Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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@BenRoethlisberger Holy **** man, thanks for posting that video. Just one question and it maybe influenced with my just sudden introduction into finally using phychedelics. How are you able to for lack of a better term not go crazy with the world after a dmt and shroom trips. In my last couple of shroom trips i keep thinking man it really is just all a lie. Im having issues and just thinking about all the things i thought i liked and im not even sure anymore about what music to keep listening to if at all. Watching movies. Ive decided to stop drinking and smoking and probably only stick to psychedelics but not as a routine maybe one every couple of months. Does one learn to calm and mingle with the uninformed folks after a while ? Would you guys consider these normal feelings after being exposed to the amount of truth and knowledge after psychedelics.

Bruh what did u see? I feel like everything is a lie just be reading and trying to understand the secrets of ancient knowledge... I couldn't imagine how I would feel after a DMT or shroom trip
Very normal. Once I'm done doing my morning errands I'll elaborate and explain my perspective and experience.

This is good because most, including myself, go on this journey alone with no one to help guide or at least give warning to what to expect. That can be rough mentally, spiritually and emotionally but it's worth it.
Bruh what did u see? I feel like everything is a lie just be reading and trying to understand the secrets of ancient knowledge... I couldn't imagine how I would feel after a DMT or shroom trip

I haven't tried dmt yet only a couple of shroom trips, and it just helped me understand just about anything and everything. Quick example i was with a couple my two friends and one of them bought his kids. I have a bad habit of saying son when im high and my friends daughter said dont say son say tree everytime i said son. I was trying to understand why she kept saying it and i had a little revelation and the next time she said dont say son say tree, i said after cause tree is life and trees give us oxygen which we breathe and live and were killing the trees which is in result killing us. After that realization it felt like a bomb went off in my head and i laughed non stop and cried some of the happiest tears ever. In all my trips those are the experiences i have and just come away with understanding the systems and that love is the answer to all. Its really difficult/damn near impossible to put into words for me atleast. Other then to try it for yourself.

"Psilocybin inhibits the processing of negative emotions in the brain."

short summary.

Emotions like fear, anger, sadness, and joy enable people to adjust to their environment and react flexibly to stress and strain and are vital for cognitive processes, physiological reactions, and social behavior. The processing of emotions is closely linked to structures in the brain, i.e. to what is known as the limbic system. Within this system the amygdala plays a central role – above all it processes negative emotions like anxiety and fear. If the activity of the amygdala becomes unbalanced, depression and anxiety disorders may develop.
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I saw something on here a while back that mentioned rainbows and their symbolism and who is using them currently.

I think I get why it's been used as such. Got this on Twitter:


I'm familiar with the general concept of light workers coming here for those reasons but never saw a link to rainbows. Anyone more know more about the Hopi's and this warrior of the rainbow?
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Watching that last vid seemed like the greatest infomercial ever. Idk, something seems off, spirituality is being propagated these days. I can already see its all a lie, everything is scheme but what exactly the drug is showing you or doing for you has all been very vague in everything ive seen and read.
Watching that last vid seemed like the greatest infomercial ever. Idk, something seems off, spirituality is being propagated these days. I can already see its all a lie, everything is scheme but what exactly the drug is showing you or doing for you has all been very vague in everything ive seen and read.

Which vid? The one about psychedelics? What's all a lie? Vague? I don't think you've seen or read enough, especially if this thread is your only source.

Sincerely asking you those questions, though. Hope to read some answers.
What ya'll know about Rex-84?

My old heads been telling me about this since I was a youngin...and the stage is clearly being set for this take place sooner than we think.

Im in total agreement with you.. it will happen sooner than we think

anyway, just sharing :pimp:

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What did she look like?
animals are more reciprocal with spiritual communication on certain days or nights but i can't remember on the eve of solstices & stuff like that
do you talk to them

I don't take trips. Looking for a more "non-substance" way of doing it. But talk to the animals when s o b er
thought this was dope from cormega

The greatest thought...the supreme being
The greatest
The greatest weakness...lack of faith
The greatest certainty...change
The greatest sickness...fear
The greatest danger...ignorance
The greatest force...truth
The greatest good...peace
The greatest enemy...pride, hate, ego
The greatest victory...self control

This :smokin
I do believe it may all happen in our lifetime. It will start with internet censorship once the majority or a very high % of people realize there is a truth out there that they aren't being told. That's when they try to shut it down, executive order is signed and riots ensue, unfortunately.

Then the "rainbow" children build an underground light center and we wait it out til they all kill each other. The prophecy is correct.

Or artificial intelligence is born. If you want to know that story then follow iRobot's plot lol.
The idea of a new world order is not a bad idea if the idea of "America" is real. If you had REAL leaders and the public was taught the real truth in order to have a proper vote, I'd be all for it. Humans are a disease to ourselves, all living species and most importantly the planet. It needs to be regulated. We massively reproduce and destroy any piece of land we migrate to, then once it's destroyed we leave and do the same to the next place we call home.

We're too crazy about this idea of "freedom". I think freedom needs to be redefined. You can have free will to do anything you want, as long as you are only affecting yourself. Your freedom stops when you make choices that directly and indirectly affect other humans, other living beings and the earth in a negative or harmful way. There has to be rules and laws because not all humans are smart. Not all humans are hard workers. Not all humans are empathetic and compassionate. Not all humans are sane. But yet all these types of people have the freedom to reproduce (and humans like to **** like rabbits) so they can teach their kids to be stupid, too. And like joe rogan says "the problem with dumb people is that they don't know they are dumb".

Reproduction is one of my biggest beliefs to save the planet at this point. It needs to be regulated. I'm all for eugenics and I'm all for communism. People should have to take some sort of exam in order to reproduce and if you pass your allowed to have 2 children. **** you need 8 kids for? And not an exam with algebra and science questions. But open ended questions about your daily habits and views. Questions based on compassion, empathy, logic, critical thinking and the environment.

Somebody has to feel this lol.
@BenRoethlisberger Holy **** man, thanks for posting that video. Just one question and it maybe influenced with my just sudden introduction into finally using phychedelics. How are you able to for lack of a better term not go crazy with the world after a dmt and shroom trips. In my last couple of shroom trips i keep thinking man it really is just all a lie. Im having issues and just thinking about all the things i thought i liked and im not even sure anymore about what music to keep listening to if at all. Watching movies. Ive decided to stop drinking and smoking and probably only stick to psychedelics but not as a routine maybe one every couple of months. Does one learn to calm and mingle with the uninformed folks after a while ? Would you guys consider these normal feelings after being exposed to the amount of truth and knowledge after psychedelics.

I don't know if it's normal to feel this way, but it's normal to me because it's how I became when I first started my process of awakening. Ridicule and criticism came with the territory, but it's just a different kind of ignorance. You forget that before you took the red pill you were just like them. I think the western process of awakening fuels the ego a bit. But this path lead me down the road of Zen Buddhism. A "religion" not worshiping a god, but one about finding truth within self and dissolving the ego. The ego is the worlds biggest enemy.

Not going crazy has to do with acceptance. Accepting that we are all crazy in one way or another. Accepting the things you cannot change and letting them just be. You interacted with people before you knew 9/11 was an inside job or that earth is a speck in an ever expanding universe or before you became aware of conciousness so you know you can interact with people now. Might not be the conversations you want to partake in anymore. Conversations about the same 5 subjects; sports, entertainment, gossip, partying and shopping. Very mundane, yet it's all we've talked about our entire lives because it's apart of our programming. I still struggle with it but you just learn to engage in the conversation so it's not awkward. You can still converse and be detatched. Just know that you can try as hard as you can to talk people into waking up and realizing the truth, but it doesn't work that way. They have to see the truth for themselves just like you did, just like I did. So just let them be, be the change, let the light shine and people will notice and they will ask questions. Once they start asking questions, unleash your knowledge and take advantage of the opportunity, but don't just to spouting off at the mouth to everyone because you may not know as much as you think you do. Someone may come along and poke holes all through your ****, even if they are wrong and you are right.

Music, movies, video games, books, etc. all effect your subconscious and shape you. None of entertainment is innocent. It literally shapes your habits, goals, opinions, actions and thoughts. Your thoughts are not your thoughts. They are your programs thoughts. Now that you are aware you can choose what to reprogram your mind with. Choose what goes and what goes out. Everything will be alright. Just be.

Not even sure if any of that helps lol. Rant city.
Can easily stay in this thread for days :lol:
I don't do drugs but this thread makes me want to. I think about the "why" all the time. I struggle with human consciousness, morality, societal norms...etc. That stuff is always on my mind. And i hate mundane conversations but i feel like thats because i have some sociopathic tendencies

I love that speech where Neil Degrasse-Tyson (sp?) talks about aliens and points out that the difference between humans and chimps is about 1% of DNA. 1 percent and look what we can do vs them...just 1%. Imagine what its like if there is something out there that is 1% above us....we look like dumb monkeys to them...imagine if something is 2% different. Their intelligence level would be amazing. They look down on us like ohhh human we are like ohh that monkey is using a stick.
Ben thanks for that man, had to re read it several times answered alot of stuff for me atleast. I still have alot of questions and internal debates and it sucks that pretty much everyone in my live save for maybe less then 10 people just arent where im at and i guess with time ill learn how learn how manage those relationships.
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