Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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Lmao UPS searched my package containing the Acacia and tried to put a note on it saying it was "Damaged"

Hilarious. Finally came in though. Already got everything prepped... Im so tempted to just do it today since I was set on this weekend.
Decided on just doing a fraction of the dose I plan on taking Saturday.

Typing this now after drinking down the rue.

Man I guarantee you nothing, even experience, helps to get that rue down. It's downright foul b.
Low dose ayahuasca + rue was VERY similar to lucid dreaming. Walls didn't fall down, but if I closed my eyes I could see like lines with dots on the end spinning and weaving into patterns.

On top of that, I could put myself "anywhere"

Best way to explain that, have you ever had a dream and it was so realistic you actually thought that it was happening?

Same thing, I could fly, I could jump high, build any scenario, etc.

On top of that, I felt like I wasn't even in my body. This is very hard to explain since I could still move my body (motor skills were gone though) but the touch sense was almost gone, I felt like I was everywhere.

Can't wait for the weekend so I can go all out. Took about 4 1/2 hours to wear off, 45 minutes for the effects to begin.

EDIT: As always, after these experiences I always come down with a massive headache.
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Slowly starting to understand the purpose of an illusion. Gonna go on a limb and say its one of the most arrogant concepts I can comprehend. The deeper I dig through this esoteric knowledge the more I understand
"The most important things can't be put into words, the second most important are misinterpreted."
Slowly starting to understand the purpose of an illusion. Gonna go on a limb and say its one of the most arrogant concepts I can comprehend. The deeper I dig through this esoteric knowledge the more I understand
"The most important things can't be put into words, the second most important are misinterpreted."
Like Osho said...words betray the true meaning of what needs to be conveyed. 

If you ever get a chance, read his Book of Secrets, I picked up some good stuff in there. 
Like Osho said...words betray the true meaning of what needs to be conveyed. 
If you ever get a chance, read his Book of Secrets, I picked up some good stuff in there. 

The Book of Secrets: Keys to Love and Meditation? Guide me fam. I'm into this stuff.
Like Osho said...words betray the true meaning of what needs to be conveyed. 
If you ever get a chance, read his Book of Secrets, I picked up some good stuff in there. 

Ill def give it a shot. Truly do appreciate the rec on the isis essays. I didn't get through it all yet but it helped a lot on some of the questions I had.
Ill def give it a shot. Truly do appreciate the rec on the isis essays. I didn't get through it all yet but it helped a lot on some of the questions I had.
You got it 

Saw this on Facebook this morning and found it worth sharing:

Everything will come to you when the time is right, IF, and only IF you are putting in the conscious effort, energy, and focus into what it is you are seeking. It's nice to spend all day lounging around thinking a relationship or a job will fall on your lap when the time is right, but that's not how the law of attraction works, right? Are you meeting the universe halfway by living at the vibration of the reality you wish to attract into your life? Are you showing the universe that you are ready to receive this experience you desire?

It's sometimes so easy to sit back and let life live around you, but that effort and focus is necessary and needs to be consistent. Consistency is probably one of the toughest things for humans nowadays with all the distractions present, which is why you need to really be aware of what you value and how you focus your attention.
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It was kind of dry for me personally, was there anything specific you enjoyed about it that perhaps I'm missing.

I like theories of the multiple universes, but also when robert tells the guy hes interviewing about the sort of faith they have on the math to support the theories being correct and the guy not really considering it faith but then is after he explains it to him, then the person that speakers after the interview that says we have to open to the possibility that we may know everything their is to know. I can see why you say it was a little dry. But for me personally after hearing it over several times i thought about many things and looking at alot of other theories and philosophies. Got my mind racing a little.
This is another podcast episode from stuff to blow your mind, its a interesting interview with Neil Degrasse Tyson, its about 50 mins long but really great, maybe alot of it is common knowledge for others who dabble in this kinds of things, as for me i got a late start in getting off the laymen band wagon so alot of these conversations and view points and theories all sound great to me.
I like theories of the multiple universes, but also when robert tells the guy hes interviewing about the sort of faith they have on the math to support the theories being correct and the guy not really considering it faith but then is after he explains it to him, then the person that speakers after the interview that says we have to open to the possibility that we may know everything their is to know. I can see why you say it was a little dry. But for me personally after hearing it over several times i thought about many things and looking at alot of other theories and philosophies. Got my mind racing a little.

Thanks for breaking it down for me bro. I guess everyone has that jump start that gets them looking into other ideas and they branch off from there as they form their own thoughts. For me a lot stuff didn't make sense until I started applying a lot of the esoteric knowledge. The thing that always trips me out is I was fascinated by new up and coming multi dimensional theories. However, none of this stuff is new and you'll see a lot of the ancient civilizations were well aware of this and just spoke of it in different terms.

Here's a thought that I've wanted to share for a while that I've been struggling to put into words.

The plight of the human being can't and won't be solved, until as a collective consciousness we can rise above human thinking and understand our spiritual infinity.
I've tried explaining it to my sister as a math problem.

Say the bottom of society (poverty/welfare) is trying to solve a math problem. Example 1/3=.333333 repeating. Unaware of infinity they keep crunching numbers expecting a different result.

Say the same thing for the middle class except they have 2/3. Again .666666 repeating still expecting a different number without the concept of infinity.

Now the metaphor for the financially elite. Pi aka 22/7=3.14 etc.

The way I see it is like this. The poor have a small piece of the pie and their piece is so small that they can't see that life their is a repeating problem that has no resolution but play the game every day hoping for change.

The middle class is a little more intelligent, and feel like they almost have life figured out so they'll keep playing the game cause they almost have all the pie. Shortly they realize their problems are the same every day and are just content with having a piece of the pie and let go of grasping the whole thing.

The financial elite have everyone tricked. Oh look they've mastered the numbers game, not only do they have the whole pie but their problems end with numbers beside "3" and "6" they must've figured it out. Due to people's short sightedness they don't realize that despite all the money they have a never ending problem as well.

So in conclusion, matter is an illusion and you can't figure it out. It's something that was created to draw people from within and get them trapped in a rat race that has no end.

To tie physics in to this it's the reason anti matter is the dominating force of the universe.

Hope that livens the thread back up my brethren and made sense to someone.
Damn, read that a couple of times and it sent my mind for a spin but im grasping sort of what your getting at. I heard a joe rogan podcast a couple days ago, and they were very lightly talking about simulation theories and that at the pace were going at currently with technology and math, humans or those highly involved in the sciences will be able to create a simulation that a person will not be able to tell the difference between it and reality. I paused it and got to thinking about a bunch of different things. The first one was well how do we know we arent in it now. Then i thought well in many cases a simulation is a controlled environment, if a person wont be able to tell which is which how would they account for emotion of the other beings in this so called simulated world. I asked someone about that and they said well maybe emotion is just another human construct and its been engrained so much into what is the human its become part of the human being. Which then had my mind asking a bunch of other questions, which will be to long and not properly thought out to cohesively put into writting. Damn kinda upset i didnt join in on this thread before but its never to late with these kinds of things for lack of a better term.
I now what you mean when you say it's a struggle to put a lot of things into words. As far as emotions and this being a simulation this is what I've came up with through my own intellect and research.

-The reality we perceive is an illusion that is an imitation of a higher dimension that our brains can't comprehend. The reason we can't comprehend them goes back to what I was saying earlier. These dimensions are infinite and don't work on the concept of finite resources. It's engrained in us since were babies everything is finite so it's difficult to understand some thing that's contrary. If you're interested check out the Kabbalah. You'll see that earth is called malkouth. Using logic you can draw the parallels between malnourish, malicious, mal intent, if you believe in occult knowledge you could even make an argument for cobb's wife in inception being called "Mal"

-One theory I have is that life is about polarity. Matter/anti-matter, conscious/subconscious, from the heart/from the brain, melanin/no-melanin, eventually resulting in the theory to be spiritually alive you would have to known what is to be spiritually dead, which is what we are now.

-the theory that makes the most sense to me and I won't go to deep into is the story of adolabroth from the gnostic gospels. He basically created this reality out of ignorance and imbalance. It's what some would call the lucifer experiment. In the bible that's why you hear of a blood thirsty and jealous god. Furthermore, I think all of our souls come from a feminine energy that has the illusion of a man and woman. Man are just the aggressive side of the illusion.

-emotions are just a chemical process that were created to keep you from discovering the infinite soul that resides in you. Ex. Fear that you won't live for ever, anxiety there's not enough love for you, excitement over a pair of shoes that you perceive as limited or unique. My point being that most emotions manifest off an illusion, there fore they're an illusion themselves. I would even argue most love on the planet isn't real but rather something to satisfy the ego.

Everyone has their beliefs, and how they got there. I think they all lead back to the same thing though. I've seen a lot through meditation, spiritual herbs or what ever you wanna call them. I think I've seen what we call god or at least my perception of it, and my eyes get blurry thinking about it man.

So in the end no matter what this thing is were in, I know things are going to be alright. If it's not alright it's not the end.
Sorry if this is a repost but after a talk with a coworker he mention this guy to me and i saw this video and mind went crazy again.
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ok so I wouldn't say I'm a regular here, I've posted before and read what people post, love all of it actually mad that the Amazonian drug posted a few pages back would be too much for me and that I should start at LSD or acid to prepare for the 8th dimension

So it pains me to ask this and I know how NT is (shout out to Anton) but do the "regulars" here believe in a religion or are religious? my brothers and I had a talk with my mom that more and more we find religion or christianity is not adding up and obsurd. Mentioning Noah's Ark and that 2 of any species would be F---ed if one of them died was a funny highlight.

around 95% of the scientists in the world are atheist and I feel the same.

"God is an ever receding pocket of Scientific ignorance" - Neil DeGrasse Tyson
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