So does Malcom X having homosexual relations change your view on him?

Originally Posted by Deuce King

A person's sex life/orientation should not influence how you view a man and his accomplishments

LOL.  You dudes are obviously out of touch with reality in regards to what a man is suppose to be all about, more power to you and others though.   
You're an imbecile.

Dude is the epitome of a strong black man homosexuality has always been viewed as taboo and unnatural in the black community.Its not acceptable .Its always been associated with weakness.This dude set the standards for alot of young black males and is a hero to many of us. To see them say that would make young black males feel alienated by a hero and cast doubt on his actions and beliefs.He wouldn't be viewed as the hero he was anymore.
If Malcom's struggles and all he did for you could be wiped away from history because of his past sexual desires, then you are doing a greater disservice to your community than the black folks shucking and jiving on street corners in the 20s.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

A person's sex life/orientation should not influence how you view a man and his accomplishments

LOL.  You dudes are obviously out of touch with reality in regards to what a man is suppose to be all about, more power to you and others though.   
You're an imbecile.

Dude is the epitome of a strong black man homosexuality has always been viewed as taboo and unnatural in the black community.Its not acceptable .Its always been associated with weakness.This dude set the standards for alot of young black males and is a hero to many of us. To see them say that would make young black males feel alienated by a hero and cast doubt on his actions and beliefs.He wouldn't be viewed as the hero he was anymore.
If Malcom's struggles and all he did for you could be wiped away from history because of his past sexual desires, then you are doing a greater disservice to your community than the black folks shucking and jiving on street corners in the 20s.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

How anybody can believe this book, which is filled with ALLEGATIONS and from a dead author no less is crazy.  Also, anyone who doesn't believe a story or book like this is done on purpose to try and bring black leaders like Malcolm X and others down a notch is clearly not thinking properly.  You think if Ronald Reagan had allegations of him being gay that those stories would leak out to the general public or even a book would even make it to the book shelf to be sold...............that thing wouldn't even get approved to be published, it just wouldn't happen, not for THEIR hero.  See alot of you dudes fall for the banana in the tailpipe every time and some of the posts in here are a prime example of that.
Well, the guy died literally a few days ago.  And the guy was one of the leading African-American scholars of his time.

Wiki's brief bio of Manning Marable:
Marable was born in Dayton, Ohio. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree from Earlham College and his PhD from University of Maryland. Marable taught at the University of Colorado at Boulder and Ohio State University, where he was chairman of the Department of Black Studies. He later took a position at Columbia University. Marable also served as the founding director of the Africana and Hispanic Studies Program at Colgate University.[sup][2][/sup]

Marable served as Chair of Movement for a Democratic Society (MDS).[sup][4][/sup] Marable served on the Board of Directors for the Hip-Hop Summit Action Network (HSAN), a non-profit coalition of public figures working to utilize hip-hop as an agent for social change.[sup][5][/sup] Marable was also a member of the New York Legislature's Amistad Commission, created to review state curriculum regarding the slave trade.[sup][6][/sup]

It was reported in June 2004 by activist group Racism Watch that Marable had called for immediate action to be taken to end the U.S. military's use of Raphael Patai's book The Arab Mind which Marable described as "a book full of racially charged stereotypes and generalizations."[sup][7][/sup] In a 2008 column, Marable endorsed Senator Barack Obama's bid for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination.

Out of all people you think this guy would really have an agenda or working for the "evil white man," to paint Malcolm gay...It was one time in his life, I doubt Malcolm was actually gay he just had one intimate encounter with another man.  White people don't give a $!*$ about Malcolm anymore to spend time try painting him gay, while he is arguably the most influential African-American thinker, the dude is dead and the movement he was trying to lead as well.  There is no evil corporation trying to paint Malcom as a homosexual, it is only through 20 years of research by one of the most decorated and respected African-American scholars of his time.  But yea, continue to wallow in your ignorance, and false machismo.  Being gay made Bayard Rustin, James Baldwin and Langston Hughes all less real black men though

Originally Posted by Deuce King

How anybody can believe this book, which is filled with ALLEGATIONS and from a dead author no less is crazy.  Also, anyone who doesn't believe a story or book like this is done on purpose to try and bring black leaders like Malcolm X and others down a notch is clearly not thinking properly.  You think if Ronald Reagan had allegations of him being gay that those stories would leak out to the general public or even a book would even make it to the book shelf to be sold...............that thing wouldn't even get approved to be published, it just wouldn't happen, not for THEIR hero.  See alot of you dudes fall for the banana in the tailpipe every time and some of the posts in here are a prime example of that.
Well, the guy died literally a few days ago.  And the guy was one of the leading African-American scholars of his time.

Wiki's brief bio of Manning Marable:
Marable was born in Dayton, Ohio. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree from Earlham College and his PhD from University of Maryland. Marable taught at the University of Colorado at Boulder and Ohio State University, where he was chairman of the Department of Black Studies. He later took a position at Columbia University. Marable also served as the founding director of the Africana and Hispanic Studies Program at Colgate University.[sup][2][/sup]

Marable served as Chair of Movement for a Democratic Society (MDS).[sup][4][/sup] Marable served on the Board of Directors for the Hip-Hop Summit Action Network (HSAN), a non-profit coalition of public figures working to utilize hip-hop as an agent for social change.[sup][5][/sup] Marable was also a member of the New York Legislature's Amistad Commission, created to review state curriculum regarding the slave trade.[sup][6][/sup]

It was reported in June 2004 by activist group Racism Watch that Marable had called for immediate action to be taken to end the U.S. military's use of Raphael Patai's book The Arab Mind which Marable described as "a book full of racially charged stereotypes and generalizations."[sup][7][/sup] In a 2008 column, Marable endorsed Senator Barack Obama's bid for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination.

Out of all people you think this guy would really have an agenda or working for the "evil white man," to paint Malcolm gay...It was one time in his life, I doubt Malcolm was actually gay he just had one intimate encounter with another man.  White people don't give a $!*$ about Malcolm anymore to spend time try painting him gay, while he is arguably the most influential African-American thinker, the dude is dead and the movement he was trying to lead as well.  There is no evil corporation trying to paint Malcom as a homosexual, it is only through 20 years of research by one of the most decorated and respected African-American scholars of his time.  But yea, continue to wallow in your ignorance, and false machismo.  Being gay made Bayard Rustin, James Baldwin and Langston Hughes all less real black men though

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by Deuce King

A person's sex life/orientation should not influence how you view a man and his accomplishments

LOL.  You dudes are obviously out of touch with reality in regards to what a man is suppose to be all about, more power to you and others though.   
You're an imbecile.

Dude is the epitome of a strong black man homosexuality has always been viewed as taboo and unnatural in the black community.Its not acceptable .Its always been associated with weakness.This dude set the standards for alot of young black males and is a hero to many of us. To see them say that would make young black males feel alienated by a hero and cast doubt on his actions and beliefs.He wouldn't be viewed as the hero he was anymore.
If Malcom's struggles and all he did for you could be wiped away from history because of his past sexual desires, then you are doing a greater disservice to your community than the black folks shucking and jiving on street corners in the 20s.

No I wouldnt be but it would cast doubt on him and could errode his influence on black males.Like another poster said dude was held at a higher standard and was  a huge voice to this day in the community.Something like this would hurt his legacy .
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by Deuce King

A person's sex life/orientation should not influence how you view a man and his accomplishments

LOL.  You dudes are obviously out of touch with reality in regards to what a man is suppose to be all about, more power to you and others though.   
You're an imbecile.

Dude is the epitome of a strong black man homosexuality has always been viewed as taboo and unnatural in the black community.Its not acceptable .Its always been associated with weakness.This dude set the standards for alot of young black males and is a hero to many of us. To see them say that would make young black males feel alienated by a hero and cast doubt on his actions and beliefs.He wouldn't be viewed as the hero he was anymore.
If Malcom's struggles and all he did for you could be wiped away from history because of his past sexual desires, then you are doing a greater disservice to your community than the black folks shucking and jiving on street corners in the 20s.

No I wouldnt be but it would cast doubt on him and could errode his influence on black males.Like another poster said dude was held at a higher standard and was  a huge voice to this day in the community.Something like this would hurt his legacy .
Originally Posted by anygivensunday

Originally Posted by HankMoody

Michael Eric Dyson even praised the book...

Black guy praised the book, so it must be true.

I just found out that he was paid 1 millllllllliooooon dollars for his opinion. Yea so disregard that previous post in light of new information.
Originally Posted by anygivensunday

Originally Posted by HankMoody

Michael Eric Dyson even praised the book...

Black guy praised the book, so it must be true.

I just found out that he was paid 1 millllllllliooooon dollars for his opinion. Yea so disregard that previous post in light of new information.
Originally Posted by anygivensunday

Originally Posted by HankMoody

Michael Eric Dyson even praised the book...

Black guy praised the book, so it must be true.
Black guy prasing it, no...leading scholar in his field prasing it, yes.

I know most Niketalkers graduated from Everest College but there is a big difference between allegations and the research that Mr. Marable did.  I know most of you don't read books but the book is widely being lauded by people of all creeds and colors.  Spike Lee was tweeting about how good the book was but yea its still just an evil white man conspiracy to make black people gay.
Originally Posted by anygivensunday

Originally Posted by HankMoody

Michael Eric Dyson even praised the book...

Black guy praised the book, so it must be true.
Black guy prasing it, no...leading scholar in his field prasing it, yes.

I know most Niketalkers graduated from Everest College but there is a big difference between allegations and the research that Mr. Marable did.  I know most of you don't read books but the book is widely being lauded by people of all creeds and colors.  Spike Lee was tweeting about how good the book was but yea its still just an evil white man conspiracy to make black people gay.
If sexual relations with another man hurts his legacy, his legacy was nonexistent.
And AMP, you've convinced me to add this book to my Kindle. I can honestly say I'm not well read on the man at all aside from the 10 minutes of lecture he got in my history class in high school.
If sexual relations with another man hurts his legacy, his legacy was nonexistent.
And AMP, you've convinced me to add this book to my Kindle. I can honestly say I'm not well read on the man at all aside from the 10 minutes of lecture he got in my history class in high school.
It clears as day that alot of you don't know what it takes and means to be a black man in general.  Also, for the black dudes in here that are once again allowing the wool to be pulled over their's never too late to come back home brotha, if I can call you that......brotha/brothas.
It clears as day that alot of you don't know what it takes and means to be a black man in general.  Also, for the black dudes in here that are once again allowing the wool to be pulled over their's never too late to come back home brotha, if I can call you that......brotha/brothas.
Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

I refuse to believe it .It would affect how I viewed him.Mods lock this up please all you idiots making jokes need to quit nothing funny about this at all.It would tarnish his legacy .

 please explain in your own words how this will tarnish his legacy. 

Dude is the epitome of a strong black man homosexuality has always been viewed as taboo and unnatural in the black community.Its not acceptable .Its always been associated with weakness.This dude RAPPERS set the standards for alot of young black males and is a hero to many of us. To see them say that would make young black males feel alienated by a hero and cast doubt on his actions and beliefs.He wouldn't be viewed as the hero he was anymore.

fixed for modern day relevance. you can add athletes and jail culture to that list of black youth influences too, unfortunately.
Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

I refuse to believe it .It would affect how I viewed him.Mods lock this up please all you idiots making jokes need to quit nothing funny about this at all.It would tarnish his legacy .

 please explain in your own words how this will tarnish his legacy. 

Dude is the epitome of a strong black man homosexuality has always been viewed as taboo and unnatural in the black community.Its not acceptable .Its always been associated with weakness.This dude RAPPERS set the standards for alot of young black males and is a hero to many of us. To see them say that would make young black males feel alienated by a hero and cast doubt on his actions and beliefs.He wouldn't be viewed as the hero he was anymore.

fixed for modern day relevance. you can add athletes and jail culture to that list of black youth influences too, unfortunately.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

It clears as day that alot of you don't know what it takes and means to be a black man in general.  Also, for the black dudes in here that are once again allowing the wool to be pulled over their's never too late to come back home brotha, if I can call you that......brotha/brothas.
How about you actually pick up the book first before you make a judgment clown
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