Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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Lady Gaga - DEVIL'S HEAVEN : The 20th Annual Watermill Center Summer Benefit - Watermill, NY, United States - Saturday 27th July 2013




what the ****
Marc Oromaner ~ The Science Of Raising Your Vibration
Anyone who travels within spiritual circles has probably heard about “vibrations.” The context is usually that someone with a higher vibration is somehow more spiritual or that the goal of the individual is to raise his or her vibration. But what does this really mean? Is it all just spiritual mumbo jumbo or is there actually a science behind vibrations? As you probably figured out from the title of this article, I believe that there is absolutely a science to this spiritual concept. And I believe I can prove it.

Let’s start with what we know. At the center of our solar system is our sun—a big ball of light. Around it, orbits the planets. The closer planets, such as Mercury and Venus, move more quickly around the sun because they have smaller orbits. In our universe, patterns are continually repeating. For example, the atoms that make up the matter of our world are designed just like mini-solar systems. At the center of every atom is a nucleus. Around it, orbits its electrons. The difference is that at this subatomic level, the electrons can leap from one orbit to the next, giving us the term “quantum leap.”

When an electron moves from one orbit to one that is closer to the nucleus, it gives off energy or light. This is pretty much physics 101. Just about any physicist knows about this and would agree that it’s a proven fact. Unfortunately however, most scientists do not think metaphorically. Symbolism and metaphor is the realm of the artist, writer, musician, or poet.

In an ideal world, scientists and artists would work together to help solve the universe’s biggest mysteries. Since we’re not quite there yet, you have creative thinkers like me who hear about issues scientists are dealing with, see solutions they might not see, and feel compelled to share them with others. However, since us creative types don’t have the right schooling or degrees, our ideas often aren’t taken seriously, especially by said scientists (those who don’t read articles like this I mean.)

I’m hopeful that one day there will be official jobs for those who do what I do, but for now it’s up to you to decide whether any of this deserves any merit. It is man who decided that only those who’ve learned certain things about a topic have a right to expand the knowledge about that topic. But why should anyone get to decide the official sources for truth? As usual, I say if you read something that rings true for you, great. If not, let it go.

So, most any physicist would agree that an electron gives off energy/light as it jumps to a closer orbit. And they’d also agree that we are made up of atoms. But here’s where I’m going to take a quantum leap. Since we are all made up of atoms, any principle that is true for them, should also be true for us. Therefore, just as atoms give off light when they leap closer to their source, so do we.

Atoms are energy and energy is what connects us all together. At the center of our spiritual universe is light and all of our souls revolve around it. Whenever we do something that is for our material self alone—either with certain foods, drink, sex, money, or actions that are only for our own selfish pleasures—our souls leap to an orbit that is further from the light. However, when we act in ways that go against our selfish, materialistic inclinations, and more in-line with the light, we leap to an orbit that is closer to it.

Once this happens, just as with electrons, we release a stream of energy/light. This light attracts and empowers others, changing the frequency of their own energy in such a way that enables them to get closer to the light themselves. Those whose souls have made this leap are now orbiting closer to the center of the light and therefore have a smaller orbit, which means they are moving faster. This faster orbit is what is known as a higher vibration.

The closer we get to the light source, the more light we give off, and the quicker our energy vibrates. The quicker we vibrate, the less we are bound by the material rules of time and space. Space-time is an illusion of the material world. As we all begin to move collectively (influenced by one another’s leaps) towards the light, time will seem to speed up as it heads towards one single moment since one moment is really all there is.

Eventually, those with higher vibrations will be able to skip around time and space just like atoms do. And once we have a critical mass of people who can do this—enough energy to tip the scale in all one direction—our entire planet will increase it’s vibration. At that point, just like an electron, the entire planet Earth will leap into an orbit that is closer to its nucleus, the sun, and give off light in the process.

Will we all be fried by this? No, because most everyone will have increased their own vibrations, enabling them to leave their material selves behind, and a new society of light beings will exist on a glowing world at an orbit closer to our sun.

If any of this feels true to you, you may have a desire to have it fit in to the beliefs you already have. What I just illustrated is actually built into every religion, albeit metaphorically. It is the principle of the Sephirot in Judaism, reincarnation in Hinduism, The Buddha and Dharma in Buddhism and the internal principle of Jihad in Islam.

In Christianity, this entire story is symbolically demonstrated. Jesus is the son (sun). He is surrounded by the 12 apostles (electrons/planets). Jesus sacrifices his material body to help us, through the wisdom of the apostles, to raise our collective vibrations. And one day, Jesus shall return and those who followed his ways shall be like him and experience a rapture, leaving the material earth behind. The whole Messianic Age is basically the time when we collectively raise our vibrations and share in the light we give to one another. I do not believe that a being will arrive to show us how to do this. We already have the wisdom and are becoming more and more conscious of it each day.

Hopefully, this article will help us remember a little bit more, so we can then pass it on to others. As for those empirical-types who think my quantum leap was more leap of faith than science, I invite you to explore the leading theory that attempts to explain the building blocks of our universe—tiny vibrating loops known as string theory. Perhaps the idea of vibrations from that perspective will resonate more deeply for you

About the Author

Marc Oromaner is the author of The Myth of Lost, which deciphers the hidden wisdom of the hit TV show and explains how we can use this wisdom to overcome challenges and uncover our destiny. His website, The Layman’s Answers To Everything, points out the patterns that run through all great stories including our own. These patterns are clues that are meant to guide us towards a life full of love, light, and fulfillment.
Totally believe in this. He just stated it clearer. And truthfully, niketalk is aiding in countering this for certain folks. I wouldnt call NT illuminati but alot of practices/mind frames/trains of thought which actually build and reinforce the material prison which anchors you to the "laws" of the physical world. That energy/vibration is very real. I wanna say i've met multi-dimensional folk but thats a whole different mind-f*** topic lol

Time is an illusion for real, i wear a broken watch to remember this. I am late but always on time.

Peace and love brothers (even when it might seem otherwise)
It helps when you remember that some people are here solely to enjoy the material aspect of this planet. Everyone's purpose is different, but all of our actions impact each other. Life is pretty intricate and beautiful. Smile daily and have fun living with love.
Everything came today but the Acacia bark.

Currently breaking down my Syrian Rue with my mortar and pestle as I type this.

EDIT: 5 grams... This is going to take forever

Doing the max safe dosage on the Rue and the Acacia.. If im going to do this I want to break through. Not have someone tell me to wait two months to try again while im tripped out.
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Crash was a great film. Sensationalized, but real. Really real.

I commend you Jay. You're about to experience something lovely. Enjoy the journey.
Crash was a great film. Sensationalized, but real. Really real.

I commend you Jay. You're about to experience something lovely. Enjoy the journey.
If my fingers dont give out breaking down this Rue

Have to do 1 gram at a time.. And the Rue is extremely resistant. Spend like 70% of the time crushing and the other 30% stirring.

EDIT: If you guys are considering Ayahuasca you NEED a coffee grinder. Still working on the same 1 gram. Trying to refine the Rue into powder with a mortar and pestle is like trying to cut diamond with coal.
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It helps when you remember that some people are here solely to enjoy the material aspect of this planet. Everyone's purpose is different, but all of our actions impact each other. Life is pretty intricate and beautiful. Smile daily and have fun living with love.
Crash was a great film. Sensationalized, but real. Really real.

I commend you Jay. You're about to experience something lovely. Enjoy the journey.

So, wait.
Have some of you guys experienced an Ayahuasca trip? A legitimate one?

Because I'm down. I mentioned this a while ago in here but no one touched base. The journey I started years ago must continue & feel Ayahuasca is the tool to keep in the proper direction. Holla.
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You might need a Shaman to guide you to do Ayahuasca fully. I'm not so sure doing it by yourself.
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lear has flown many kinds of planes (other than lear jets, ha ha)
pilots rely on clear thinking, logic & awareness

yet, honestly - the more i've seen of him & what he says - he comes off as demented or at best delusional at times...

...these two traits, former (being a respected pilot) & latter (coming off the way he does) are what make his source of information hard for me to reconcile...
one wants to take him seriously - but they just let him run his mouth too long sometimes, then the nonsense kicks in
disclaimer to read first:

don't let the title scare you if you're not 'into the bible' - i could have just posted -> "Read Genesis 19." but have found youtube vidoes more conducive to this format (would you say that's correct gotholes?)

also - if i were you, i'd click da link, then just listen & NOT watch, this is important because the video shows 'god' vanish then continue the convo with Abraham which is not how it is conveyed in the bible (see, it's the little agenda serving things they slip in that make me hostile)

am probably not the first or last to post this gem but my fascination with the story has remained steadfast

i can remember having issues with what was written & brainwashed religious folks interpretations as far back as catechism (the teachers actually referenced S & Gomorrah to teach a lesson that it is rude to turn around in your pew at church & that you could turn into a pillar of salt for it! wtf?)

(am not going as far as to say i feel it must have been a nuclear attack, but listen & make up your own mind.)

ps- the vibe i get from the bible is that the men in town wanted to rape the visiting 'angels' - not fight them - for good angels are almost always depicted as great looking, near perfect physically

The main point is that the characters in this story come across as human not as ethereal gods) - and oh ya - what's up with god having co-workers or body-guards if you will? but if he's god? ya - that's what i thought
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thoughts on this film


bruh the ending is too vague.

so that broad was a demon? and he smashed and that gave him the confidence to beat the guy and enter the 9th gate?

was he actually going to hell, or just another dimension?

WHY DID THAT BLACK DUDE HAVE THAT BLONDE HAIR???? actually i have a theory on that.
From varying testimonials i've seen on the DMT-Nexus apparently that's an elitist thought.

A lot of them say you don't really need a shaman.. Just an elitist attitude people have in the way a friend boast about his achievement over another.

Update from yesterday, had some surplus Syrian Rue so I went ahead and tried 4.5 grams. The foulest tasting thing i've ever ingested in my entire life. I see why a lot of people throw up, because I almost did about 4 times. The taste really is that foul.

After about an hour the effects came full swing.. It was almost like being drunk and high at the same time without inhibiting your logic. I actually felt like I could think more clearly after coming under the effects. Crazy tracer effect as well. Moving my head/eyes it was almost like I could SEE the vibrations in my environment. It's hard to describe but it was almost as if reality was "glitching".

This morning I had to skip my 8 and 9 class because I felt like I was going to vomit the entire time on top of having a pretty bad headache.

Going to postpone the Ayahuasca attempt until after I finish with my classes tomorrow. Just in case I get those bad effects the morning after again, I'll have the entire weekend to recoup.
^your experience yesterday sounds similiar to a weak shroom trip or low dose of mescaline....

i really can't believe you'd think of attempting a full blown Ayahuasca on a 'school night,' almost disrespectful
i mean, that's like 10 times crazier than say (hypothetically) taking 4 hits of acid on halloween night then going to high school the next day

but please, don't let me hinder you - proceed as one naturally would - and then tell us about it (i almost feel like if you don't puke a lot, then you did something incorrectly during preparation)
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Crash was a great film. Sensationalized, but real. Really real.

I commend you Jay. You're about to experience something lovely. Enjoy the journey.

If my fingers dont give out breaking down this Rue :lol:

Have to do 1 gram at a time.. And the Rue is extremely resistant. Spend like 70% of the time crushing and the other 30% stirring.

EDIT: If you guys are considering Ayahuasca you NEED a coffee grinder. Still working on the same 1 gram. Trying to refine the Rue into powder with a mortar and pestle is like trying to cut diamond with coal.

man, what the hell are you guys talking about?
It helps when you remember that some people are here solely to enjoy the material aspect of this planet. Everyone's purpose is different, but all of our actions impact each other. Life is pretty intricate and beautiful. Smile daily and have fun living with love.
Truth as well. I feel my purpose is opposite this but i'm always tempted to get fresh lol. which is why I try for balance and not pure asceticism.

but nah, Ayahuasca is the topic my friend, the last 2 pages provide the info
and there can't be too much variance in a google search of the word Ayahuasca now can there?
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It helps when you remember that some people are here solely to enjoy the material aspect of this planet. Everyone's purpose is different, but all of our actions impact each other. Life is pretty intricate and beautiful. Smile daily and have fun living with love.

Truth as well. I feel my purpose is opposite this but i'm always tempted to get fresh lol. which is why I try for balance and not pure asceticism.
Balance is the key. We're allowed to have fun and enjoy the material aspects of this planet, we just shouldn't let them control and hinder us from living a true life. That stuff is supposed to supplement our time on this planet, not become our time (similar to how a green smoothie should supplement your diet, but not be the basis of it).

Life is beautiful. I saw this commercial last night, made me tear.

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