So lets just do the age old Debate about Pyramids...

Originally Posted by SpottieOttie305

Originally Posted by whiterails

Dude... You posted that no modern crane can lift the blocks that make up the pyramids.    
Think about how ******ed that statement is.

Ppl ignoring common sense for the sake of BS youtube videos FTL.

Theheaviest blocks in the Great Pyramid are the granite blocks used to roof the kings chambers. These are estimated toweigh from 50 to 80 tons each!!

The maximum load most modern day tower cranes lift is about 18 metric tons. And let me add that hydraulic cranes can actually lift about 40 tons.You do the math....

First the max capacity of a tower crane is not 18 tons. I don't know the max exactly but I know for sure that there are tower cranes that can lift more than twice that amount.

Secondly, why do you specifically choose a tower crane? A bit disingenuous? If we were to recreate a pyramid, tower cranes wouldn't necessarily have to be used. There is a reason that tower cranes do not have much capacity as opposed to heavy lift cranes. It's not necessary for them as they mostly lift relatively light steel beams. 
As I've stated before, the heaviest capacity cranes can lift over 7000 tons. 

I'd never thought I'd have to argue that humanity is far more technologically advanced today then it was thousands of years ago.

If you rely believe that we can't recreate an Egyptian pyramid then slap yourself once again. 

btw, more than 70% of Egyptian pyramids failed/collapsed (relatively) shortly after construction. How many modern skyscrapers did that? 
Originally Posted by torgriffith

Originally Posted by popcornplaya

Originally Posted by torgriffith

Originally Posted by popcornplaya

I think this video kind of explains what you're talking about in a sense. As far as your beliefs go, I'm 100% there bruh.

In due time, hopefully. In due time.


That's one heck of a video bro.

I'm really glad you posted that. It was personal thought I kept for a while but I always felt like the point we study in geometry was like a misnomer the way it was taught to us. That the point itself was actually a sphere in my opinion but i felt like if they taught us that, math as we know it would explode lol( Really to much possibility to even teach). Like were they say a point on paper in geometry is the smallest unit like the atom is in chemistry that is indivisible, but what about going further into a sphere/point finding out it was comprised of of more spheres and on down. At what point does one reach the sub atomic or sub spheric material particle.

I guess to be more clear, a point in geometry is a 2 dimensional representation of a sphere. Our reference in mathematics from this point either adds or subtracts dimensions depending on how we see the first dot as being a circle filled in, or a 3 dimensional sphere.

This makes me think of the discussion I had with someone in another thread about the RA symbol which was a circle with a dot in the middle....
The eye of Ra? Or are you thinking of Aten? (which was, for all extensive purposes, the Egyptian symbol for the source of life.)


The eye of Ra and aten disc are both the same object, but they carry out different functions and represent different periods. RA was basically the raw unhindered power and intensity aspect of the sun and the aten disc was about the life giving and nurturing adoration to the sun. They represent different regime changes in the political structure of kemet as well because the history of the aten disc was hidden and discovered on accident.

All the glyphs from aten( pharaoh akhen aten/ "Amarna Period") age were discovered as the rubbled and recycled building blocks for the later empirical dynasties buildings of khemet that wanted to erase that history and understanding of the sun from an age passed. There are dynasties of pharaohs that are erased from the kings list and the present day outlook on "egyptian" history is an approximation of what we have left as evidence. The Amen Priesthood is the last of Egypt and what most people identify as egyptian culture but it is much more. The Amen priesthood came to be when the golden age was on it's way out. King Tut was the son of Akhenaten and was originally known as Tut-Ankh-Aten. There is much mystery surrounding how the boy king actually died. All we are left with is Akhen-Aten being claimed a herratic and the name change from Tut-Ankh-Aten ( tut=image, ankh=life, aten= aten phase of the sun, at-one phase of the sun) to Tut-Ankh-Amen (Amen= hidden creation force) What actually happened to the dynasty is a mystery.
Ah, I read before that people attempted to take away from the meaning of Ra and Aten, but I wasn't sure what that meant exactly. Thanks for clearing that up.

Also, I don't mean to subtract from the discussion of the Egyptian societies, but if you ever get a chance check out Chaos Theory. I would encourage everyone who shares some similarities in their beliefs to do so as well. It might seem daunting because it's math or something, but it's actually a lot easier to wrap your head around in theory when you have a basic understanding of different dimensions (whether or not you believe that they exist is another thing entirely, but even if you don't, it's some interesting stuff to think about.)

For those of you who are too lazy to click the link and read the wiki, I'll summarize Chaos Theory in the most mundane way possible while at the same time keeping it related to this discussion.

Spoiler [+]
Bear with me please. I just got done with training so I'm physically and mentally exhausted.

To begin, Chaos Theory is, more or less, applied mathematics that use an array of different disciplines to create a constant that is true for everything that we've come to know about reality. For example, Gravity is a constant in the realm of Physics, half-lives are a constant in the realm of Chemistry, pi is a constant in the realm of Geometry, and so forth. What Chaos theorists have been trying to do for the past 50 or so odd years (and the study extends FAR beyond that, but only recently have mathematicians really explored the field, so to say) is find a universal constant that can be shared throughout all these different disciplines.

You might think why? Since they are different disciplines, they obviously are meant to have different values and be for different uses or else they wouldn't need to be distinguishable between themselves. Herein lies the beauty (in my opinion) of it.

To begin, the Law of Conservation of Energy states that in an isolated system, energy cannot be created nor destroyed. Rather, it is transformed from one state (of existence) to the next. Einstein's Theory of Relativity shows that energy and mass are the same thing, and that neither appears without the other. Thus, mass (any object) and energy are stored separately, but always appear together.

Therefore, the smallest unit of matter will forever have energy. (Here's where it gets tricky.) However, matter can be changed into energy as long as somewhere within the closed system (in this case, reality as we know it) accounts for the loss of mass/matter by converting what was previously energy into an equal amount of matter.

For example, heat. Other than seeing the effect upon other things, there is no traditional way to see heat in our world. You can see condensation, blurriness from a distance when heat changes the composition of greenhouse gases, but you can't ever actually SEE the heat. Yet, we know that it exists. Heat is created by kinetic and potential energy. Kinetic and potential energy are possessed by an moving object. Therefore, any moving object on our Earth is either A. Gaining heat or B. Losing heat; depending on the atmosphere in which that object is currently in. We can find the value of an object's kinetic energy by analyzing the amount of work required to accelerate it from a state of rest to it's stated velocity.

Velocity is the measure of rate and direction change of any given object. But, in order to know these things we must know the speed and starting point. In an eggshell, Chaos Theory attempts to find a constant amongst all of these variables that is applicable to any situation.

I think it ties in to a lot of what you were trying to explain with your ideals about the universe as a whole. In general, it's some interesting stuff.
Originally Posted by torgriffith

Originally Posted by popcornplaya

Originally Posted by torgriffith

Originally Posted by popcornplaya

I think this video kind of explains what you're talking about in a sense. As far as your beliefs go, I'm 100% there bruh.

In due time, hopefully. In due time.


That's one heck of a video bro.

I'm really glad you posted that. It was personal thought I kept for a while but I always felt like the point we study in geometry was like a misnomer the way it was taught to us. That the point itself was actually a sphere in my opinion but i felt like if they taught us that, math as we know it would explode lol( Really to much possibility to even teach). Like were they say a point on paper in geometry is the smallest unit like the atom is in chemistry that is indivisible, but what about going further into a sphere/point finding out it was comprised of of more spheres and on down. At what point does one reach the sub atomic or sub spheric material particle.

I guess to be more clear, a point in geometry is a 2 dimensional representation of a sphere. Our reference in mathematics from this point either adds or subtracts dimensions depending on how we see the first dot as being a circle filled in, or a 3 dimensional sphere.

This makes me think of the discussion I had with someone in another thread about the RA symbol which was a circle with a dot in the middle....
The eye of Ra? Or are you thinking of Aten? (which was, for all extensive purposes, the Egyptian symbol for the source of life.)


The eye of Ra and aten disc are both the same object, but they carry out different functions and represent different periods. RA was basically the raw unhindered power and intensity aspect of the sun and the aten disc was about the life giving and nurturing adoration to the sun. They represent different regime changes in the political structure of kemet as well because the history of the aten disc was hidden and discovered on accident.

All the glyphs from aten( pharaoh akhen aten/ "Amarna Period") age were discovered as the rubbled and recycled building blocks for the later empirical dynasties buildings of khemet that wanted to erase that history and understanding of the sun from an age passed. There are dynasties of pharaohs that are erased from the kings list and the present day outlook on "egyptian" history is an approximation of what we have left as evidence. The Amen Priesthood is the last of Egypt and what most people identify as egyptian culture but it is much more. The Amen priesthood came to be when the golden age was on it's way out. King Tut was the son of Akhenaten and was originally known as Tut-Ankh-Aten. There is much mystery surrounding how the boy king actually died. All we are left with is Akhen-Aten being claimed a herratic and the name change from Tut-Ankh-Aten ( tut=image, ankh=life, aten= aten phase of the sun, at-one phase of the sun) to Tut-Ankh-Amen (Amen= hidden creation force) What actually happened to the dynasty is a mystery.
Ah, I read before that people attempted to take away from the meaning of Ra and Aten, but I wasn't sure what that meant exactly. Thanks for clearing that up.

Also, I don't mean to subtract from the discussion of the Egyptian societies, but if you ever get a chance check out Chaos Theory. I would encourage everyone who shares some similarities in their beliefs to do so as well. It might seem daunting because it's math or something, but it's actually a lot easier to wrap your head around in theory when you have a basic understanding of different dimensions (whether or not you believe that they exist is another thing entirely, but even if you don't, it's some interesting stuff to think about.)

For those of you who are too lazy to click the link and read the wiki, I'll summarize Chaos Theory in the most mundane way possible while at the same time keeping it related to this discussion.

Spoiler [+]
Bear with me please. I just got done with training so I'm physically and mentally exhausted.

To begin, Chaos Theory is, more or less, applied mathematics that use an array of different disciplines to create a constant that is true for everything that we've come to know about reality. For example, Gravity is a constant in the realm of Physics, half-lives are a constant in the realm of Chemistry, pi is a constant in the realm of Geometry, and so forth. What Chaos theorists have been trying to do for the past 50 or so odd years (and the study extends FAR beyond that, but only recently have mathematicians really explored the field, so to say) is find a universal constant that can be shared throughout all these different disciplines.

You might think why? Since they are different disciplines, they obviously are meant to have different values and be for different uses or else they wouldn't need to be distinguishable between themselves. Herein lies the beauty (in my opinion) of it.

To begin, the Law of Conservation of Energy states that in an isolated system, energy cannot be created nor destroyed. Rather, it is transformed from one state (of existence) to the next. Einstein's Theory of Relativity shows that energy and mass are the same thing, and that neither appears without the other. Thus, mass (any object) and energy are stored separately, but always appear together.

Therefore, the smallest unit of matter will forever have energy. (Here's where it gets tricky.) However, matter can be changed into energy as long as somewhere within the closed system (in this case, reality as we know it) accounts for the loss of mass/matter by converting what was previously energy into an equal amount of matter.

For example, heat. Other than seeing the effect upon other things, there is no traditional way to see heat in our world. You can see condensation, blurriness from a distance when heat changes the composition of greenhouse gases, but you can't ever actually SEE the heat. Yet, we know that it exists. Heat is created by kinetic and potential energy. Kinetic and potential energy are possessed by an moving object. Therefore, any moving object on our Earth is either A. Gaining heat or B. Losing heat; depending on the atmosphere in which that object is currently in. We can find the value of an object's kinetic energy by analyzing the amount of work required to accelerate it from a state of rest to it's stated velocity.

Velocity is the measure of rate and direction change of any given object. But, in order to know these things we must know the speed and starting point. In an eggshell, Chaos Theory attempts to find a constant amongst all of these variables that is applicable to any situation.

I think it ties in to a lot of what you were trying to explain with your ideals about the universe as a whole. In general, it's some interesting stuff.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Seeing how slaves built every other civilization in human history, I'm gonna lean toward that theory.

This.... however ive always wondered... if were concluding they were indeed man made, shouldnt the stones at the bottom be hundreds if not thousands of years older than the rocks towards the top? any archaeologist here that can shed some light into the composition of the rocks that make these behemoths... if its been discussed pg number plzzz
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Seeing how slaves built every other civilization in human history, I'm gonna lean toward that theory.

This.... however ive always wondered... if were concluding they were indeed man made, shouldnt the stones at the bottom be hundreds if not thousands of years older than the rocks towards the top? any archaeologist here that can shed some light into the composition of the rocks that make these behemoths... if its been discussed pg number plzzz

You never even addressed the myriad facts brought up in the video I posted. So you proved that large capacity cranes in modern day can lift a lot of weight. I already got past that point earlier in this thread. That's just one piece of the puzzle to the complexity the Great Pyramid. You bring up failed pyramids, yet you ignore the fact that I already said Africans went through a process that started with the Step Pyramid that ended with the Great Pyramid of Giza.

Why is it so hard to believe the Ancient Africans knew something that modern day man can not comprehend? But to each his own. You have your philosophy and I have mine. I'll leave it at that....


I'm really appreciating some of your personal insight on these ancient mysteries.

You never even addressed the myriad facts brought up in the video I posted. So you proved that large capacity cranes in modern day can lift a lot of weight. I already got past that point earlier in this thread. That's just one piece of the puzzle to the complexity the Great Pyramid. You bring up failed pyramids, yet you ignore the fact that I already said Africans went through a process that started with the Step Pyramid that ended with the Great Pyramid of Giza.

Why is it so hard to believe the Ancient Africans knew something that modern day man can not comprehend? But to each his own. You have your philosophy and I have mine. I'll leave it at that....


I'm really appreciating some of your personal insight on these ancient mysteries.
Originally Posted by SpottieOttie305



I'm really appreciating some of your personal insight on these ancient mysteries.

No problemo. These kinds of discussions are stimulating.
Originally Posted by SpottieOttie305



I'm really appreciating some of your personal insight on these ancient mysteries.

No problemo. These kinds of discussions are stimulating.
Originally Posted by popcornplaya

Originally Posted by torgriffith

Originally Posted by popcornplaya

Originally Posted by torgriffith

Originally Posted by popcornplaya

I think this video kind of explains what you're talking about in a sense. As far as your beliefs go, I'm 100% there bruh.

In due time, hopefully. In due time.


That's one heck of a video bro.

I'm really glad you posted that. It was personal thought I kept for a while but I always felt like the point we study in geometry was like a misnomer the way it was taught to us. That the point itself was actually a sphere in my opinion but i felt like if they taught us that, math as we know it would explode lol( Really to much possibility to even teach). Like were they say a point on paper in geometry is the smallest unit like the atom is in chemistry that is indivisible, but what about going further into a sphere/point finding out it was comprised of of more spheres and on down. At what point does one reach the sub atomic or sub spheric material particle.

I guess to be more clear, a point in geometry is a 2 dimensional representation of a sphere. Our reference in mathematics from this point either adds or subtracts dimensions depending on how we see the first dot as being a circle filled in, or a 3 dimensional sphere.

This makes me think of the discussion I had with someone in another thread about the RA symbol which was a circle with a dot in the middle....
The eye of Ra? Or are you thinking of Aten? (which was, for all extensive purposes, the Egyptian symbol for the source of life.)


The eye of Ra and aten disc are both the same object, but they carry out different functions and represent different periods. RA was basically the raw unhindered power and intensity aspect of the sun and the aten disc was about the life giving and nurturing adoration to the sun. They represent different regime changes in the political structure of kemet as well because the history of the aten disc was hidden and discovered on accident.

All the glyphs from aten( pharaoh akhen aten/ "Amarna Period") age were discovered as the rubbled and recycled building blocks for the later empirical dynasties buildings of khemet that wanted to erase that history and understanding of the sun from an age passed. There are dynasties of pharaohs that are erased from the kings list and the present day outlook on "egyptian" history is an approximation of what we have left as evidence. The Amen Priesthood is the last of Egypt and what most people identify as egyptian culture but it is much more. The Amen priesthood came to be when the golden age was on it's way out. King Tut was the son of Akhenaten and was originally known as Tut-Ankh-Aten. There is much mystery surrounding how the boy king actually died. All we are left with is Akhen-Aten being claimed a herratic and the name change from Tut-Ankh-Aten ( tut=image, ankh=life, aten= aten phase of the sun, at-one phase of the sun) to Tut-Ankh-Amen (Amen= hidden creation force) What actually happened to the dynasty is a mystery.
Ah, I read before that people attempted to take away from the meaning of Ra and Aten, but I wasn't sure what that meant exactly. Thanks for clearing that up.

Also, I don't mean to subtract from the discussion of the Egyptian
societies, but if you ever get a chance check out Chaos Theory.
I would encourage everyone who shares some similarities in their
beliefs to do so as well. It might seem daunting because it's math or
something, but it's actually a lot easier to wrap your head around in
theory when you have a basic understanding of different dimensions
(whether or not you believe that they exist is another thing entirely,
but even if you don't, it's some interesting stuff to think about.)

those of you who are too lazy to click the link and read the wiki, I'll
summarize Chaos Theory in the most mundane way possible while at the
same time keeping it related to this discussion.

Spoiler [+]
with me please. I just got done with training so I'm physically and
mentally exhausted.

To begin, Chaos Theory is, more or less,
applied mathematics that use an array of different disciplines to create
a constant that is true for everything that we've come to know about
reality. For example, Gravity is a constant in the realm of Physics,
half-lives are a constant in the realm of Chemistry, pi is a constant
in the realm of Geometry, and so forth. What Chaos theorists have been
trying to do for the past 50 or so odd years (and the study extends FAR
beyond that, but only recently have mathematicians really explored the
field, so to say) is find a universal constant that can be shared
throughout all these different disciplines.

You might think why?
Since they are different disciplines, they obviously are meant to have
different values and be for different uses or else they wouldn't need to
be distinguishable between themselves. Herein lies the beauty (in my
opinion) of it.

To begin, the Law of Conservation of Energy
states that in an isolated system, energy cannot be created nor
destroyed. Rather, it is transformed from one state (of existence) to
the next. Einstein's Theory of Relativity shows that energy and mass are
the same thing, and that neither appears without the other. Thus, mass
(any object) and energy are stored separately, but always appear

Therefore, the smallest unit of matter will forever
have energy. (Here's where it gets tricky.) However, matter can be
changed into energy as long as somewhere within the closed system (in
this case, reality as we know it) accounts for the loss of mass/matter
by converting what was previously energy into an equal amount of matter.

example, heat. Other than seeing the effect upon other things, there is
no traditional way to see heat in our world. You can see condensation,
blurriness from a distance when heat changes the composition of
greenhouse gases, but you can't ever actually SEE the heat. Yet, we know
that it exists. Heat is created by kinetic and potential energy.
Kinetic and potential energy are possessed by an moving object.
Therefore, any moving object on our Earth is either A. Gaining heat or
B. Losing heat; depending on the atmosphere in which that object is
currently in. We can find the value of an object's kinetic energy by
analyzing the amount of work required to accelerate it from a state of
rest to it's stated velocity.

Velocity is the measure of rate
and direction change of any given object. But, in order to know these
things we must know the speed and starting point. In an eggshell, Chaos
Theory attempts to find a constant amongst all of these variables that
is applicable to any situation.

I think it ties in to a lot of what you were trying to explain with your ideals about the universe as a whole. In general, it's some interesting stuff.

Indeed. the chaos theory goes right along with the creation stories of the waters and state of existence before the first dawn is created.

I've got a question for you. What do you think the constant will be in a unified field theory science?

I know I recently saw a documentary about the inconsistency of decay rates in chemistry how it is now being viewed as a faulty constant to use because it is now seen that decay rates vary depending on location and now from external forces such as space weather like neutrino storms etc.
Originally Posted by popcornplaya

Originally Posted by torgriffith

Originally Posted by popcornplaya

Originally Posted by torgriffith

Originally Posted by popcornplaya

I think this video kind of explains what you're talking about in a sense. As far as your beliefs go, I'm 100% there bruh.

In due time, hopefully. In due time.


That's one heck of a video bro.

I'm really glad you posted that. It was personal thought I kept for a while but I always felt like the point we study in geometry was like a misnomer the way it was taught to us. That the point itself was actually a sphere in my opinion but i felt like if they taught us that, math as we know it would explode lol( Really to much possibility to even teach). Like were they say a point on paper in geometry is the smallest unit like the atom is in chemistry that is indivisible, but what about going further into a sphere/point finding out it was comprised of of more spheres and on down. At what point does one reach the sub atomic or sub spheric material particle.

I guess to be more clear, a point in geometry is a 2 dimensional representation of a sphere. Our reference in mathematics from this point either adds or subtracts dimensions depending on how we see the first dot as being a circle filled in, or a 3 dimensional sphere.

This makes me think of the discussion I had with someone in another thread about the RA symbol which was a circle with a dot in the middle....
The eye of Ra? Or are you thinking of Aten? (which was, for all extensive purposes, the Egyptian symbol for the source of life.)


The eye of Ra and aten disc are both the same object, but they carry out different functions and represent different periods. RA was basically the raw unhindered power and intensity aspect of the sun and the aten disc was about the life giving and nurturing adoration to the sun. They represent different regime changes in the political structure of kemet as well because the history of the aten disc was hidden and discovered on accident.

All the glyphs from aten( pharaoh akhen aten/ "Amarna Period") age were discovered as the rubbled and recycled building blocks for the later empirical dynasties buildings of khemet that wanted to erase that history and understanding of the sun from an age passed. There are dynasties of pharaohs that are erased from the kings list and the present day outlook on "egyptian" history is an approximation of what we have left as evidence. The Amen Priesthood is the last of Egypt and what most people identify as egyptian culture but it is much more. The Amen priesthood came to be when the golden age was on it's way out. King Tut was the son of Akhenaten and was originally known as Tut-Ankh-Aten. There is much mystery surrounding how the boy king actually died. All we are left with is Akhen-Aten being claimed a herratic and the name change from Tut-Ankh-Aten ( tut=image, ankh=life, aten= aten phase of the sun, at-one phase of the sun) to Tut-Ankh-Amen (Amen= hidden creation force) What actually happened to the dynasty is a mystery.
Ah, I read before that people attempted to take away from the meaning of Ra and Aten, but I wasn't sure what that meant exactly. Thanks for clearing that up.

Also, I don't mean to subtract from the discussion of the Egyptian
societies, but if you ever get a chance check out Chaos Theory.
I would encourage everyone who shares some similarities in their
beliefs to do so as well. It might seem daunting because it's math or
something, but it's actually a lot easier to wrap your head around in
theory when you have a basic understanding of different dimensions
(whether or not you believe that they exist is another thing entirely,
but even if you don't, it's some interesting stuff to think about.)

those of you who are too lazy to click the link and read the wiki, I'll
summarize Chaos Theory in the most mundane way possible while at the
same time keeping it related to this discussion.

Spoiler [+]
with me please. I just got done with training so I'm physically and
mentally exhausted.

To begin, Chaos Theory is, more or less,
applied mathematics that use an array of different disciplines to create
a constant that is true for everything that we've come to know about
reality. For example, Gravity is a constant in the realm of Physics,
half-lives are a constant in the realm of Chemistry, pi is a constant
in the realm of Geometry, and so forth. What Chaos theorists have been
trying to do for the past 50 or so odd years (and the study extends FAR
beyond that, but only recently have mathematicians really explored the
field, so to say) is find a universal constant that can be shared
throughout all these different disciplines.

You might think why?
Since they are different disciplines, they obviously are meant to have
different values and be for different uses or else they wouldn't need to
be distinguishable between themselves. Herein lies the beauty (in my
opinion) of it.

To begin, the Law of Conservation of Energy
states that in an isolated system, energy cannot be created nor
destroyed. Rather, it is transformed from one state (of existence) to
the next. Einstein's Theory of Relativity shows that energy and mass are
the same thing, and that neither appears without the other. Thus, mass
(any object) and energy are stored separately, but always appear

Therefore, the smallest unit of matter will forever
have energy. (Here's where it gets tricky.) However, matter can be
changed into energy as long as somewhere within the closed system (in
this case, reality as we know it) accounts for the loss of mass/matter
by converting what was previously energy into an equal amount of matter.

example, heat. Other than seeing the effect upon other things, there is
no traditional way to see heat in our world. You can see condensation,
blurriness from a distance when heat changes the composition of
greenhouse gases, but you can't ever actually SEE the heat. Yet, we know
that it exists. Heat is created by kinetic and potential energy.
Kinetic and potential energy are possessed by an moving object.
Therefore, any moving object on our Earth is either A. Gaining heat or
B. Losing heat; depending on the atmosphere in which that object is
currently in. We can find the value of an object's kinetic energy by
analyzing the amount of work required to accelerate it from a state of
rest to it's stated velocity.

Velocity is the measure of rate
and direction change of any given object. But, in order to know these
things we must know the speed and starting point. In an eggshell, Chaos
Theory attempts to find a constant amongst all of these variables that
is applicable to any situation.

I think it ties in to a lot of what you were trying to explain with your ideals about the universe as a whole. In general, it's some interesting stuff.

Indeed. the chaos theory goes right along with the creation stories of the waters and state of existence before the first dawn is created.

I've got a question for you. What do you think the constant will be in a unified field theory science?

I know I recently saw a documentary about the inconsistency of decay rates in chemistry how it is now being viewed as a faulty constant to use because it is now seen that decay rates vary depending on location and now from external forces such as space weather like neutrino storms etc.
Originally Posted by torgriffith

Originally Posted by popcornplaya

Originally Posted by torgriffith

Originally Posted by popcornplaya

Originally Posted by torgriffith

Originally Posted by popcornplaya

I think this video kind of explains what you're talking about in a sense. As far as your beliefs go, I'm 100% there bruh.

In due time, hopefully. In due time.


That's one heck of a video bro.

I'm really glad you posted that. It was personal thought I kept for a while but I always felt like the point we study in geometry was like a misnomer the way it was taught to us. That the point itself was actually a sphere in my opinion but i felt like if they taught us that, math as we know it would explode lol( Really to much possibility to even teach). Like were they say a point on paper in geometry is the smallest unit like the atom is in chemistry that is indivisible, but what about going further into a sphere/point finding out it was comprised of of more spheres and on down. At what point does one reach the sub atomic or sub spheric material particle.

I guess to be more clear, a point in geometry is a 2 dimensional representation of a sphere. Our reference in mathematics from this point either adds or subtracts dimensions depending on how we see the first dot as being a circle filled in, or a 3 dimensional sphere.

This makes me think of the discussion I had with someone in another thread about the RA symbol which was a circle with a dot in the middle....
The eye of Ra? Or are you thinking of Aten? (which was, for all extensive purposes, the Egyptian symbol for the source of life.)


The eye of Ra and aten disc are both the same object, but they carry out different functions and represent different periods. RA was basically the raw unhindered power and intensity aspect of the sun and the aten disc was about the life giving and nurturing adoration to the sun. They represent different regime changes in the political structure of kemet as well because the history of the aten disc was hidden and discovered on accident.

All the glyphs from aten( pharaoh akhen aten/ "Amarna Period") age were discovered as the rubbled and recycled building blocks for the later empirical dynasties buildings of khemet that wanted to erase that history and understanding of the sun from an age passed. There are dynasties of pharaohs that are erased from the kings list and the present day outlook on "egyptian" history is an approximation of what we have left as evidence. The Amen Priesthood is the last of Egypt and what most people identify as egyptian culture but it is much more. The Amen priesthood came to be when the golden age was on it's way out. King Tut was the son of Akhenaten and was originally known as Tut-Ankh-Aten. There is much mystery surrounding how the boy king actually died. All we are left with is Akhen-Aten being claimed a herratic and the name change from Tut-Ankh-Aten ( tut=image, ankh=life, aten= aten phase of the sun, at-one phase of the sun) to Tut-Ankh-Amen (Amen= hidden creation force) What actually happened to the dynasty is a mystery.
Ah, I read before that people attempted to take away from the meaning of Ra and Aten, but I wasn't sure what that meant exactly. Thanks for clearing that up.

Also, I don't mean to subtract from the discussion of the Egyptian
societies, but if you ever get a chance check out Chaos Theory.
I would encourage everyone who shares some similarities in their
beliefs to do so as well. It might seem daunting because it's math or
something, but it's actually a lot easier to wrap your head around in
theory when you have a basic understanding of different dimensions
(whether or not you believe that they exist is another thing entirely,
but even if you don't, it's some interesting stuff to think about.)

those of you who are too lazy to click the link and read the wiki, I'll
summarize Chaos Theory in the most mundane way possible while at the
same time keeping it related to this discussion.

Spoiler [+]
with me please. I just got done with training so I'm physically and
mentally exhausted.

To begin, Chaos Theory is, more or less,
applied mathematics that use an array of different disciplines to create
a constant that is true for everything that we've come to know about
reality. For example, Gravity is a constant in the realm of Physics,
half-lives are a constant in the realm of Chemistry, pi is a constant
in the realm of Geometry, and so forth. What Chaos theorists have been
trying to do for the past 50 or so odd years (and the study extends FAR
beyond that, but only recently have mathematicians really explored the
field, so to say) is find a universal constant that can be shared
throughout all these different disciplines.

You might think why?
Since they are different disciplines, they obviously are meant to have
different values and be for different uses or else they wouldn't need to
be distinguishable between themselves. Herein lies the beauty (in my
opinion) of it.

To begin, the Law of Conservation of Energy
states that in an isolated system, energy cannot be created nor
destroyed. Rather, it is transformed from one state (of existence) to
the next. Einstein's Theory of Relativity shows that energy and mass are
the same thing, and that neither appears without the other. Thus, mass
(any object) and energy are stored separately, but always appear

Therefore, the smallest unit of matter will forever
have energy. (Here's where it gets tricky.) However, matter can be
changed into energy as long as somewhere within the closed system (in
this case, reality as we know it) accounts for the loss of mass/matter
by converting what was previously energy into an equal amount of matter.

example, heat. Other than seeing the effect upon other things, there is
no traditional way to see heat in our world. You can see condensation,
blurriness from a distance when heat changes the composition of
greenhouse gases, but you can't ever actually SEE the heat. Yet, we know
that it exists. Heat is created by kinetic and potential energy.
Kinetic and potential energy are possessed by an moving object.
Therefore, any moving object on our Earth is either A. Gaining heat or
B. Losing heat; depending on the atmosphere in which that object is
currently in. We can find the value of an object's kinetic energy by
analyzing the amount of work required to accelerate it from a state of
rest to it's stated velocity.

Velocity is the measure of rate
and direction change of any given object. But, in order to know these
things we must know the speed and starting point. In an eggshell, Chaos
Theory attempts to find a constant amongst all of these variables that
is applicable to any situation.

I think it ties in to a lot of what you were trying to explain with your ideals about the universe as a whole. In general, it's some interesting stuff.

Indeed. the chaos theory goes right along with the creation stories of the waters and state of existence before the first dawn is created.

I've got a question for you. What do you think the constant will be in a unified field theory science?

I know I recently saw a documentary about the inconsistency of decay rates in chemistry how it is now being viewed as a faulty constant to use because it is now seen that decay rates vary depending on location and now from external forces such as space weather like neutrino storms etc.

Uh... I didn't get that at all chief...slow down for the rest of us... Where did you get that?

This sounds very interesting though...
Originally Posted by torgriffith

Originally Posted by popcornplaya

Originally Posted by torgriffith

Originally Posted by popcornplaya

Originally Posted by torgriffith

Originally Posted by popcornplaya

I think this video kind of explains what you're talking about in a sense. As far as your beliefs go, I'm 100% there bruh.

In due time, hopefully. In due time.


That's one heck of a video bro.

I'm really glad you posted that. It was personal thought I kept for a while but I always felt like the point we study in geometry was like a misnomer the way it was taught to us. That the point itself was actually a sphere in my opinion but i felt like if they taught us that, math as we know it would explode lol( Really to much possibility to even teach). Like were they say a point on paper in geometry is the smallest unit like the atom is in chemistry that is indivisible, but what about going further into a sphere/point finding out it was comprised of of more spheres and on down. At what point does one reach the sub atomic or sub spheric material particle.

I guess to be more clear, a point in geometry is a 2 dimensional representation of a sphere. Our reference in mathematics from this point either adds or subtracts dimensions depending on how we see the first dot as being a circle filled in, or a 3 dimensional sphere.

This makes me think of the discussion I had with someone in another thread about the RA symbol which was a circle with a dot in the middle....
The eye of Ra? Or are you thinking of Aten? (which was, for all extensive purposes, the Egyptian symbol for the source of life.)


The eye of Ra and aten disc are both the same object, but they carry out different functions and represent different periods. RA was basically the raw unhindered power and intensity aspect of the sun and the aten disc was about the life giving and nurturing adoration to the sun. They represent different regime changes in the political structure of kemet as well because the history of the aten disc was hidden and discovered on accident.

All the glyphs from aten( pharaoh akhen aten/ "Amarna Period") age were discovered as the rubbled and recycled building blocks for the later empirical dynasties buildings of khemet that wanted to erase that history and understanding of the sun from an age passed. There are dynasties of pharaohs that are erased from the kings list and the present day outlook on "egyptian" history is an approximation of what we have left as evidence. The Amen Priesthood is the last of Egypt and what most people identify as egyptian culture but it is much more. The Amen priesthood came to be when the golden age was on it's way out. King Tut was the son of Akhenaten and was originally known as Tut-Ankh-Aten. There is much mystery surrounding how the boy king actually died. All we are left with is Akhen-Aten being claimed a herratic and the name change from Tut-Ankh-Aten ( tut=image, ankh=life, aten= aten phase of the sun, at-one phase of the sun) to Tut-Ankh-Amen (Amen= hidden creation force) What actually happened to the dynasty is a mystery.
Ah, I read before that people attempted to take away from the meaning of Ra and Aten, but I wasn't sure what that meant exactly. Thanks for clearing that up.

Also, I don't mean to subtract from the discussion of the Egyptian
societies, but if you ever get a chance check out Chaos Theory.
I would encourage everyone who shares some similarities in their
beliefs to do so as well. It might seem daunting because it's math or
something, but it's actually a lot easier to wrap your head around in
theory when you have a basic understanding of different dimensions
(whether or not you believe that they exist is another thing entirely,
but even if you don't, it's some interesting stuff to think about.)

those of you who are too lazy to click the link and read the wiki, I'll
summarize Chaos Theory in the most mundane way possible while at the
same time keeping it related to this discussion.

Spoiler [+]
with me please. I just got done with training so I'm physically and
mentally exhausted.

To begin, Chaos Theory is, more or less,
applied mathematics that use an array of different disciplines to create
a constant that is true for everything that we've come to know about
reality. For example, Gravity is a constant in the realm of Physics,
half-lives are a constant in the realm of Chemistry, pi is a constant
in the realm of Geometry, and so forth. What Chaos theorists have been
trying to do for the past 50 or so odd years (and the study extends FAR
beyond that, but only recently have mathematicians really explored the
field, so to say) is find a universal constant that can be shared
throughout all these different disciplines.

You might think why?
Since they are different disciplines, they obviously are meant to have
different values and be for different uses or else they wouldn't need to
be distinguishable between themselves. Herein lies the beauty (in my
opinion) of it.

To begin, the Law of Conservation of Energy
states that in an isolated system, energy cannot be created nor
destroyed. Rather, it is transformed from one state (of existence) to
the next. Einstein's Theory of Relativity shows that energy and mass are
the same thing, and that neither appears without the other. Thus, mass
(any object) and energy are stored separately, but always appear

Therefore, the smallest unit of matter will forever
have energy. (Here's where it gets tricky.) However, matter can be
changed into energy as long as somewhere within the closed system (in
this case, reality as we know it) accounts for the loss of mass/matter
by converting what was previously energy into an equal amount of matter.

example, heat. Other than seeing the effect upon other things, there is
no traditional way to see heat in our world. You can see condensation,
blurriness from a distance when heat changes the composition of
greenhouse gases, but you can't ever actually SEE the heat. Yet, we know
that it exists. Heat is created by kinetic and potential energy.
Kinetic and potential energy are possessed by an moving object.
Therefore, any moving object on our Earth is either A. Gaining heat or
B. Losing heat; depending on the atmosphere in which that object is
currently in. We can find the value of an object's kinetic energy by
analyzing the amount of work required to accelerate it from a state of
rest to it's stated velocity.

Velocity is the measure of rate
and direction change of any given object. But, in order to know these
things we must know the speed and starting point. In an eggshell, Chaos
Theory attempts to find a constant amongst all of these variables that
is applicable to any situation.

I think it ties in to a lot of what you were trying to explain with your ideals about the universe as a whole. In general, it's some interesting stuff.

Indeed. the chaos theory goes right along with the creation stories of the waters and state of existence before the first dawn is created.

I've got a question for you. What do you think the constant will be in a unified field theory science?

I know I recently saw a documentary about the inconsistency of decay rates in chemistry how it is now being viewed as a faulty constant to use because it is now seen that decay rates vary depending on location and now from external forces such as space weather like neutrino storms etc.

Uh... I didn't get that at all chief...slow down for the rest of us... Where did you get that?

This sounds very interesting though...
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

I remember reading an article a while ago about how they found the graves of workers close to the pyramids.

If they were slaves they wouldn't be buried so close to such a significant structure. So some think that they were paid rather than actual slaves.

That's the article I was looking for but can't find it. It was posted on here as well.
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

I remember reading an article a while ago about how they found the graves of workers close to the pyramids.

If they were slaves they wouldn't be buried so close to such a significant structure. So some think that they were paid rather than actual slaves.

That's the article I was looking for but can't find it. It was posted on here as well.
Originally Posted by Trent Ferris


Highly skilled masons who died with their secrets and/or passed them down through generations under blood oath and through bloodlines.

AND they were Black (boom).
....... the first freemason were black , but the granite used to make the pyramids can only be found in mars ... supposedly. 
@ Dame Theory.
Contrasting between creation myths of many different cultures and the idea of a chaotic state of existence before things were organized by light.
@ Dame Theory.
Contrasting between creation myths of many different cultures and the idea of a chaotic state of existence before things were organized by light.
Originally Posted by Trent Ferris


Highly skilled masons who died with their secrets and/or passed them down through generations under blood oath and through bloodlines.

AND they were Black (boom).
....... the first freemason were black , but the granite used to make the pyramids can only be found in mars ... supposedly. 
Originally Posted by devildog1776

....... the first freemason were black , but the granite used to make the pyramids can only be found in mars ... supposedly. 

From mars huh....
Maybe these guys were strong enough to get the job done.


Olmec Face on Mars



Originally Posted by devildog1776

....... the first freemason were black , but the granite used to make the pyramids can only be found in mars ... supposedly. 

From mars huh....
Maybe these guys were strong enough to get the job done.


Olmec Face on Mars



Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by Mo Matik

I remember reading an article a while ago about how they found the graves of workers close to the pyramids.

If they were slaves they wouldn't be buried so close to such a significant structure. So some think that they were paid rather than actual slaves.

That's the article I was looking for but can't find it. It was posted on here as well.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by Mo Matik

I remember reading an article a while ago about how they found the graves of workers close to the pyramids.

If they were slaves they wouldn't be buried so close to such a significant structure. So some think that they were paid rather than actual slaves.

That's the article I was looking for but can't find it. It was posted on here as well.
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