Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Bout to start cycling the E C stack again to get ready for the spring time i got a good 30 lbs of fat to shed...
I currently lift 4 times a week im gonna try cardio 5 times a week, mostly swimming jump roping and basketball..
Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

My calves are stiff and sore. Bleh.

Still contemplating on doing some supplement shopping. All I've been taking for the past few months is fish oil pills, and vitamins.

On my list...

ON Whey
Jack3d(I want to try white flood first but that's from another store)
Kre-Alkalyn EFX Tablets

I've never taken creatine before, or have used any pre-workout supplements. I drink energy drinks though, so those of you who have tried pre-workout supplements, how do they compare to energy drinks? Lol.
You'll get more amped up on pre-workout supps than most energy drinks, but they'll make you doo-doo the first couple of times you take it. I don't know how long you've been lifting, but if it's less than 2 years, I don't think you need to worry about a pre-workout supplement just yet. Also, try regular creatine monohydrate first (a smaller container, like 10 bucks worth) before trying Kre-Alkalyn. It's the most basic, and probably the best way to start with creatine. You just need to drink more water when you're on creatine. If the creatine monohydrate bothers your stomach or something, try the Kre-Alkalyn.
Awesome, thanks for the advice.
Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

My calves are stiff and sore. Bleh.

Still contemplating on doing some supplement shopping. All I've been taking for the past few months is fish oil pills, and vitamins.

On my list...

ON Whey
Jack3d(I want to try white flood first but that's from another store)
Kre-Alkalyn EFX Tablets

I've never taken creatine before, or have used any pre-workout supplements. I drink energy drinks though, so those of you who have tried pre-workout supplements, how do they compare to energy drinks? Lol.
You'll get more amped up on pre-workout supps than most energy drinks, but they'll make you doo-doo the first couple of times you take it. I don't know how long you've been lifting, but if it's less than 2 years, I don't think you need to worry about a pre-workout supplement just yet. Also, try regular creatine monohydrate first (a smaller container, like 10 bucks worth) before trying Kre-Alkalyn. It's the most basic, and probably the best way to start with creatine. You just need to drink more water when you're on creatine. If the creatine monohydrate bothers your stomach or something, try the Kre-Alkalyn.

Id also recommend that you make sure the creatine will actually help your workouts. Some people take it and dont realize its not doing much for them.
Thoughts on this split?

[table][tr][td] [h2]3 Day Split Training Routine [/h2] [/td] [/tr][tr][td]
Monday - Workout #1 (CHEST, ABS, ARMS)
[/td] [td]
Wednesday - Workout #2 (BACK, SHOULDERS)
[/td] [td]
Friday - Workout #3 (LEGS)
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]

Incline Dumbbell Press
1 X 15
2-3 X 10

Flat Dumbbell Press
4-5 X 10-15
(increase weight each set)

Incline Dumbbell Flyes
3 X 12-15


Cable Crunches
3-4 X 30-50

4 X 25

Hanging Leg Raises
2 X 15-20

Reverse Crunches
3 X 10-20

Spinal Extensions
3-4 sets to Failure


Standing Barbell Curls
3 X 16

Preacher Curl
3-4 X 10-12

Incline Dumbbell Curls
2-3 X 8-12 (per arm)


Straight Bar Cable Pushdowns
3 X 15

Lying Overhead Triceps Extensions
4-6 X 15

Cable Rope Extensions
3 X 10-15
[/td] [td]

3-4 to failure

Cable Pulldowns
3-4 X 10-12

One-Arm Dumbbell Rows
3 X 12-15

Straight Arm Pulldowns
3 X 15-20


Overhead Dumbbell Press

3-4 to failure

Wide-Grip Upright Rows
3 x 8-10

Lateral Dumbbell Raises
3 X 8-10

Seated Machine Rows
3 X 10-12
[/td] [td]

Squats or Leg Presses
4-8 X 8-15

Dumbbell Lunges
3-4 X 10-15

Stiff-Legged Deadlifts or Lying Leg Curls
3-4 X 10-15

Standing or Seated Hell Raises
3-4 X 12
[/td] [/tr][/table]

Im planning to follow this with a few modifications, wont be doing so many ab workouts(two max) and im too weak to do pull ups.

Tried bench for the first time in about three years...lost 50+ lbs on it
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Thoughts on this split?

[table][tr][td] [h2]3 Day Split Training Routine[/h2] [/td] [/tr][tr][td]
Monday - Workout #1 (CHEST, ABS, ARMS)
[/td] [td]
Wednesday - Workout #2 (BACK, SHOULDERS)
[/td] [td]
Friday - Workout #3 (LEGS)
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]

Incline Dumbbell Press
1 X 15
2-3 X 10

Flat Dumbbell Press
4-5 X 10-15
(increase weight each set)

Incline Dumbbell Flyes
3 X 12-15


Cable Crunches
3-4 X 30-50

4 X 25

Hanging Leg Raises
2 X 15-20

Reverse Crunches
3 X 10-20

Spinal Extensions
3-4 sets to Failure


Standing Barbell Curls
3 X 16

Preacher Curl
3-4 X 10-12

Incline Dumbbell Curls
2-3 X 8-12 (per arm)


Straight Bar Cable Pushdowns
3 X 15

Lying Overhead Triceps Extensions
4-6 X 15

Cable Rope Extensions
3 X 10-15
[/td] [td]

3-4 to failure

Cable Pulldowns
3-4 X 10-12

One-Arm Dumbbell Rows
3 X 12-15

Straight Arm Pulldowns
3 X 15-20


Overhead Dumbbell Press

3-4 to failure

Wide-Grip Upright Rows
3 x 8-10

Lateral Dumbbell Raises
3 X 8-10

Seated Machine Rows
3 X 10-12
[/td] [td]

Squats or Leg Presses
4-8 X 8-15

Dumbbell Lunges
3-4 X 10-15

Stiff-Legged Deadlifts or Lying Leg Curls
3-4 X 10-15

Standing or Seated Hell Raises
3-4 X 12
[/td] [/tr][/table]

Im planning to follow this with a few modifications, wont be doing so many ab workouts(two max) and im too weak to do pull ups.

Tried bench for the first time in about three years...lost 50+ lbs on it
This is sorta how I do my routine except I only hit the weight room 2x a week (Wendsday (Chest, Biceps, Traps, Quads, Forearms), Friday(Back,Lats, Triceps, Shoulders, Hamstrings, Calves)) and each day in between I do abs and I have 2 days a week I do 2 hrs of stretching excercises and 1 day for 30+min of cardio.

Works well for me because I'm in school so I can allocate time efficiently.
To me, thats a really bad workout.

Its a TON of exercises on monday then it tapers off into 4 exercises on friday?

Thats a dozen+ exercises on monday and 4 on Friday. Bad split.
You're right. How about paring bicep with back and shoulders, and abs with legs? That seems to really even it out.
What's the recommended daily protein intake for someone like me to build muscle? I'm about 5'10 155 (haven't weighed myself on a good scale.)An online calculator said 140 grams per day and another said 60
I missed my workout today.

I swear that's like the worst feeling in the world to me.

Like all my progress went down the drain in one day.
Originally Posted by AirPhilippines

What's the recommended daily protein intake for someone like me to build muscle? I'm about 5'10 155 (haven't weighed myself on a good scale.) An online calculator said 140 grams per day and another said 60

100 grams.
Opinions are really gonna vary on protein intake. I'd normally recommend more than 100grams a day, but then, I don't know if you're a totalbeginner or if you've been lifting for a while, what your body type is, how your metabolism is, etc... Without any details, I'd say aim for between 100and 150 grams of protein a day right now, trying to get a little bit more on days you've worked out pretty hard in the morning, or days after you'veworked out hard in the afternoon/evening. That's just me though, and again, I don't have enough info.
Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Opinions are really gonna vary on protein intake. I'd normally recommend more than 100grams a day, but then, I don't know if you're a total beginner or if you've been lifting for a while, what your body type is, how your metabolism is, etc... Without any details, I'd say aim for between 100 and 150 grams of protein a day right now, trying to get a little bit more on days you've worked out pretty hard in the morning, or days after you've worked out hard in the afternoon/evening. That's just me though, and again, I don't have enough info.

Remember he only weighs 155 lbs.
Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Opinions are really gonna vary on protein intake. I'd normally recommend more than 100grams a day, but then, I don't know if you're a total beginner or if you've been lifting for a while, what your body type is, how your metabolism is, etc... Without any details, I'd say aim for between 100 and 150 grams of protein a day right now, trying to get a little bit more on days you've worked out pretty hard in the morning, or days after you've worked out hard in the afternoon/evening. That's just me though, and again, I don't have enough info.

I'll try my best to answer, I've been workout out for about 1.5 years, ectomorph. My metabolism is high, before I worked out, I could eat a house andnot have to worry about gaining a pound. I used to weigh 135 then I finally got a membership, my goal is around 170 or so. I'll take pics tomorrow ifit's needed
Jurys on protein intake,

I've taken more than my bodyweight and less.. its all relative I guess. Just as long as you get a minimum number, I don't think its going to affect youif you go slightly over. However if you OD on protein and neglect fats, carbs etc.. then yeah you probably will have a problem.

Id say 100 minimum for everyone. 60g is like an :nerd:z chicken, or 2-3 cans of tuna.
im planning to run a marathon this january...need help where to start i've been running 4 miles a day and doing boxing and lifting weights...just want toknow how i can increase my stamina and endurance...and what's a good shoes to run with? my airmax aint cutting it anymore
Originally Posted by AirPhilippines

I'll try my best to answer, I've been workout out for about 1.5 years, ectomorph. My metabolism is high, before I worked out, I could eat a house and not have to worry about gaining a pound. I used to weigh 135 then I finally got a membership, my goal is around 170 or so. I'll take pics tomorrow if it's needed
is LA Fitness still as packed as it was 6 months ago?
Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Originally Posted by AirPhilippines

I'll try my best to answer, I've been workout out for about 1.5 years, ectomorph. My metabolism is high, before I worked out, I could eat a house and not have to worry about gaining a pound. I used to weigh 135 then I finally got a membership, my goal is around 170 or so. I'll take pics tomorrow if it's needed
is LA Fitness still as packed as it was 6 months ago?

Yeah it's the same. It's pretty clear from 11am-4pm after that its wild, do you go somewhere else now?
Originally Posted by AirPhilippines

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Originally Posted by AirPhilippines

I'll try my best to answer, I've been workout out for about 1.5 years, ectomorph. My metabolism is high, before I worked out, I could eat a house and not have to worry about gaining a pound. I used to weigh 135 then I finally got a membership, my goal is around 170 or so. I'll take pics tomorrow if it's needed
is LA Fitness still as packed as it was 6 months ago?

Yeah it's the same. It's pretty clear from 11am-4pm after that its wild, do you go somewhere else now?
Bodies n motion holmes. I can roll up at 7pm and its like I have a reserved parking space in the front.
So, I need some help. Probably best if I get it from a doctor but I'll try here first. Lol.

A week ago, I was doing deadlifts and on my last rep I went down, I guess I dropped the weight too hard and my right wrist/hand was positioned wrong so Itbounced back up and sort of pushed my hand back towards my wrist. Stupid mistake.

Now I have moderate pain. Don't know what to do, because I was benching today and it hurt so bad I couldn't finish my sets. It only hurts when weightis applied I guess. Any advice? (aside from yes, I will be visiting the doctor)
Originally Posted by ricerocket1

im planning to run a marathon this january...need help where to start i've been running 4 miles a day and doing boxing and lifting weights...just want to know how i can increase my stamina and endurance...and what's a good shoes to run with? my airmax aint cutting it anymore
I swear by asics, I have the Kayano 14's because I have a neutral to slight overpronated foot. Go to the asics site and use their shoe fitchart to see what kind of shoe you should get. I'm actually about to invest in 2 more pairs.

But as for what you should be doing, what your doing right now looks good...But if the marathon is above 12 miles you really need to learn to pace yourselftowards the middle to late in the race. Its a weird thing to describe but for me I go about 60-70% max speed towards the beginning part of the race towardsthe middle I go 30-50% which is a sort of rest period and towards the end I go back up to 60-70% towards the final stretches.

Your gonna hit walls during the race so you should def spend time whether on the treadmill or the track timing yourself and the monitoring your time againstthe distance in the marathon. Learning to push through the wall you hit makes all the difference. Learn to breathe efficiently for running as well.
Originally Posted by AirPhilippines

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Originally Posted by AirPhilippines

I'll try my best to answer, I've been workout out for about 1.5 years, ectomorph. My metabolism is high, before I worked out, I could eat a house and not have to worry about gaining a pound. I used to weigh 135 then I finally got a membership, my goal is around 170 or so. I'll take pics tomorrow if it's needed
is LA Fitness still as packed as it was 6 months ago?

Yeah it's the same. It's pretty clear from 11am-4pm after that its wild, do you go somewhere else now?
SMH at the parking war that goes on at around 5-7PM on week nights.
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