Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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Can only speak for myself but i dont think that its all bs because i believe there are some things that happen and i can personally say have gone through that may have been unexplainable by science. But im starting to look at religion as a feel good organization, and the storys and teachings are just another one of the many views on how to live in this crazy thing we call earth. I can understand the concept of it and dont deny cause there are some positives. I dont go to church much if at all but i can ive gone atleast twice a year for about every year of my life so far, more before then now. But i feel many just look for alternatives for many different reasons, some people are just curious and dont believe everything there told or made to believe. Some have parents or families who are very into it and they oppose it just to go against the grain. Its just another facet of life thats been woven into the fabric of society.
judging people's spirituality/understanding of self by their socioeconomic class :smh:

I think you may be misinterpreting what I'm saying.

Nonetheless, it makes it difficult to think about higher level stuff when you're worried about where your next meal is coming from. Furthermore, it could be perceived as uncool to think about a lot of this stuff at the lower socioeconomic groups just cause because the illusion that it's difficult to identify with.
I think you may be misinterpreting what I'm saying.

Nonetheless, it makes it difficult to think about higher level stuff when you're worried about where your next meal is coming from. Furthermore, it could be perceived as uncool to think about a lot of this stuff at the lower socioeconomic groups just cause because the illusion that it's difficult to identify with.

I was just having a similar conversation with a coworker of mine, not from the social level and religious stuff. But about diving deep into string theory and sub particles, worm holes and space and time, dark matter and other things like that. I told him that when you start diving deep into alot of these subjects i can see why to people non interested in these topics can look at you as sort of crazy. The idea of being told other and having some of those ideas sink in and to try to even make some kind of sense while also paying bills and working and putting food on the table is a insane task for some.
Lately I been feeling like the whole Jesus dying on the cross for our sins is all made up by man..

Let me rephrase that, I been feeling like religion as a whole is made up by man.. I think it was put here to keep us distracted from the real truth..
Im kinda in a space where I kno that a biblical "God" doesn't really exist but I do feel like we as humans were created and put here on earth.. I just can't leave us evolving from homo erectus into the humans of today just by chance.. That ish doesn't add up in my head, something is missing from the puzzle..
Saw this on Facebook this morning and found it worth sharing:
It's sometimes so easy to sit back and let life live around you, but that effort and focus is necessary and needs to be consistent. Consistency is probably one of the toughest things for humans nowadays with all the distractions present, which is why you need to really be aware of what you value and how you focus your attention.
To expound further, there's a host of negative effects within our subconscious as a result of exposure to electronic devices; several technological innovations in our history are nothing more than deleterious to our chakra system. 

The powers that be continually push the nonsense...just look at the fiasco in Washington...are we really a nation under GOD?

So when that was stated by the founding robbers of our nation there was clearly an agenda in place to subvert the masses on a much grander scale than we could ever imagine. 

@JohnnyRedStorm  monster thread. 

As always, history is the best teacher. 
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coasttocoast a.m.

Wed 10-09

Longtime paranormal researcher and investigator James Carman will discuss his work on a variety of topics including alien abduction, human/alien hybridization, the military’s reverse-engineering of alien technology, and the government cover-up of anything related to ETs.
 @GotHolesInMyShoes  good looking 

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Lately I been feeling like the whole Jesus dying on the cross for our sins is all made up by man..

Let me rephrase that, I been feeling like religion as a whole is made up by man.. I think it was put here to keep us distracted from the real truth..
Im kinda in a space where I kno that a biblical "God" doesn't really exist but I do feel like we as humans were created and put here on earth.. I just can't leave us evolving from homo erectus into the humans of today just by chance.. That ish doesn't add up in my head, something is missing from the puzzle..

Here's and article I came by yesterday
Biblical Scholar: Jesus Christ A ‘Fictional Character’ Made Up By Romans
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I wonder if one could make it through every single video frame and written article in this entire thread without losing their mind.
this lady on coast to coast right now sounds like a load of crap. straight bull ****. sounds like an attention ***** whos bored and who has nothing better to do than make **** up... they will let anyone on that show now..

what i find funny is that most people who have been abducted have stated that the aliens have said that a god does exist...yet alot of religious people and atheist cannot believe both can coexist as if they know everything...
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Do any of you have a PDF link to the Osho Book of Secrets? I've been searching online and have not found a full copy. Thank you to all of the contributors to this thread over the past year or so. Definitely one of the main reasons I keep coming back to NT. :nthat:
Do any of you have a PDF link to the Osho Book of Secrets? I've been searching online and have not found a full copy. Thank you to all of the contributors to this thread over the past year or so. Definitely one of the main reasons I keep coming back to NT.
That book is heavy man, a PDF would be tough to plow through imo. 
Saw this on Facebook this morning and found it worth sharing:

It's sometimes so easy to sit back and let life live around you, but that effort and focus is necessary and needs to be consistent. Consistency is probably one of the toughest things for humans nowadays with all the distractions present, which is why you need to really be aware of what you value and how you focus your attention.

To expound further, there's a host of negative effects within our subconscious as a result of exposure to electronic devices; several technological innovations in our history are nothing more than deleterious to our chakra system. 

The powers that be continually push the nonsense...just look at the fiasco in Washington...are we really a nation under GOD?

So when that was stated by the founding robbers of our nation there was clearly an agenda in place to subvert the masses on a much grander scale than we could ever imagine. 

 monster thread. 

As always, history is the best teacher. 
Great point. I never connected technology and the chakras but that makes sense. So much focus is placed on iPhones daily (I do it too) that people forget what's around them. This is an issue I wanna tackle in my novel.

The more that I think about it, this whole nation seems like it was built as an experiment of some kind.

Lots of stuff posted lately that I need to read and get to. Nice job contributing, guys.

Jay, you take that trip yet? My apologies if you posted and I missed, need to read these last few pages still.

To the dude that asked about religion and our views, I'm spiritual. Although I was baptized and went to Catholic school my entire life, I don't subscribe to religion. I embrace the theory of finding love and beauty in everything around me and attempting to be as pure and clear as possible throughout my day (definitely difficult at times). Religion has been too corrupted and I can't get behind that. I respect those that go to Mass and pay their respects, etc. but I rather worship the Highest One by spreading love, listening to others and attempting to be the best me as possible (past couple of weeks have been a struggle, but I'm ready to quit being lazy and provide the effort necessary to reap the rewards of destiny).

Faith and spirituality should be pushed more than organized religion.
Saw this on Facebook this morning and found it worth sharing:

It's sometimes so easy to sit back and let life live around you, but that effort and focus is necessary and needs to be consistent. Consistency is probably one of the toughest things for humans nowadays with all the distractions present, which is why you need to really be aware of what you value and how you focus your attention.
To expound further, there's a host of negative effects within our subconscious as a result of exposure to electronic devices; several technological innovations in our history are nothing more than deleterious to our chakra system. 

The powers that be continually push the nonsense...just look at the fiasco in Washington...are we really a nation under GOD?

So when that was stated by the founding robbers of our nation there was clearly an agenda in place to subvert the masses on a much grander scale than we could ever imagine. 

 monster thread. 

As always, history is the best teacher. 
Great point. I never connected technology and the chakras but that makes sense. So much focus is placed on iPhones daily (I do it too) that people forget what's around them. This is an issue I wanna tackle in my novel.

The more that I think about it, this whole nation seems like it was built as an experiment of some kind.

Lots of stuff posted lately that I need to read and get to. Nice job contributing, guys.

Jay, you take that trip yet? My apologies if you posted and I missed, need to read these last few pages still.

To the dude that asked about religion and our views, I'm spiritual. Although I was baptized and went to Catholic school my entire life, I don't subscribe to religion. I embrace the theory of finding love and beauty in everything around me and attempting to be as pure and clear as possible throughout my day (definitely difficult at times). Religion has been too corrupted and I can't get behind that. I respect those that go to Mass and pay their respects, etc. but I rather worship the Highest One by spreading love, listening to others and attempting to be the best me as possible (past couple of weeks have been a struggle, but I'm ready to quit being lazy and provide the effort necessary to reap the rewards of destiny).

Faith and spirituality should be pushed more than organized religion.
No I haven't, im actually planning for it tomorrow as soon as I get home after my morning classes.

The root bark came after the weekend I had initially planned it for assuming it was going to come that Friday or Saturday, but apparently it was "damaged" (pretty sure they searched my package) and it came the following Monday.

Had to get my wisdom teeth pulled that Monday so I definitely wasn't touching the Rue or the bark while I was on pharms.. Too risky. I did do a post back a few pages where I talked about how I took a very low dosage the Saturday before I got my wisdoms pulled and it was pretty much a long lucid dream and some spinning fractals when I woke up.

American Biblical scholar Joseph Atwill will be appearing before the British public for the first time in London on the 19th of October to present a controversial new discovery: ancient confessions recently uncovered now prove, according to Atwill, that the New Testament was written by first-century Roman aristocrats and that they fabricated the entire story of Jesus Christ. His presentation will be part of a one-day symposium entitled "Covert Messiah" at Conway Hall in Holborn (full details can be found at
Although to many scholars his theory seems outlandish, and is sure to upset some believers, Atwill regards his evidence as conclusive and is confident its acceptance is only a matter of time. "I present my work with some ambivalence, as I do not want to directly cause Christians any harm," he acknowledges, "but this is important for our culture. Alert citizens need to know the truth about our past so we can understand how and why governments create false histories and false gods. They often do it to obtain a social order that is against the best interests of the common people."
Atwill asserts that Christianity did not really begin as a religion, but a sophisticated government project, a kind of propaganda exercise used to pacify the subjects of the Roman Empire. "Jewish sects in Palestine at the time, who were waiting for a prophesied warrior Messiah, were a constant source of violent insurrection during the first century," he explains. "When the Romans had exhausted conventional means of quashing rebellion, they switched to psychological warfare. They surmised that the way to stop the spread of zealous Jewish missionary activity was to create a competing belief system. That's when the 'peaceful' Messiah story was invented. Instead of inspiring warfare, this Messiah urged turn-the-other-cheek pacifism and encouraged Jews to 'give onto Caesar' and pay their taxes to Rome."
Was Jesus based on a real person from history? "The short answer is no," Atwill insists, "in fact he may be the only fictional character in literature whose entire life story can be traced to other sources. Once those sources are all laid bare, there's simply nothing left."
Atwill's most intriguing discovery came to him while he was studying "Wars of the Jews" by Josephus [the only surviving first-person historical account of first-century Judea] alongside the New Testament. "I started to notice a sequence of parallels between the two texts," he recounts. "Although it's been recognised by Christian scholars for centuries that the prophesies of Jesus appear to be fulfilled by what Josephus wrote about in the First Jewish-Roman war, I was seeing dozens more. What seems to have eluded many scholars is that the sequence of events and locations of Jesus ministry are more or less the same as the sequence of events and locations of the military campaign of [Emperor] Titus Flavius as described by Josephus. This is clear evidence of a deliberately constructed pattern. The biography of Jesus is actually constructed, tip to stern, on prior stories, but especially on the biography of a Roman Caesar."
How could this go unnoticed in the most scrutinised books of all time? "Many of the parallels are conceptual or poetic, so they aren't all immediately obvious. After all, the authors did not want the average believer to see what they were doing, but they did want the alert reader to see it. An educated Roman in the ruling class would probably have recognised the literary game being played." Atwill maintains he can demonstrate that "the Roman Caesars left us a kind of puzzle literature that was meant to be solved by future generations, and the solution to that puzzle is 'We invented Jesus Christ, and we're proud of it.'"
Is this the beginning of the end of Christianity? "Probably not," grants Atwill, "but what my work has done is give permission to many of those ready to leave the religion to make a clean break. We've got the evidence now to show exactly where the story of Jesus came from. Although Christianity can be a comfort to some, it can also be very damaging and repressive, an insidious form of mind control that has led to blind acceptance of serfdom, poverty, and war throughout history. To this day, especially in the United States, it is used to create support for war in the Middle East."
Atwill encourages skeptics to challenge him at Conway Hall, where after the presentations there is likely to be a lively Q&A session. Joining Mr.Atwill will be fellow scholar Kenneth Humphreys, author of the book "Jesus Never Existed."
Saw that a couple days ago, interested in seeing if this is to promote his book/speeches and bring in bread or if he's serious.

Most people who have looked into it see the parallels between Jesus and other figures but I really want to see what this evidence is.
Saw that a couple days ago, interested in seeing if this is to promote his book/speeches and bring in bread or if he's serious.

Most people who have looked into it see the parallels between Jesus and other figures but I really want to see what this evidence is.

I will be curious to see as well. In my heart I know it's true. I know all Christ is/was is a metaphor brought about to show people how to rise above the human state that was most likely stolen from Horus in Egyptian mythology. Hopefully if this dude really brings it can end some of the madness in the world.
What's crazy is that his name is Joseph too :smh:

And his last name is "At will" :evil:
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