So lets just do the age old Debate about Pyramids...

Originally Posted by DJMano34

Humans did it with "alien" knowledge/technology. 

Slaves couldn't do it. It would take hundreds of thousands slaves and hundreds of years to do so.

Even with what we have today humans would have a hard time doing that.

It was done by levitating stones through acoustic levitation. It is still practiced today in tibet.

How else do you think stone henge or any big stone places were built?

the stone weighed tons and not just one or two tons but a lot.

Human hands cannot even do that, even if it were enough people holding the stone there would not be enough room for everyone to hold the stones with their hands.

There is much to know, that will be known soon, everyone can sense the change coming.�

the !!*$? Picking it up with their bare hands? 

You ever heard of pulleys and sleds? 

Of course in order for the alien tech theory to work they have to discount those and state that they were never used. 

Their pulleys and sleds didn't have to be very efficient. They had a lot of labor and a lot of time to compensate. 

Also, there is evidence of a vast number of failed/ collapsed pyramids. 
Originally Posted by DJMano34

Humans did it with "alien" knowledge/technology. 

Slaves couldn't do it. It would take hundreds of thousands slaves and hundreds of years to do so.

Even with what we have today humans would have a hard time doing that.

It was done by levitating stones through acoustic levitation. It is still practiced today in tibet.

How else do you think stone henge or any big stone places were built?

the stone weighed tons and not just one or two tons but a lot.

Human hands cannot even do that, even if it were enough people holding the stone there would not be enough room for everyone to hold the stones with their hands.

There is much to know, that will be known soon, everyone can sense the change coming.�

the !!*$? Picking it up with their bare hands? 

You ever heard of pulleys and sleds? 

Of course in order for the alien tech theory to work they have to discount those and state that they were never used. 

Their pulleys and sleds didn't have to be very efficient. They had a lot of labor and a lot of time to compensate. 

Also, there is evidence of a vast number of failed/ collapsed pyramids. 
When the Nile Flooded and the Regular Egyptian Citizens could not do any amount of farming, they would build temporary homes near the area in which they would build the pyramid.
So for around half a year, or a little bit less, that time would be spent building a pyramid for the current pharaoh, as soon as that pharaoh assumed the role.
once the waters receded, they would move back to their regular homes and farm until the waters would flood again.
They would repeat this until a pyramid was fully constructed.

NOT Slaves,
NOT Aliens,
NOT Ancient Masons,
BUT Egyptian Citizens.
When the Nile Flooded and the Regular Egyptian Citizens could not do any amount of farming, they would build temporary homes near the area in which they would build the pyramid.
So for around half a year, or a little bit less, that time would be spent building a pyramid for the current pharaoh, as soon as that pharaoh assumed the role.
once the waters receded, they would move back to their regular homes and farm until the waters would flood again.
They would repeat this until a pyramid was fully constructed.

NOT Slaves,
NOT Aliens,
NOT Ancient Masons,
BUT Egyptian Citizens.
Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Source of energy that the 85% doesn't know anything about. 

In history, the most banal explanations are usually the most truthful. Very skilled mathematicians and/or engineers (and yes some, perhaps all, of them were probably people with very dark skin, for those who care). The labor was done by many people who lived in the area. The Hebrews were likely paid workers and native Egyptians were probably people who worked an average of two of seven days per weeks (a lower tax rate than many Americans pay in 2011) and they believed that working on this and other grand projects would bring them food and wages in the short run and a better afterlife in the future.

Although a technical and architectural marvel for the ages, the ancients Romans were correct when they claimed that their sewers, baths and aqueducts were more significant because a massive mausoleum does little to improve the day to day quality of life of ordinary people. The ability to flush away garbage and human waste easily, the ability to bring fresh and clean water to urban areas and the ability to let commoners bathe on a daily basis were much more remarkable than squandering vast amounts of scarce resources on monuments to dead autocrats.

Nonetheless, I would have loved to see the Pyramids during the early part of The First Millennium A.D. because it would have been covered, or mostly covered, in reflective stone and would have been a truly remarkable site, more than worthy of its status as the oldest and only extant member of the Seven Wonders of The World. Furthermore, Ancient Egyptian culture was a corner stone to Greco-Roman Civilization, which produces the much more useful baths, sewers and aqueducts, which helped to bring about the Modern World.
In history, the most banal explanations are usually the most truthful. Very skilled mathematicians and/or engineers (and yes some, perhaps all, of them were probably people with very dark skin, for those who care). The labor was done by many people who lived in the area. The Hebrews were likely paid workers and native Egyptians were probably people who worked an average of two of seven days per weeks (a lower tax rate than many Americans pay in 2011) and they believed that working on this and other grand projects would bring them food and wages in the short run and a better afterlife in the future.

Although a technical and architectural marvel for the ages, the ancients Romans were correct when they claimed that their sewers, baths and aqueducts were more significant because a massive mausoleum does little to improve the day to day quality of life of ordinary people. The ability to flush away garbage and human waste easily, the ability to bring fresh and clean water to urban areas and the ability to let commoners bathe on a daily basis were much more remarkable than squandering vast amounts of scarce resources on monuments to dead autocrats.

Nonetheless, I would have loved to see the Pyramids during the early part of The First Millennium A.D. because it would have been covered, or mostly covered, in reflective stone and would have been a truly remarkable site, more than worthy of its status as the oldest and only extant member of the Seven Wonders of The World. Furthermore, Ancient Egyptian culture was a corner stone to Greco-Roman Civilization, which produces the much more useful baths, sewers and aqueducts, which helped to bring about the Modern World.
For those of you that confirm that human beings/citizens/slaves built the pyramids with hard labor, how do you explain Coral Castle which was built by 1 man?
For those of you that confirm that human beings/citizens/slaves built the pyramids with hard labor, how do you explain Coral Castle which was built by 1 man?
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

This lost tech +@*!!%*% is funny. 
Skyscrapers are our pyramids. 

OMG we can't build 'em because we don't have the tech!!!!!!

[h1]Chinese workers build 15-story hotel in just six days [/h1]

Massive amounts of slave labor +  lots of time will give you pyramids. 
These same Chinese workers with all their advanced technology cant come close to how perfect the Great Pyramid is. Here's is a just two reasons why modern man can't rebuild the great pyramid.

1. Some of the biggest limestone blocks simply weighed too much for any modern day crane to lift. Now think about how much stone it took to build the  pyramids. There were no stone quarries close by so how did they get such heavy stone to the build site?

2. The foundation is almost flawless. Like someone said already. Modern buildings steadily sink into the ground after years of wear and tear. The pyramids barely moved after thousands of years in the SAND!!!!!

And for those who think that African Master Masons did not build the pyramids and just say regular Egyptian citizens did it are greatly mistaken. Just like a in modern times where you won't find an accountant putting up drywall, you wouldn't find regular citizen in ancient Egypt putting up a pyramid. The mastery of every inch of the pyramids had to be surveyed by an experienced craftsmen.

And by Master Mason, I'm not talking about no secret society crap. I'm talking about stone masons. People who perfected the art of stone building.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

This lost tech +@*!!%*% is funny. 
Skyscrapers are our pyramids. 

OMG we can't build 'em because we don't have the tech!!!!!!

[h1]Chinese workers build 15-story hotel in just six days [/h1]

Massive amounts of slave labor +  lots of time will give you pyramids. 
These same Chinese workers with all their advanced technology cant come close to how perfect the Great Pyramid is. Here's is a just two reasons why modern man can't rebuild the great pyramid.

1. Some of the biggest limestone blocks simply weighed too much for any modern day crane to lift. Now think about how much stone it took to build the  pyramids. There were no stone quarries close by so how did they get such heavy stone to the build site?

2. The foundation is almost flawless. Like someone said already. Modern buildings steadily sink into the ground after years of wear and tear. The pyramids barely moved after thousands of years in the SAND!!!!!

And for those who think that African Master Masons did not build the pyramids and just say regular Egyptian citizens did it are greatly mistaken. Just like a in modern times where you won't find an accountant putting up drywall, you wouldn't find regular citizen in ancient Egypt putting up a pyramid. The mastery of every inch of the pyramids had to be surveyed by an experienced craftsmen.

And by Master Mason, I'm not talking about no secret society crap. I'm talking about stone masons. People who perfected the art of stone building.
Originally Posted by Mitchellicious

Originally Posted by SpottieOttie305

It's sooo much I can sy about the pyramids so I'll give y'all a brief summery. It has been confirmed by many sources that the pyramids were NOT built by slaves. They were built by master Masons.

The first known pyramid designer was an Ancient African man named Imhotep. He was a multi genius who built the step pyramid and the Egyptian Masons gradually perfected the art of pyramid building to what is known as the Great Pyramid at Giza.

They were not built by aliens, just ancient Africans. The way that the pyramids were built can not be duplicated today. The reason why is because the ancient Egyptian society was far more advanced than we are today.

He also tried to kill Brendan Fraser
Don't ever compare the real Imhotep to that stupid character from the "Mummy". That's disrespectful to my African ancestors and I'm being serious.

Also do yall know how sacred the pyramids were/are to Ancient Africans. They only allowed certain people near these sights. Paying other people to do it or even coming near these sights by foreign peoples is a complete fallacy. It was a labor of love to build these structures for their beloved Kings.
Originally Posted by Mitchellicious

Originally Posted by SpottieOttie305

It's sooo much I can sy about the pyramids so I'll give y'all a brief summery. It has been confirmed by many sources that the pyramids were NOT built by slaves. They were built by master Masons.

The first known pyramid designer was an Ancient African man named Imhotep. He was a multi genius who built the step pyramid and the Egyptian Masons gradually perfected the art of pyramid building to what is known as the Great Pyramid at Giza.

They were not built by aliens, just ancient Africans. The way that the pyramids were built can not be duplicated today. The reason why is because the ancient Egyptian society was far more advanced than we are today.

He also tried to kill Brendan Fraser
Don't ever compare the real Imhotep to that stupid character from the "Mummy". That's disrespectful to my African ancestors and I'm being serious.

Also do yall know how sacred the pyramids were/are to Ancient Africans. They only allowed certain people near these sights. Paying other people to do it or even coming near these sights by foreign peoples is a complete fallacy. It was a labor of love to build these structures for their beloved Kings.
They were large public works project. People weren't buried in the great pyramids. Mummies were found in mastabas or mounds/chambers. The pyramids were not museums or monuments, they were machines. the precursor to tesla microwave technology. They actually line up with the harmonic energy vortex grid around the planet and with vortex energy out in the cosmos as well. That's why the dieties were actually "humanized in description for the sake of comprehension" forces of nature because the devices and architecture they used was the medium between people and interacting with the energy of the forces of nature.

You gotta realize too that by the time Kem or Moor( both original titles for the land) was visited by the greeks, historians like Herodotus claim that even then the true allure and mystery of the place was extremely ancient then. These places/ empires didn't even exist when Kem was in it's golden age because the golden age of kem was still more of a satellite culture to Atlantien and Lemurian culture which is extra terrestrial. The cities that retreated to the sky at the end of the last golden/ solar age.

Even from just what most people see about the pyramids is just the tip really. You can't see how deep underground the structures travel and the true base. You can't get a proper estimate about these kinds of places when you're only surveying the top of the structure.
They were large public works project. People weren't buried in the great pyramids. Mummies were found in mastabas or mounds/chambers. The pyramids were not museums or monuments, they were machines. the precursor to tesla microwave technology. They actually line up with the harmonic energy vortex grid around the planet and with vortex energy out in the cosmos as well. That's why the dieties were actually "humanized in description for the sake of comprehension" forces of nature because the devices and architecture they used was the medium between people and interacting with the energy of the forces of nature.

You gotta realize too that by the time Kem or Moor( both original titles for the land) was visited by the greeks, historians like Herodotus claim that even then the true allure and mystery of the place was extremely ancient then. These places/ empires didn't even exist when Kem was in it's golden age because the golden age of kem was still more of a satellite culture to Atlantien and Lemurian culture which is extra terrestrial. The cities that retreated to the sky at the end of the last golden/ solar age.

Even from just what most people see about the pyramids is just the tip really. You can't see how deep underground the structures travel and the true base. You can't get a proper estimate about these kinds of places when you're only surveying the top of the structure.
Originally Posted by SpottieOttie305

Originally Posted by Mitchellicious

Originally Posted by SpottieOttie305

It's sooo much I can sy about the pyramids so I'll give y'all a brief summery. It has been confirmed by many sources that the pyramids were NOT built by slaves. They were built by master Masons.

The first known pyramid designer was an Ancient African man named
Imhotep. He was a multi genius who built the step pyramid and the
Egyptian Masons gradually perfected the art of pyramid building to what
is known as the Great Pyramid at Giza.

They were not built by aliens,
just ancient Africans. The way that the pyramids were built can not be duplicated today. The reason why is because the ancient Egyptian society was far more advanced than we are today.

He also tried to kill Brendan Fraser
Don't ever compare the real Imhotep to that stupid character from the "Mummy". That's disrespectful to my African ancestors and I'm being serious.

Yeah that character in the movie compared to the real legacy of who Imhotep was is a complete joke and kinda upsetting when you think about someone regarded as one of the greatest intellects. Imhotep = with offerings of peace.
Originally Posted by SpottieOttie305

Originally Posted by Mitchellicious

Originally Posted by SpottieOttie305

It's sooo much I can sy about the pyramids so I'll give y'all a brief summery. It has been confirmed by many sources that the pyramids were NOT built by slaves. They were built by master Masons.

The first known pyramid designer was an Ancient African man named
Imhotep. He was a multi genius who built the step pyramid and the
Egyptian Masons gradually perfected the art of pyramid building to what
is known as the Great Pyramid at Giza.

They were not built by aliens,
just ancient Africans. The way that the pyramids were built can not be duplicated today. The reason why is because the ancient Egyptian society was far more advanced than we are today.

He also tried to kill Brendan Fraser
Don't ever compare the real Imhotep to that stupid character from the "Mummy". That's disrespectful to my African ancestors and I'm being serious.

Yeah that character in the movie compared to the real legacy of who Imhotep was is a complete joke and kinda upsetting when you think about someone regarded as one of the greatest intellects. Imhotep = with offerings of peace.
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