Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by Dropten

Originally Posted by alhubley

Dropten you definitely got the size on him and conditioning isn't far off. If you woukd have figured out diet sooner with the carbs I'm sure you could have taken it. Good luck with the next one.

Thanks bro. Im really thinking of doing this show Oct 8th. Thats about 7 weeks away. But this time im gonna be off the juice cause I gotta schedule an appointment with my endo in 4 weeks and I dont want them to know im using.
So imma just keep dieting and training the same. Best thing about TRT is you wont lose that much if any of the gains you make while blasting

What dose do they have you on for trt and do you go with that or supplement a little extra? I'd go ahead and do it I'm sure you'll do great. Your a big boy Vic would dwarf most people and he doesn't look much bigger then you on that pic.
Originally Posted by alhubley

Originally Posted by Dropten

Originally Posted by alhubley

Dropten you definitely got the size on him and conditioning isn't far off. If you woukd have figured out diet sooner with the carbs I'm sure you could have taken it. Good luck with the next one.

Thanks bro. Im really thinking of doing this show Oct 8th. Thats about 7 weeks away. But this time im gonna be off the juice cause I gotta schedule an appointment with my endo in 4 weeks and I dont want them to know im using.
So imma just keep dieting and training the same. Best thing about TRT is you wont lose that much if any of the gains you make while blasting

What dose do they have you on for trt and do you go with that or supplement a little extra? I'd go ahead and do it I'm sure you'll do great. Your a big boy Vic would dwarf most people and he doesn't look much bigger then you on that pic.

Im on HCG. supposed to be 2000iu every 3 days, but I do 1000iu. I think 2000 iu is too much for me. I had a choice of doing test for trt but I want kids still and test would just shut by balls off completely. I just stick with the HCG and nothing else until I blast. It works great for me.

But nah man. Vic is HUGE. pics can be deceiving.

Here he is guest posing at the show
The wave effect on Vic's chest
holy %%$* bro awesome job

you dont even look like the same dude as a year ago, your physique has improved were big before now you're monstrous and lean and better proportioned

very motivational. too bad im in france and gyms here are a joke so no lifting for me.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

holy %%$* bro awesome job

you dont even look like the same dude as a year ago, your physique has improved were big before now you're monstrous and lean and better proportioned

very motivational. too bad im in france and gyms here are a joke so no lifting for me.

But here's something funny. The first time I tried tren I did about 35-40mg tren ed and 50mg prod ed for 6 weeks. Gains came quick and I ripped up fast. I brewed my own tren that time.
But this time for some reason something happened. I started the tren june27th. Started at 25mg ed to be on the safe side because of my bad experience last time. Then I bumped it to 50mg ed 2 weeks after that. 4 weeks later, I hardly noticed anything. I was thinking the lab I got it from was underdosed. So I brewed my own again. 50ed and same thing. Hardly noticed what  I was expecting. And I was at prop @75mg ed. so the last 2 weeks I finally started noticing by body changing a bit . Im thinking +%% is going on. So I looked back and thought about what I did different. And that was I did 10 weeks 750mg/week of test cyp. Which I believe was too much for me anyway. I honestly think 500mg of cyp/enth works best for alot. But I really thinking that test killed my receptors and I wasnt responding to the tren like I should. Specially since I did the tren right after the test. The last week till the show I did 100mg tren ed
and lowered my test. Thats when things finally started coming in. Thats prob why guys start doing these crazy doses and dont respond as well cause they just came off some crazy bulk cycle. But just like any aas, after awhile your gains begins to slow and stop. So going from one cycle to the other, your starting off with your body already in a suppressed mode.

 Im just gonna do the tren/prop and mast next time. And i have to keep my test dose low at about 25mg ed, cause my estro builds up fast for some reason, specially with the hcg. No more bulk cycles for me
Does anybody know what kind of training Trent Richardson does? The guy is an absolute beast. He's 20 years old and only weighs 220 but he can power clean 365 and bench 460. I tried google but didn't really come up with anything.
Originally Posted by alhubley

Originally Posted by I3

Whens a good time to switch up your routine? every 5 weeks?

Boss hog stage 1 is complete.

How did you do on the boss hog?

#%++++' love it bro.

My bench went up like literally from 65kg to 75kg and its still rising. Hopefully hit 80kg mid Sept.  I don't think i'll switch to incline yet as I keep getting good numbers. 

My shoulder press is still @!*% though, I could do 50kg before (deadlifts before) but can only muster a poor 40kg after the bench - that really peeves me off cos I love the Military press.  I might switch it out for something else? Got any ideas?

Squats gotten better in terms of technique relative to weight. I got to 97.5 atg, then took 2 weeks off for holiday lol.  Came back could only muster 13reps.. so gonna smash it out till I cant get my 15.

Deads = still need work.. need to break the 115-120kg mark
Pull down/Rows - slow progress, but back is getting bigger.

I just need to *%@@%!% eat more aye, mass gainers, steaks, chickens, rice, eggs, tuna, pastas, mince.. im trying to stuff my myself as clean as possible.. damn its ruthless..
might give IF a try.....keto kind of stalls for me after a while i think.

not sure if it's normal or because i start eating more calories/day when i stick to keto for more than a month or two?

i don't really feel very hungry once i'm on keto for a couple weeks so i don't bother counting cals but maybe i unknowingly up them after the first month or two

anyone else get this?
I3 I've been doing bench and military myself. Are the military reps not going up at all? I switch between those and incline and dips. After my breaks strength is usually slightly down or around the same but it starts going up quick after that. I've been eating 5500 calories a day for few weeks just trying to maintain. Gonna stick there until oct when I plan to start a big bulk. But yeah eating all that food can be a pain.
Originally Posted by alhubley

I3 I've been doing bench and military myself. Are the military reps not going up at all? I switch between those and incline and dips. After my breaks strength is usually slightly down or around the same but it starts going up quick after that. I've been eating 5500 calories a day for few weeks just trying to maintain. Gonna stick there until oct when I plan to start a big bulk. But yeah eating all that food can be a pain.
This, I don't believe...unless you're running like 10 miles a day, which I doubt.

Before, you said you cut on like 3200 or 3500 cals. and bulked on 5000+.

And now, you're maintaining at 5500?

Doesn't add up.
Your right my last cut I never went below 3200 calories. Then I bulked at 5000+ calories. If you go back and read all my posts you'll see I went as high as 8000. I put on 42 lbs and obviously my maintenance calories went up with my weight. I could give a crap less if you believe me but what purpose does it serve me to come I'n here and lie about it? And this isn't no rough estimate I count every gram of protein, fat and carbs every single day.
Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

Does anybody know what kind of training Trent Richardson does? The guy is an absolute beast. He's 20 years old and only weighs 220 but he can power clean 365 and bench 460. I tried google but didn't really come up with anything.

He's on that Scott Cochran workout.... Alabama's strentgh and conditioning coach is one of the most respected in the country
^ that guy is an absolute lunatic

Quick question for you guys... Do you eat even when you're not hungry? I know must of you try to eat a certain number of calories per day but what if you aren't hungry? Sometimes I find myself forcing food down my throat and I wonder if I'm eating too much.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

What's the boss hogg workout, and could someone post their routine?

Just Google it. It's basically a routine some dude made. My routine right now is. ChestBackLegsShoulders/TrapsArmsOff RepeatIll do abs every other day.
Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

^ that guy is an absolute lunatic

Quick question for you guys... Do you eat even when you're not hungry? I know must of you try to eat a certain number of calories per day but what if you aren't hungry? Sometimes I find myself forcing food down my throat and I wonder if I'm eating too much.

For some reason I don't have this problem. I'm always hungry every 2 hours or so. Bulk or cut. If for some reason I'm not hungry I will swallow that $@%$ down. I do get full when I'm eating my meals sometimes, but you just have to keep going. Feelsbadman, but it's going to feelgoodman at the end.
Originally Posted by alhubley

I3 I've been doing bench and military myself. Are the military reps not going up at all? I switch between those and incline and dips. After my breaks strength is usually slightly down or around the same but it starts going up quick after that. I've been eating 5500 calories a day for few weeks just trying to maintain. Gonna stick there until oct when I plan to start a big bulk. But yeah eating all that food can be a pain.

Hasn't been going up at all.. Its either im going too low ony my bench press i.e. engaging more of the shoulder than usual, or im just too tired from the bench.  I might switch to Bench + Dips to Incline + Military press. 

You're using the barbell correct?  Perhaps I should go switch onto dumbells..

Love the programme though - its just in and out.. no %%@%$*+ around. 40-50mins tops.
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