality, prostitution, etc. and they get caught doing what they supposedly condemn.
Much like what happens to politicians and religious folk.
Did Malcolm ever publicly speak on homosexuality? I have no clue.
It's weird to me to have dudes in here saying it's "the man" trying to discredit Malcolm when the cat who wrote the book is black.

that really doesnt mean anything, look at Ayaan Hirsi Ali.  she's basically become a tool for the west to use against islam, since she herself is a muslim, even though she completely misrepresents islam.
Originally Posted by youngj00

Originally Posted by oo206oo



At this point that's all they are. Either way, it wouldn't change my view of him. I don't understand why it's even important enough to research.
Originally Posted by youngj00

Originally Posted by oo206oo



At this point that's all they are. Either way, it wouldn't change my view of him. I don't understand why it's even important enough to research.
all i know is that anyone who takes Malcom or Martins words as words to live by are fools.

they are the opinions of men suggesting the way they feel is right.

how highly can you regard a man's words, indeed his "Truths" of ANYTHING... if he cannot even bear to align to his own sexual orientation?

or to paraphrase my homeboy Big Dre to a exposed "down low brother" who was a pretty close friend to everyone in the hood

"If you cant tell me you like boy butt, then how can i trust you blood?"
all i know is that anyone who takes Malcom or Martins words as words to live by are fools.

they are the opinions of men suggesting the way they feel is right.

how highly can you regard a man's words, indeed his "Truths" of ANYTHING... if he cannot even bear to align to his own sexual orientation?

or to paraphrase my homeboy Big Dre to a exposed "down low brother" who was a pretty close friend to everyone in the hood

"If you cant tell me you like boy butt, then how can i trust you blood?"
Originally Posted by Guppetto

Guppetto said:
sreggie101 said:
Guppetto said:
airmaxpenny1 said:
@ these responses this is the man who wrote the book.  The black communities "homophobia."


But I'm sure he was just trying to "discredit" Malcom
.  Why would Malcom having sex with a man discredit anything he did.  He also talks about who killed Malcom and brings new info to light.  Just started reading it but I'd suggest everybody try picking it up.

I don't care if he's purple, It's no coincidence that these stories keep getting dropped in the media to slowly but surely try to massage people attitudes about Gay Rights and Civil Rights. The two aren't related. Oppressing and mistreating people is closely related to gay rights, but there are thousands of years of history on civilizations that have fought that struggle

i find this statement very interesting...could you expand on this? (not saying you're wrong by any means btw)


To compare the gay Rights Movement To the Civil Rights Movement is like deleting the Slavery part that led to the civil rights movement. Gay people are definitely wrongly ostracized, mistreated, and denied some of the rights other citizens in this country have access to. You can find people all throughout history that have faced this type struggle. However, Gay People were not taken from their homeland, forced into indentured servitude, beaten as a form of mental conditioning, raped as a form of resource management, had their families forcefully split up, taught to hate their skin color, stripped of religion, denied education etc.... just to create a cheap labor workforce. The Civil rights movement is bigger than Social acceptance, voting rights, marriage rights and perceived equal opportunity. Anyone that knows black history would tell you, compared to slaves, Gay people have it a 1000 times better. Wrong is wrong but slavery is a "Whole other type of wrong" (Please excuse my English)! The Holocaust is probably the only thing that comes close in comparison, but even it didn't last 400 years.

You have to see how the media shapes the attitudes of people. For Instance, Conservatives convinced Americans they didn't need a comprehensive Universal Healthcare plan simply by saying it's to expensive long enough in the media. Now we already have the most expensive comprehensive healthcare system in the world called "the trip to the emergency room with no insurance", leading to tax payers footing the bill. However, if you float an idea long enough so that people become numb to it, you can mentally condition them to accept it. Once they include an idea in their generic understanding of the way things are, it's amazing what other seemingly logical conclusions you can lead people to.

well said. and i'd agree on all of this. these allegations are interesting to me in the sense that i can def see people using them as means to downplay X's achievements/struggle/etc.
Originally Posted by Guppetto

Guppetto said:
sreggie101 said:
Guppetto said:
airmaxpenny1 said:
@ these responses this is the man who wrote the book.  The black communities "homophobia."


But I'm sure he was just trying to "discredit" Malcom
.  Why would Malcom having sex with a man discredit anything he did.  He also talks about who killed Malcom and brings new info to light.  Just started reading it but I'd suggest everybody try picking it up.

I don't care if he's purple, It's no coincidence that these stories keep getting dropped in the media to slowly but surely try to massage people attitudes about Gay Rights and Civil Rights. The two aren't related. Oppressing and mistreating people is closely related to gay rights, but there are thousands of years of history on civilizations that have fought that struggle

i find this statement very interesting...could you expand on this? (not saying you're wrong by any means btw)


To compare the gay Rights Movement To the Civil Rights Movement is like deleting the Slavery part that led to the civil rights movement. Gay people are definitely wrongly ostracized, mistreated, and denied some of the rights other citizens in this country have access to. You can find people all throughout history that have faced this type struggle. However, Gay People were not taken from their homeland, forced into indentured servitude, beaten as a form of mental conditioning, raped as a form of resource management, had their families forcefully split up, taught to hate their skin color, stripped of religion, denied education etc.... just to create a cheap labor workforce. The Civil rights movement is bigger than Social acceptance, voting rights, marriage rights and perceived equal opportunity. Anyone that knows black history would tell you, compared to slaves, Gay people have it a 1000 times better. Wrong is wrong but slavery is a "Whole other type of wrong" (Please excuse my English)! The Holocaust is probably the only thing that comes close in comparison, but even it didn't last 400 years.

You have to see how the media shapes the attitudes of people. For Instance, Conservatives convinced Americans they didn't need a comprehensive Universal Healthcare plan simply by saying it's to expensive long enough in the media. Now we already have the most expensive comprehensive healthcare system in the world called "the trip to the emergency room with no insurance", leading to tax payers footing the bill. However, if you float an idea long enough so that people become numb to it, you can mentally condition them to accept it. Once they include an idea in their generic understanding of the way things are, it's amazing what other seemingly logical conclusions you can lead people to.

well said. and i'd agree on all of this. these allegations are interesting to me in the sense that i can def see people using them as means to downplay X's achievements/struggle/etc.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by solesavage
 seriously.. dudes on here upset cuz' this will tarnish Malcolm's image as a gun-totting ex goon. 

Word, a lot of ignorant folks are gonna start tearing down their Malcom X posters.

"will hopefully help undermine the decades of denialism by those who misguidedly regard homosexuality as shameful and unAfrican."

You would just arbitrarily accept THIS as the truth. Disgusting.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by solesavage
 seriously.. dudes on here upset cuz' this will tarnish Malcolm's image as a gun-totting ex goon. 

Word, a lot of ignorant folks are gonna start tearing down their Malcom X posters.

"will hopefully help undermine the decades of denialism by those who misguidedly regard homosexuality as shameful and unAfrican."

You would just arbitrarily accept THIS as the truth. Disgusting.
A person's sex life/orientation should not influence how you view a man and his accomplishments

LOL.  You dudes are obviously out of touch with reality in regards to what a man is suppose to be all about, more power to you and others though.   
A person's sex life/orientation should not influence how you view a man and his accomplishments

LOL.  You dudes are obviously out of touch with reality in regards to what a man is suppose to be all about, more power to you and others though.   
If I knew for a fact that it was true it would definately affect the way I look at Malcolm. I always thought he was one of our few black leaders who actually lived what he preached
If I knew for a fact that it was true it would definately affect the way I look at Malcolm. I always thought he was one of our few black leaders who actually lived what he preached
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