Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0


I've been going to the gym pretty regularly but I don't feel bigger nor do I see much of a difference either. I've been doing more reps and increasing the weight so may there be another reason why? I've also being doing different exercises to try switching it up if that counts for anything.
Ive been taking Assault pre workout supplement, that stuff works pretty good. I hope I dont have to rely on it when I hit up the gym
Originally Posted by danielcannibus

will taking whey protein make you bulk up even if youre lifting light?

protein only helps repair your muscles, try to get at least a gram in for every pound you weigh.. if youre forever lifting light youre never gonna see any sort of gains

the only way to gain weight is to eat more calories than you burn
Is it Bad to work out late at night? I pretty much work from 8am to 8:30pm, and was thinking about hitting the gym when I got off work? Thoughts?
Originally Posted by LuckyLuchiano

Is it Bad to work out late at night? I pretty much work from 8am to 8:30pm, and was thinking about hitting the gym when I got off work? Thoughts?

As long as you have the energy to exercise, you're good to go.
I got a question, I want to buy the Iron Gym's pull up bar but i was wondering does it fit a door frame with crown molding?
Originally Posted by LuckyLuchiano

Is it Bad to work out late at night? I pretty much work from 8am to 8:30pm, and was thinking about hitting the gym when I got off work? Thoughts?

It's actually good because you could sleep sooner and start to repair your muscles.
Originally Posted by eeibaby

I got a question, I want to buy the Iron Gym's pull up bar but i was wondering does it fit a door frame with crown molding?
I would think so, but Im not a hunnid. Does it look like this?


Ive got a couple of em though, and theyre
Such a dope simple thing to always have around.
Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

IICE- you still have a bit of extra bodyfat on you


Dropten wrote:

08/16/1110:15 AM

Contest is this saturday. Im def not in the conditioning I wanted myself to be. Didnt give myself enough time to dial it in.

Either way...the pic makes me look smoother than I am...once they post pics online Ill post them here....But I def coupld of been in better conditioning.
Its crazy though, cause you have to play around with your diet to figure out what works best, and I started going back and forth on and off keto trying to figure it out 6 weeks out. I finally figured it out 2 weeks out that I should up my carbs to about 80grams+.
I prob gonna do a show in 8 weeks, so im def gonna be in better conditioning.....Funny thing is, the guy with the better conditioning got 3rd place, but he didnt have the shape and muscularity. So theres many factors
Me and big Vic...dude is huge. About 4 weeks out from the Olympia

I got second place pretty content with that because caught a slight anxiety attack and felt like I was gonna pass out in the morning pre judging

3 xanax later, my night show routing was fantastic. Felt like a million bux

Me and the first place winner. He def didnt have my size, but he was better conditioned. But he wasnt the best conditioned. The best conditioned guy didnt have the mucularity and size. SO I guess they went with the person in between. Best man won


Better pics coming soon
Whens a good time to switch up your routine? every 5 weeks?

Boss hog stage 1 is complete.
Originally Posted by I3

Whens a good time to switch up your routine? every 5 weeks?
Usually depends on the individual..
I know some who switch it up every 3 weeks, and then others every like 6.   They claim they are still gaining even through a few months...

Just switch up the intensity, and maybe do the exercises in a different order.. Don't be afraid to keep trying new things. 

@drop. nice pics bro .  Congrats! 
Dropten you definitely got the size on him and conditioning isn't far off. If you woukd have figured out diet sooner with the carbs I'm sure you could have taken it. Good luck with the next one.
Originally Posted by alhubley

Dropten you definitely got the size on him and conditioning isn't far off. If you woukd have figured out diet sooner with the carbs I'm sure you could have taken it. Good luck with the next one.

Thanks bro. Im really thinking of doing this show Oct 8th. Thats about 7 weeks away. But this time im gonna be off the juice cause I gotta schedule an appointment with my endo in 4 weeks and I dont want them to know im using.
So imma just keep dieting and training the same. Best thing about TRT is you wont lose that much if any of the gains you make while blasting
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