So I just turned 25, and for my birthday I copped some Rogaine- testimonials?

Next time you are out, try to notice how many dudes, young and old , are bald/balding.  If you actually trying to pay attention to it, you'd be surprised how many you see.  Something like 60% of guys get baldness.  It ain't the end of the world.  There a lot worse things that can happen to you.
I feel bad for the younger people who have this, thank god I have a full head of hair.

But my friend who hooks me up at FL is in the same boat. He usually rocks a Yankees fitted, but now has decided to the the L and just get a skin fade all around. He just turned 21, that sucks man. I used to make fun of him in HS but now I really feel bad. It really shatters your confidence.
i'll never go bald....i have the opposite problem too much hair on my head. i dunno why i bother getting haircuts
i read that olive oil works im trying that now mines isnt that bad yet but ive mentally prepared to go bald tho...........
My dads punk *++ is in his 50's and has all his hair. I started balding at 24.

To DC, if he is black tell him to cut it bald and have the clean shaven look. To other races ioknow.
Originally Posted by Russ tha G

If you catch your hair loss early enough and have a bit of luck on your side, the stuff genuinely works. Within days of routine usage, I noticed signs ofregrowth. After about a month, it got to the point where it is now, and I assume will remain. I am thoroughly satisfied with it--I was getting to the pointwhere I couldn't even get a line up on my temple-area
Now, it's practically like it was in high school

Also, I'm not sure what product you got or how much it is, but you can get Rogaine for about $10/bottle if you buy it in 3+ month supplies. Compared tohair surgeries, which [bi]start[/i] around $4,000, Rogaine is a good buy if you're seeing results. It would take 400 months of Rogaine use for thelowest-priced surgery to pay for itself. Granted, with the surgery, you won't have to worry about putting the stuff on twice a day, and it would be morepermanent, but chances are a good, encompassing surgery would probably be closer to $10k.

It was kind of embarrassing an story at first, but I'm satisfied with it and the info could probably help others.

Excuse my ignorance as I'm not very informed on the topic but I do have a question. So Rogaine will never permanently fix the problem over x amount of time? You just have to continually put it on your head twice a day for eternity?
I am receding like crazy in the front.  I have thick dark hair and it looks worse because of that. It does help because I'm taller so the girls cant notice as much lol.

NT is the worst place to talk about receding hairlines but the jokes can be funny lol.

This is a few months back and its getting worse. I keep it super short tho or it looks way worse. I let it get a little longer and this dude the other day asked me if I had a fohawk
...I said naw its natural dude. lol.

I should post a pic but I dont own a flamesuit

Originally Posted by RawSheed

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

DaFittedKing wrote:

u get it from your mothers father...not your parents
Yep. I believe that a lot of genetic traits skip a generation.
recessive genes/traits FTL. of hair

I've said it before but the whole mother's side thing with hair loss is false. My grandfather on my mom's side had hair as well as his father. But my dad has a receding/ thinning hair as well as his dad.

I took this from a site:

1) Baldness is passed down from your mother's side: False

Genetic hair loss, or androgenetic alopecia, is considered the main cause of hair loss in women and in men. According to the Hair Loss Learning Center, genetics accounts for 95% of male hair loss. Long considered a trait inherited from our mother's side, genetic hair loss actually results from a combination of the genes from our mother's and our father's sides. So, although you can't entirely predict the future of your hairline based on your mother's or your father's scalp, you can get a good indicator from comparing the collective hairlines of your parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles.
I guess hair is that serious. Just shave it off and be the last airbender 
 (I'm assuming you're Asian). I'm kidding. Seriously, either cut it low or cut it off. Being bald is not that bad. I've been bald since I was 15, but that's just me. Some people don't like it. I hope you find a happy medium, but thank your mom for that
Originally Posted by DaFittedKing

u get it from your mothers father...not your parents
No you don't, it's been proven that if the bald gene exsist in your DNA, you're going to go bald. That old wives tale you replied with has been debunked for over 20 years now.

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by DaFittedKing

u get it from your mothers father...not your parents
No you don't, it's been proven that if the bald gene exsist in your DNA, you're going to go bald. That old wives tale you replied with has been debunked for over 20 years now.

Word. I thought you had to know what a Punnett Square was before they let you graduate high school

Baldness runs in my family.
One of my brothers who is 25 has a terrible hairline worse than LBJ.
And a huge spot getting bigger and bigger on the top of his head.
i started losing my hair at 18, now I just shave my head bald. That's why I hate all the BS hairline jokes all the it's not our fault...oh well...bald is beautiful
I'm gonna start stashing a portion of my paycheck each week into an untouched account to get ready for my hair transplant in the future
I just started using Nioxin.

Im white though. Stuff cost me like $40. Ill report back in two months.
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