Sooooo Does Anyone Feel Bad for LeBron???

Originally Posted by do work son

i don't feel bad or sorry for him from a basketball stand point. he didn't play up to his potential in the finals. (although i do recognize that he carried them through the chicago series)

personally though i feel very sorry for him. it's not like he came out and said "im better than kobe and MJ". the media is the one who makes those comparisons, and then the same media turns around and criticizes him for not performing to that ability. and it's pathetic to see people just spew hate towards this man. he's a basketball player, what did he ever do to you?

i can understand not rooting for a guy, rooting against a guy, but the way people treat Lebron takes it to another level. i just don't have the energy to hate this man like other people, i've got better things to do than constantly root for this man's failure

Co-signing the bolded.

I feel sorry for him because now until October he gon' be heckled by us & the media


One more thing. Let this Finals series remind ya'll who is the best basketball player in the world STILL. 

Originally Posted by do work son

i don't feel bad or sorry for him from a basketball stand point. he didn't play up to his potential in the finals. (although i do recognize that he carried them through the chicago series)

personally though i feel very sorry for him. it's not like he came out and said "im better than kobe and MJ". the media is the one who makes those comparisons, and then the same media turns around and criticizes him for not performing to that ability. and it's pathetic to see people just spew hate towards this man. he's a basketball player, what did he ever do to you?

i can understand not rooting for a guy, rooting against a guy, but the way people treat Lebron takes it to another level. i just don't have the energy to hate this man like other people, i've got better things to do than constantly root for this man's failure

Co-signing the bolded.

I feel sorry for him because now until October he gon' be heckled by us & the media


One more thing. Let this Finals series remind ya'll who is the best basketball player in the world STILL. 

For this guy?





It's one thing to be confident, another to be cocky, but to take feeling himself to the level that Lebron has is so awful that he deserves to choke on his pride like this. Dude has never really had to face himself in the public light.

I'm sure all of us have done something embarrassing and have had to deal with showing your face the next day, week or whatever. It didn't kill you, it taught you humility and made you stronger. Humility and mental toughness are two things this lame is lacking. I think he needs to develop thicker skin and find himself outside of basketball. He's obviously surrounded himself with the type of yes men that have ruined other great athletes careers. Hopefully his embarrassing display on and off the court during the finals will make him take a look at himself and the people he chooses to surround himself with.

Until then, he deserves most of what he's getting. It'll be interesting to see if he makes any changes to his game and attitude next season.
For this guy?





It's one thing to be confident, another to be cocky, but to take feeling himself to the level that Lebron has is so awful that he deserves to choke on his pride like this. Dude has never really had to face himself in the public light.

I'm sure all of us have done something embarrassing and have had to deal with showing your face the next day, week or whatever. It didn't kill you, it taught you humility and made you stronger. Humility and mental toughness are two things this lame is lacking. I think he needs to develop thicker skin and find himself outside of basketball. He's obviously surrounded himself with the type of yes men that have ruined other great athletes careers. Hopefully his embarrassing display on and off the court during the finals will make him take a look at himself and the people he chooses to surround himself with.

Until then, he deserves most of what he's getting. It'll be interesting to see if he makes any changes to his game and attitude next season.
Don't feel sorry for him but him striking back to the ppl starting and fueling those mom/bm rumors is something I can't knock.
Don't feel sorry for him but him striking back to the ppl starting and fueling those mom/bm rumors is something I can't knock.
i dont feel bad that lebron has zero chance at being mentioned as an alltime great.....EVER...he is a broken man
i dont feel bad that lebron has zero chance at being mentioned as an alltime great.....EVER...he is a broken man
How can you feel sorry for a guy that care about no one but himself and his image ?

Ever since coming to the league . He develop that sense of entitlement like he suppose win ring base on his talent

The "Decision" was basically a big F you to his Cavs fan and Cavs organization. He only care about himself

He then take the short cut to team up with two other superstar and claim he's going to win 8 rings before he even get a taste of the first. "Not one , not two, not three, not four, not five, not six, not seven, ... etc"

He talk the talk but never walk the walk

Then when he fail back his @@ up . He still put himself before everything "At the end of the day im richer than you , while you still have to go back to your miserable life and your problem "

Not a single damn is being given to Lebron failure right now
I was starting to feel a little bad for him... then I seen what he said about us regular people being peasants.

Plus, I didn't like that N from jump since he didn't come to the Knicks... F that bum %%% ringchaser.

Had he came to the Knicks I think him, Melo, and Stat could have won it first year because they would still have money left over to pick up good role players.
How can you feel sorry for a guy that care about no one but himself and his image ?

Ever since coming to the league . He develop that sense of entitlement like he suppose win ring base on his talent

The "Decision" was basically a big F you to his Cavs fan and Cavs organization. He only care about himself

He then take the short cut to team up with two other superstar and claim he's going to win 8 rings before he even get a taste of the first. "Not one , not two, not three, not four, not five, not six, not seven, ... etc"

He talk the talk but never walk the walk

Then when he fail back his @@ up . He still put himself before everything "At the end of the day im richer than you , while you still have to go back to your miserable life and your problem "

Not a single damn is being given to Lebron failure right now
I was starting to feel a little bad for him... then I seen what he said about us regular people being peasants.

Plus, I didn't like that N from jump since he didn't come to the Knicks... F that bum %%% ringchaser.

Had he came to the Knicks I think him, Melo, and Stat could have won it first year because they would still have money left over to pick up good role players.
I don't think he's aware of how crude his past actions are. I honestly think he's still childlike in some regards. He may not know how to handle business the most eloquent way, but, with all due respect, look at his upbringing. Look at how his mom behaves now and consider the source. Do you think she ever showed him the proper way to dismiss yourself from a job?

I think he's a good guy at heart who is still trying to raise himself as a man. I think he turned out pretty good honestly.

Do I feel bad for him? In a sense, yes. But at the end of the day he's a multi millionaire superstar and bound to be a champion, while I'm working a temporary job, car isn't working, not to mention in high school I didn't even make JV. So if anything he should be the one feeling sorry for me!
I don't think he's aware of how crude his past actions are. I honestly think he's still childlike in some regards. He may not know how to handle business the most eloquent way, but, with all due respect, look at his upbringing. Look at how his mom behaves now and consider the source. Do you think she ever showed him the proper way to dismiss yourself from a job?

I think he's a good guy at heart who is still trying to raise himself as a man. I think he turned out pretty good honestly.

Do I feel bad for him? In a sense, yes. But at the end of the day he's a multi millionaire superstar and bound to be a champion, while I'm working a temporary job, car isn't working, not to mention in high school I didn't even make JV. So if anything he should be the one feeling sorry for me!
Originally Posted by LDJ

ps2child wrote:
really he brought this on his self.

the whole decision special on espn.
the celebration in miami afterward.
the comments of not 1, not 2, not 3, etc.
the dirk jokes.
terry calling him out.
terry busts in his face.
they loose at home.
....the list goes on.

they kinda asked for it.

He was getting hated before all those other things happened. Like I said in another post. Its funny how brett farve did the EXACT same thing only worst, yet i dont remember ppl rioting and burning cheese and jerseys, Nor was his "Decision" in which he made a press conference and event about only to say i was going to say but nah i change my mind then held yet another "Decision" press conference recieved as much hate. And he pretty much said the same thing lbj said. Yadda yadda.... this team isnt trying to put great players around me win a bowl.... (even though they are the most successfull team in sports history) And im going to win a super bowl...(granted he didnt say multiple, but thats probably cause he was so old he couldnt play long enough to win multiple) And then have news espn etc... follow him to camp where he basically didnt participate.

Im not gonna say what it looks like and seems like subconsciously is going on...
The two aren't comparable.

Favre played for the Packers for 16 seasons. He brought them a Super Bowl. He was essentially forced out of Green Bay. And he definitely caught flak for his retire/don't retire BS he carried on through the media season after season.

And yes, I hate Brett Favre more than any other athlete in the world. LBJ included.
Originally Posted by LDJ

ps2child wrote:
really he brought this on his self.

the whole decision special on espn.
the celebration in miami afterward.
the comments of not 1, not 2, not 3, etc.
the dirk jokes.
terry calling him out.
terry busts in his face.
they loose at home.
....the list goes on.

they kinda asked for it.

He was getting hated before all those other things happened. Like I said in another post. Its funny how brett farve did the EXACT same thing only worst, yet i dont remember ppl rioting and burning cheese and jerseys, Nor was his "Decision" in which he made a press conference and event about only to say i was going to say but nah i change my mind then held yet another "Decision" press conference recieved as much hate. And he pretty much said the same thing lbj said. Yadda yadda.... this team isnt trying to put great players around me win a bowl.... (even though they are the most successfull team in sports history) And im going to win a super bowl...(granted he didnt say multiple, but thats probably cause he was so old he couldnt play long enough to win multiple) And then have news espn etc... follow him to camp where he basically didnt participate.

Im not gonna say what it looks like and seems like subconsciously is going on...
The two aren't comparable.

Favre played for the Packers for 16 seasons. He brought them a Super Bowl. He was essentially forced out of Green Bay. And he definitely caught flak for his retire/don't retire BS he carried on through the media season after season.

And yes, I hate Brett Favre more than any other athlete in the world. LBJ included.
Obviously he's a multimillionaire who can do just about whatever he damn pleases so I can't feel too bad for him.

But I do feel for him a bit because he really is the most criticized athlete of all time. And considering he's never committed a crime, and never been got caught doing anything really crazy or stupid. I mean the worst thing he's ever really done is get a chosen1 tat and saying "i've decided to take my talents..." We all have these almost unrealistic expectations for him. We always want him to win the way we want say what we think is the right thing to say. But at the end of the day he's a person too and he should be allowed to say how he really feels. Sometimes I try to put myself in the shoes of these superstar players who have to answer all these dumb media questions right after they just lost a hard fought playoff game. I mean damn I would say some crazzzy shiittt if it was me. I just think we have to stop being so mad and hating on these athletes that dont please us.

He's just a larger than life figure whose kept us all talking. And if we are all really honest with ourselves, Lebron might be the best thing to happen to the sport of basketball since MJ (And we will never EVER see another MJ. so we should all stop that talk forever)
Obviously he's a multimillionaire who can do just about whatever he damn pleases so I can't feel too bad for him.

But I do feel for him a bit because he really is the most criticized athlete of all time. And considering he's never committed a crime, and never been got caught doing anything really crazy or stupid. I mean the worst thing he's ever really done is get a chosen1 tat and saying "i've decided to take my talents..." We all have these almost unrealistic expectations for him. We always want him to win the way we want say what we think is the right thing to say. But at the end of the day he's a person too and he should be allowed to say how he really feels. Sometimes I try to put myself in the shoes of these superstar players who have to answer all these dumb media questions right after they just lost a hard fought playoff game. I mean damn I would say some crazzzy shiittt if it was me. I just think we have to stop being so mad and hating on these athletes that dont please us.

He's just a larger than life figure whose kept us all talking. And if we are all really honest with ourselves, Lebron might be the best thing to happen to the sport of basketball since MJ (And we will never EVER see another MJ. so we should all stop that talk forever)
Not me... I feel bad every time I hear people putting him in a Jordan status lol
Lots of fallacies in this thread.

1. Kobe being better than Bron, NO.

2. Bron being able to team up w/ Melo and Stat, if Bron is there, NYK would have no cap space for Melo

3. He took the shortcut by playing w/ 2 superstars,Bosh is not a superstar. Also, who in the right mind would stay in CLE? Miami was the best choice, as well the most logical one, deal w/ it.

It's one thing to hate, but to be so off wack w/ statements is straight foolishness. Some people need to find better things need to do, than hate on BB player, sup NYK and CLE fans.
Lots of fallacies in this thread.

1. Kobe being better than Bron, NO.

2. Bron being able to team up w/ Melo and Stat, if Bron is there, NYK would have no cap space for Melo

3. He took the shortcut by playing w/ 2 superstars,Bosh is not a superstar. Also, who in the right mind would stay in CLE? Miami was the best choice, as well the most logical one, deal w/ it.

It's one thing to hate, but to be so off wack w/ statements is straight foolishness. Some people need to find better things need to do, than hate on BB player, sup NYK and CLE fans.
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