Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

^ I would love to hit the gym in America.. You have so many gyms and a 24hour gym.. that would be cool, sometimes I like to clear my mind (usually when im mad)by lifting esp at night.
Originally Posted by AirPhilippines

Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Opinions are really gonna vary on protein intake. I'd normally recommend more than 100grams a day, but then, I don't know if you're a total beginner or if you've been lifting for a while, what your body type is, how your metabolism is, etc... Without any details, I'd say aim for between 100 and 150 grams of protein a day right now, trying to get a little bit more on days you've worked out pretty hard in the morning, or days after you've worked out hard in the afternoon/evening. That's just me though, and again, I don't have enough info.

I'll try my best to answer, I've been workout out for about 1.5 years, ectomorph. My metabolism is high, before I worked out, I could eat a house and not have to worry about gaining a pound. I used to weigh 135 then I finally got a membership, my goal is around 170 or so. I'll take pics tomorrow if it's needed

That helps. Yeah, I'd say between 100 to 150 grams of protein a day. If you're truly an ectomorph (small wrists, ankles, joints; always been slim,even as a kid) then yeah, keep it a little high, because I'm guessing you're relatively lean. It might not even be just protein, it might be justgetting more total calories per day, which means complex carbs at most meals and a good source of healthy fat (nuts, avocados, olive oil...) with most meals.
Just got back, my legs are DESTROYED. Them lunges don't play, I also did extra without the weights on leg press and squats.
Originally Posted by ricerocket1

im planning to run a marathon this january...need help where to start i've been running 4 miles a day and doing boxing and lifting weights...just want to know how i can increase my stamina and endurance...and what's a good shoes to run with? my airmax aint cutting it anymore
I ran a 1/2 marathon this past October. I never ran long distance and was able to finish under 1:30. I used a modified Hal Higdon program. Here's the link for marathon training: There are seperate programs based on running experience.
Magundai, I don't like that routine at all. Way too imbalanced. Do a simple routine like:
Originally Posted by nealraj006

I3, where do you live? I thought that everyone in here was from canada/usa

Way way down under.. in New Zealand.� This man is our Prime Minister haha.. dude could walk down around town and no one would care.� I mean when MichelleRodriguez was filming Avatar down here, you'd walk past her and say hi and be done with it haha.
I3 wrote:

Originally Posted by nealraj006

I3, where do you live? I thought that everyone in here was from canada/usa

Way way down under.. in New Zealand.� This man is our Prime Minister haha.. dude could walk down around town and no one would care.� I mean when Michelle Rodriguez was filming Avatar down here, you'd walk past her and say hi and be done with it haha.

Translation on #5 please?

Side note: Michelle Rodriguez
. But what does she have to do with theprime minister?

Now back on topic:
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Magundai, I don't like that routine at all. Way too imbalanced. Do a simple routine like:

I agree about the imbalanced routine like he posted, but I prefer to put shoulders with legs when doing a 3 day split. They compiment each other very welland can be worked out together very efficiently. Although you can't really go "wrong" with the routine above, it suggests that you only do coreonce per week when IMO it should be at least 2-3.
Bodies n motion holmes. I can roll up at 7pm and its like I have a reserved parking space in the front.
SMH at the parking war that goes on at around 5-7PM on week nights.
At 7pm the only front parking you'd get is at Wendys
Really though that parking lot is horribly designed, turns are extra tight especially when people park off the curb in the pathway. Steering is not thebusiness after going hard on your shoulders/tri's

btw thanks PanaRican
gotta disagree with joe on this one


an why are you acting like its so expensive? not to mention it last a loooong time.

i use all american efx
About to head to the gym now. Haven't been in four days.

Anyways, here a quick picture I took last week and forgot to post.
I3, New Zealand eh? Wow, I didn't expect that
I've always wanted to go down there. Seems really relaxing and nice. Is it tropical-like there orwhat?
Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Originally Posted by nealraj006

Magundai, I don't like that routine at all. Way too imbalanced. Do a simple routine like:

I agree about the imbalanced routine like he posted, but I prefer to put shoulders with legs when doing a 3 day split. They compiment each other very well and can be worked out together very efficiently. Although you can't really go "wrong" with the routine above, it suggests that you only do core once per week when IMO it should be at least 2-3.
Yeah, either would work. Squat and press and such are great exercises. I just thought that way he could focus on lower body mostly on leg day.Benching works part of the shoulders too, so you could finish them up the same day.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

gotta disagree with joe on this one


an why are you acting like its so expensive? not to mention it last a loooong time.

i use all american efx
is it true it doesnt have the bloating that mono might have? and do you take the recommended 1.5grams a day?
Originally Posted by nealraj006

I3, New Zealand eh? Wow, I didn't expect that
I've always wanted to go down there. Seems really relaxing and nice. Is it tropical-like there or what?
Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Originally Posted by nealraj006

Magundai, I don't like that routine at all. Way too imbalanced. Do a simple routine like:

I agree about the imbalanced routine like he posted, but I prefer to put shoulders with legs when doing a 3 day split. They compiment each other very well and can be worked out together very efficiently. Although you can't really go "wrong" with the routine above, it suggests that you only do core once per week when IMO it should be at least 2-3.
Yeah, either would work. Squat and press and such are great exercises. I just thought that way he could focus on lower body mostly on leg day. Benching works part of the shoulders too, so you could finish them up the same day.

True that. To me, though, 3 body parts per day was just too much/long.
What is all this bloating with creatine monohydrate? I think that happens cause people go through a "loading phase" which is completely unnecessary,but I did find that sometimes creatine mono would give me a little indigestion on occasion. I did always like KreAlkalyn though.
Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

What is all this bloating with creatine monohydrate? I think that happens cause people go through a "loading phase" which is completely unnecessary, but I did find that sometimes creatine mono would give me a little indigestion on occasion. I did always like KreAlkalyn though.

Which one do you use or would you use?

So i've been going to the gym for the past 3 weeks 4 days a week. I feel great and can feel the strength change already. I dont see any definition but Iknow with time it's going to come. But can someone hook me up with some BACK excercises and maybe some Tricep also.
Originally Posted by ChewToy112

I3 wrote:

Originally Posted by nealraj006

I3, where do you live? I thought that everyone in here was from canada/usa

Way way down under.. in New Zealand.� This man is our Prime Minister haha.. dude could walk down around town and no one would care.� I mean when Michelle Rodriguez was filming Avatar down here, you'd walk past her and say hi and be done with it haha.

Translation on #5 please?

Side note: Michelle Rodriguez
. But what does she have to do with the prime minister?

Now back on topic:

#5: "get the whanau together, stay in the bach, crack open the chilly bin and slap on your jandals"

Get the family together (whanau), stay in the bach (holiday home), crack open the chilly bin (full of ice cold beer etc..) and put on the jandals. This islike a typical family Kiwi holiday, during out summer we head to the more rural locations in the country, and just lax out, beach, beer, water and thats us

Michelle Rodriguez, Prime Minister - haha the point is we're so isolated and so busy with our own lives, most of us dont recognise who people are, and ifwe do its like 'oh cool' then life goes on..

I3, New Zealand eh? Wow, I didn't expect that
I've always wanted to go down there. Seems really relaxing and nice. Is it tropical-like there or what?

Its not that tropical, its fairly windy/cold most of the year, but during the summer months (dec-marchish) its really nice. You all should come down hereonce, its great.

Back on topic............! Nice progress up there, got them mayweather abs.. do you do heaps of cardio? Im too lazy, but I know if I do like 2x a week i'llget more definition.
Originally Posted by OwensStr8Clownin


So i've been going to the gym for the past 3 weeks 4 days a week. I feel great and can feel the strength change already. I dont see any definition but I know with time it's going to come. But can someone hook me up with some BACK excercises and maybe some Tricep also.

First page mate..
Started a new medicine ball routine for ab work today.
Finished my tricep and chest work out and had a bunch of energy to continue.
@ I3 .. Wow another person from NZ on here, crazy! I figured you must be from Italy looking at ur sig.

I was in Wellington for the All Whites game over the weekend and over-indulged. The only supplements I had were Beer, Jaegerbombs and Burger King

Gotta keep the calories down the next few days to make up for it
Anybody have those people when you're doing cardio like on the elliptical machines and if there's a person using the one right next to you, theperson will keep looking at the number of calories your burning like their racing you or something

edit. baked empanadas ftl.
Originally Posted by blaxoid

@ I3 .. Wow another person from NZ on here, crazy! I figured you must be from Italy looking at ur sig.

I was in Wellington for the All Whites game over the weekend and over-indulged. The only supplements I had were Beer, Jaegerbombs and Burger King

Gotta keep the calories down the next few days to make up for it
Yeah the All Whites was CRAZY.. I didnt attend the game, but just the sheer size of what was accomplished was ridiculous. Hopefully this opens upour world to Football..

This time of year the sucks for dieting.. Christmas, Birthdays, Graduations etc.. esp the latter - only do it once in your life, im going to have to lay downsome heavy calorie feasting!
I'm so stressed out, angry and sad right now. Tomorrow can't come soon enough because I'm overly eager to hit those weights harder than usual.
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