So lets just do the age old Debate about Pyramids...

Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by torgriffith

if they were slaves, they would have had to been extremely highly skilled craftsmen in bondage and the scale of them says you would need a tremendous work force.

You would also have to consider the fact that nobody builds anything in sand. They would have had to been built when the ground was sturdy to even properly move the building materials there.

true. although i think the climate was a bit different back then. I believe it was a lot more fertile and def not as desolate as it is now. I've heard some researchers claim that it was built around 10000 BC when the sphinx  was directly facing the constellation leo.

yeah. the sphinx is the earthly representation of the constellation leo.
Sphinx overlaid with leo constellation

Earthly sphinx and the constellation leo. The Earthly Nile and the Celestial Nile River (Milky Way), Osiris, Orion the hunter, 3 pyramids (mrs) matching the belt of the constellation character
It's no secret AFRICANS built them it took about a few 100,000 years of knowledge and trial and errors to build does pyramid.
It's no secret AFRICANS built them it took about a few 100,000 years of knowledge and trial and errors to build does pyramid.
HighMan wrote
They knew Pythagorean theorem before Pythagorus...
Oh, kinda like how similar stories of Jesus were made up before Jesus?

Thats a litte different, dude.
Pythagorus DISCOVERED the PT, he didnt straight up create it. The concept of it was already there, and probably was used before being 'discovered.'[/quote]
HighMan wrote
They knew Pythagorean theorem before Pythagorus...
Oh, kinda like how similar stories of Jesus were made up before Jesus?

Thats a litte different, dude.
Pythagorus DISCOVERED the PT, he didnt straight up create it. The concept of it was already there, and probably was used before being 'discovered.'[/quote]
I personal believe they build it with a lost technology they've developed or inherited from high advance civilization. Every man made building today sinks into the ground a bit every year. However, the Pyramids don't at all, and it's sitting in the middle ocean of sand! Mind=Blown. 
I personal believe they build it with a lost technology they've developed or inherited from high advance civilization. Every man made building today sinks into the ground a bit every year. However, the Pyramids don't at all, and it's sitting in the middle ocean of sand! Mind=Blown. 
I've been meaning to give my 2cents of this issue on many of these threads that come up, and I guess this is a good time to start as any.

There is a lot of extreme exaggeration on all sides here with very little if any proof or real true knowledge of the facts. 

The arguments being put up are either, Aliens because no one at the time could build that or black people couldn't have come up with it.


They were all Jewish slaves


All the builders were African master masons. 

and all these are exaggeration, with the exception of the alien argument which is complete bs. Not all the slaves were jewish, and not all the builders were slaves. New findings have shown many workers, were just that workers, not slaves and have free lives. There were also slaves, which there have always been in every civilization which 150 years ago was only 'legally' was abolished in America. And yes many of them were Jewish.

And this belief that it was just afro master masons. Yes there were master masons, yes there were master engineers. But really only at the top. And there is this portrayal of all the Egyptian pharaohs, masons, citizens, and the Egyptian civilization as black which is not true. Again yes there were many black Africans in Egyptian society, yes were were black pharaohs. But just look at where the country is, its neighboring countries are Israel, Palestine, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia, Libya, and Sudan. Now look at what the people look like in those areas. Now I'm saying that ancient Egypt was not primarily a black civilization, not there weren't black leaders or god-like pharaohs.

And here is a drawing from tomb of races in the area.

(from left): Libyan, Nubian, Asiatic, Egyptians.

I've been meaning to give my 2cents of this issue on many of these threads that come up, and I guess this is a good time to start as any.

There is a lot of extreme exaggeration on all sides here with very little if any proof or real true knowledge of the facts. 

The arguments being put up are either, Aliens because no one at the time could build that or black people couldn't have come up with it.


They were all Jewish slaves


All the builders were African master masons. 

and all these are exaggeration, with the exception of the alien argument which is complete bs. Not all the slaves were jewish, and not all the builders were slaves. New findings have shown many workers, were just that workers, not slaves and have free lives. There were also slaves, which there have always been in every civilization which 150 years ago was only 'legally' was abolished in America. And yes many of them were Jewish.

And this belief that it was just afro master masons. Yes there were master masons, yes there were master engineers. But really only at the top. And there is this portrayal of all the Egyptian pharaohs, masons, citizens, and the Egyptian civilization as black which is not true. Again yes there were many black Africans in Egyptian society, yes were were black pharaohs. But just look at where the country is, its neighboring countries are Israel, Palestine, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia, Libya, and Sudan. Now look at what the people look like in those areas. Now I'm saying that ancient Egypt was not primarily a black civilization, not there weren't black leaders or god-like pharaohs.

And here is a drawing from tomb of races in the area.

(from left): Libyan, Nubian, Asiatic, Egyptians.

Originally Posted by DJMano34

Humans did it with "alien" knowledge/technology.

Slaves couldn't do it. It would take hundreds of thousands slaves and hundreds of years to do so.

Even with what we have today humans would have a hard time doing that.

It was done by levitating stones through acoustic levitation. It is still practiced today in tibet.

How else do you think stone henge or any big stone places were built?

the stone weighed tons and not just one or two tons but a lot.

Human hands cannot even do that, even if it were enough people holding the stone there would not be enough room for everyone to hold the stones with their hands.

There is much to know, that will be known soon, everyone can sense the change coming. 
Originally Posted by DJMano34

Humans did it with "alien" knowledge/technology.

Slaves couldn't do it. It would take hundreds of thousands slaves and hundreds of years to do so.

Even with what we have today humans would have a hard time doing that.

It was done by levitating stones through acoustic levitation. It is still practiced today in tibet.

How else do you think stone henge or any big stone places were built?

the stone weighed tons and not just one or two tons but a lot.

Human hands cannot even do that, even if it were enough people holding the stone there would not be enough room for everyone to hold the stones with their hands.

There is much to know, that will be known soon, everyone can sense the change coming. 
Originally Posted by SpottieOttie305

It's sooo much I can sy about the pyramids so I'll give y'all a brief summery. It has been confirmed by many sources that the pyramids were NOT built by slaves. They were built by master Masons.

The first known pyramid designer was an Ancient African man named Imhotep. He was a multi genius who built the step pyramid and the Egyptian Masons gradually perfected the art of pyramid building to what is known as the Great Pyramid at Giza.

They were not built by aliens, just ancient Africans. The way that the pyramids were built can not be duplicated today. The reason why is because the ancient Egyptian society was far more advanced than we are today.

He also tried to kill Brendan Fraser
Originally Posted by SpottieOttie305

It's sooo much I can sy about the pyramids so I'll give y'all a brief summery. It has been confirmed by many sources that the pyramids were NOT built by slaves. They were built by master Masons.

The first known pyramid designer was an Ancient African man named Imhotep. He was a multi genius who built the step pyramid and the Egyptian Masons gradually perfected the art of pyramid building to what is known as the Great Pyramid at Giza.

They were not built by aliens, just ancient Africans. The way that the pyramids were built can not be duplicated today. The reason why is because the ancient Egyptian society was far more advanced than we are today.

He also tried to kill Brendan Fraser
Originally Posted by SpottieOttie305

It's sooo much I can sy about the pyramids so I'll give y'all a brief summery. It has been confirmed by many sources that the pyramids were NOT built by slaves. They were built by master Masons.

The first known pyramid designer was an Ancient African man named Imhotep. He was a multi genius who built the step pyramid and the Egyptian Masons gradually perfected the art of pyramid building to what is known as the Great Pyramid at Giza.

They were not built by aliens, just ancient Africans. The way that the pyramids were built can not be duplicated today. The reason why is because the ancient Egyptian society was far more advanced than we are today.
Originally Posted by SpottieOttie305

It's sooo much I can sy about the pyramids so I'll give y'all a brief summery. It has been confirmed by many sources that the pyramids were NOT built by slaves. They were built by master Masons.

The first known pyramid designer was an Ancient African man named Imhotep. He was a multi genius who built the step pyramid and the Egyptian Masons gradually perfected the art of pyramid building to what is known as the Great Pyramid at Giza.

They were not built by aliens, just ancient Africans. The way that the pyramids were built can not be duplicated today. The reason why is because the ancient Egyptian society was far more advanced than we are today.
ZEEN1NE  hit on the nail.
The episode from History Channels Ancient Alien series "Unexplained Structures"  shows how it was done.

ZEEN1NE  hit on the nail.
The episode from History Channels Ancient Alien series "Unexplained Structures"  shows how it was done.

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