Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

I prolly said this earlier but for my progress regarding about lifting heavy has to do with the 5X5 routine one month then to the "32 sets" the next. I only do this for major muscle group chest/back/legs and so far the past 3 months I've been lifting I've seen great increased with my lifts. This month I've set 2 plates (45lbs/plate) for squats/deadlifts and I just did 75lbs DBs on incline and decline. I'm not a big guy at all 5'7 155lbs. I know that's not my limit I really wanna lift heavy by winter as in 3plates and lifting in the 90s.
Originally Posted by I3

Originally Posted by alhubley

I3 I've been doing bench and military myself. Are the military reps not going up at all? I switch between those and incline and dips. After my breaks strength is usually slightly down or around the same but it starts going up quick after that. I've been eating 5500 calories a day for few weeks just trying to maintain. Gonna stick there until oct when I plan to start a big bulk. But yeah eating all that food can be a pain.

Hasn't been going up at all.. Its either im going too low ony my bench press i.e. engaging more of the shoulder than usual, or im just too tired from the bench.  I might switch to Bench + Dips to Incline + Military press. 

You're using the barbell correct?  Perhaps I should go switch onto dumbells..

Love the programme though - its just in and out.. no %%@%$*+ around. 40-50mins tops.
Yeah if you are not making any progress with the military definitely switch it. You could do the bench and dips or try the dumbbell press and see how that goes.   
Originally Posted by Mr Marcus

nvm.....i dont see how yall dudes can juice like that 

some people in here are all natural.

but even the people that sauce - does not mean they dont bust their ars.

its not a given that you shoot up youll be jacked. everyhitng takes hard worok

resistance bands, would like to incorporate them but was wondering are two-a-days a good idea? I.e. mornings bands & evenings weights...going for definition and weight loss...(current regimine consists of only weights and cardio on off days) all advice is much appreciated
Question: What do you guys find to be the most effective oblique exercises? I need a good routine for just my obliques. I feel like they aren't keeping up with the rest of my abs.
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Question: What do you guys find to be the most effective oblique exercises? I need a good routine for just my obliques. I feel like they aren't keeping up with the rest of my abs.
Lying windshield wipers and Hanging side crunches are two of my favorites
did hangng windsreen wipers yday
Originally Posted by Zyzz

this lower belly fat is a pain in the butt

 word.. mines improving just be super strict on your diet, keep hitting your abs daily(or every other day), also hydroxycut helps. 
Originally Posted by awash242

Originally Posted by Smedroc

did hangng windsreen wipers yday
 im not there yet....i get a few reps in and my core crumbles..
If you're not doing planks already you should incorporate them. 3 sets of 60-90 seconds each. And 3 sets of 30 seconds for side planks. 
Ok, here are my contest pics.
Im skipping the oct show I was planning on competing in. Ill do this shame show next year. Now that I have the experience and know what to expect, its a wrap next time. This time I wont start my diet and cardio 6 weeks out
...weighed in at 222lbs btw...Should of been 210 solid.


Dude on the right got first...If only I was a tad bit more conditioned I would of took first
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

did you run any diuretics or anything like that?

Yea but nothing RX (not messing with that stuff) I did Xpel by was ok, but I also drank some vodka the night before which did great and some coffee to get more water out. When I see pros coming in flat and watery from now on, I wont even wonder did they train hard enough. Sometimes it just happens that way
Jay cutler in 07

Sometimes things just go wrong. Carbs play a major factor on how you look also. Carb up too soon and you smooth out. Dont carb up enough and you look flat. Theres alot of science that goes into it. Plus the lighting is some one thing. What you see in pics is nothing like in person. You may think one person look better than the other, but in real life its different

All in all I wasnt impressed by my showing. I had the size and what not but def needed better conditioning
size is the hard part though, this was your first comp....trial and error, youll get the conditioning down to a science

ive always heard script diuretics like lasix are good for the seran-wrap looking skin effect but yeah im sure theyre no joke to mess around with
Originally Posted by awash242

Originally Posted by RavageBX

Question: What do you guys find to be the most effective oblique exercises? I need a good routine for just my obliques. I feel like they aren't keeping up with the rest of my abs.
Lying windshield wipers and Hanging side crunches are two of my favorites
I'll try that. What's a good amount of starter reps?
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by awash242

Originally Posted by RavageBX

Question: What do you guys find to be the most effective oblique exercises? I need a good routine for just my obliques. I feel like they aren't keeping up with the rest of my abs.
Lying windshield wipers and Hanging side crunches are two of my favorites
I'll try that. What's a good amount of starter reps?
I go until failure. I stop doing sets when I cant keep good form any longer.
Obliques come with low bf.

I like doing these, though. Hits them nicely.

Spoiler [+]
Mirin' obliques?

Can somebody help me find a good gym in NYC? I'm looking in locations in Tribeca or Midtown(42nd st). I don't want to spend much and I heard I could get good student discounts at certain gyms. I basically just want to get into decent shape, dont need to loose weight or anything.

Also, I'm somewhat interested in taking MMA classes or something similar, not to fight professionally or anything, just for fun. Is there something better besides MMA?

ANy help would be appreciated, thx
Originally Posted by sheistbugz

Can somebody help me find a good gym in NYC? I'm looking in locations in Tribeca or Midtown(42nd st). I don't want to spend much and I heard I could get good student discounts at certain gyms. I basically just want to get into decent shape, dont need to loose weight or anything.

Also, I'm somewhat interested in taking MMA classes or something similar, not to fight professionally or anything, just for fun. Is there something better besides MMA?

ANy help would be appreciated, thx
youll def find a lot of places that offer student discounts
but cheap gyms in manhattan? probably not. in midtown or tribeca? good luck.
Originally Posted by alhubley

Originally Posted by I3

Originally Posted by alhubley

I3 I've been doing bench and military myself. Are the military reps not going up at all? I switch between those and incline and dips. After my breaks strength is usually slightly down or around the same but it starts going up quick after that. I've been eating 5500 calories a day for few weeks just trying to maintain. Gonna stick there until oct when I plan to start a big bulk. But yeah eating all that food can be a pain.

Hasn't been going up at all.. Its either im going too low ony my bench press i.e. engaging more of the shoulder than usual, or im just too tired from the bench.  I might switch to Bench + Dips to Incline + Military press. 

You're using the barbell correct?  Perhaps I should go switch onto dumbells..

Love the programme though - its just in and out.. no %%@%$*+ around. 40-50mins tops.
Yeah if you are not making any progress with the military definitely switch it. You could do the bench and dips or try the dumbbell press and see how that goes.   

Will try give it a go, but I love Military Press.  Might just need like 5-7mins rest after the bench.

What do you switch out your back exercises with?

Ive got Reverse Grip Pull Down + Seated row, going to switch with Bent Row + Pull ups
Yeah take a good 5 minutes after your bench before hitting your next move. For back I do rg pulldown and bent row then switch to chin ups and seated cable rows. That seems to work well for me.
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