STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

took a preworkout/big dose of caffeine after a week off for vacation. been on the toilet for 15 mins [emoji]128122[/emoji]
315 is weak at 6 ft 170?
Can't bust a lil balls ?? Obviously he's not built for it height and weight wise , 315 is great , never been down to 170 , 175 the lowest @6bf , leave the numbers to the accounts , gym is straight focus nothing else matters

Yea ok :lol:

Let me guess you repping 495 at 170?
In b4 he's fat so it doesn't count

ronnie for repps , and ony has one spotter , those dudes are helping to much on the spot ,and ronnies BF is lean
ronnie for repps , and ony has one spotter , those dudes are helping to much on the spot ,and ronnies BF is lean
And here we go.....Ronnie is a single ply squat suit from what it looks like,  its 800lbs, he only does it for what 2? They're barely at parallel. Ronnie is close to 300lbs in that vid, Derek outweighs him by 30-40 pounds at most. lastly those spotters aren't helping him at all, they are there for safety reasons because its 900 ******* pounds. Nothing Ronnie has ever done is as impressive as that. Plus being lean doesn't make a damn difference.
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And here we go.....Ronnie is a single ply squat suit from what it looks like,  its 800lbs, he only does it for what 2? They're barely at parallel. Ronnie is close to 300lbs in that vid, Derek outweighs him by 30-40 pounds at most. lastly those spotters aren't helping him at all, they are there for safety reasons because its 900 ******* pounds. Nothing Ronnie has ever done is as impressive as that. Plus being lean doesn't make a damn difference.

dude is carring the weight on the left side getting in to the squat with him, looks clear as day to me he's doing a lil more then just a spot , your boy is not at all going paralle look at the front he's so forward in the squat! on top of hin having the whole bionic suit knee supports , whats the point of going heavy if your using all of that gear just to make scene?
Can you clarify?

Sort of like when people just assume the bench press is just a chest excercise? Like "if I do a bench press my chest will grow"? When the chest isn't really "pushing" or pressing but actually helping to bring the weight inward?

Gotta stop thinking about exercises in relation to muscles. The body doesnt function that way.
Gotta start explaining more when you post, I want to learn more everyday so I can train to be the best.

My bad, I was on mobile and never feel like typing out long responses on a cell phone.

What i mean is that too many exercises are thought of in terms of the muscle(s) that are being used. The body is too complex and coordinated to be simplified by the muscles being used. The body doesnt function or move from independent muscles/ muscle groups. The movement being trained is much more important than the muscles being worked. The movement instead of the muscle is whats being used outside of a weight room and ultimately thats whats important. Muscles work together not individually, so training them individually doesnt transfer those results out of the weight room.

In real life and sport settings, there are muscles that move and muscles that stabilize so the movers can perform their duties. Ignoring these factors while training just means youve got bigger, stronger, whatever, but have no way of controlling it.

Getting back to why I made the original comment - an exercise shouldnt be thought of as a "hamstring" or "quad" exercise. A deadlift is all about hip extension. Thinking about using the hamstrings or quads to propel the weight is a failure in understanding what the movement really is. That failure is what can lead to poor mechanics and injuries. A squat isnt a quad exercise. Its a movement involving knee/hip flexion/extension. The quads play a role, but in reality, the external rotators of the hip and glute medius play just as large of a role a the quads do.
And here we go.....Ronnie is a single ply squat suit from what it looks like,  its 800lbs, he only does it for what 2? They're barely at parallel. Ronnie is close to 300lbs in that vid, Derek outweighs him by 30-40 pounds at most. lastly those spotters aren't helping him at all, they are there for safety reasons because its 900 ******* pounds. Nothing Ronnie has ever done is as impressive as that. Plus being lean doesn't make a damn difference.

dude is carring the weight on the left side getting in to the squat with him, looks clear as day to me he's doing a lil more then just a spot , your boy is not at all going paralle look at the front he's so forward in the squat! on top of hin having the whole bionic suit knee supports , whats the point of going heavy if your using all of that gear just to make scene?

Whats the point in arguing about how impressive/unimpressive another persons squat is?
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dude is carring the weight on the left side getting in to the squat with him, looks clear as day to me he's doing a lil more then just a spot , your boy is not at all going paralle look at the front he's so forward in the squat! on top of hin having the whole bionic suit knee supports , whats the point of going heavy if your using all of that gear just to make scene?
I won't keep arguing with you for the sake of the thread but you have no idea what your talking about. Durdens right no point in arguing over whats more impressive, they both are in their own right. 
I won't keep arguing with you for the sake of the thread but you have no idea what your talking about. Durdens right no point in arguing over whats more impressive, they both are in their own right. 

like i said your not touching that weight nor am i , keep it moving Judge LOL
When you're lifting heavy weight like that, any little bit of help on either side will throw off the person's stability.

I watched a guy bench 5 plates today, and he had 2 guys spotting him on either side. One guy barely touched the bar, and the weight had to be racked. I asked the guy why, and he said any bit of help like that throws him off.

If the guy was spotting Ronnie from behind, then he's getting help. Spotting one side wouldn't do anything, but throw off his balance, and tip him over.
As a trick to understand what I'm saying. Have someone "move" the weight in that video when you're squatting 315+. Tell me whether they actually help you, or throw you off.
Decided to skip out on the NSCA SE conference and gather my funds towards the CSCCA next month since its geared more toward coaching as well as networking.  Really wanted to go but just couldn't make it.
Been having some trouble with my squat form as of late, so I decided to drop the weight and focus to try to correct it. Thoughts?
Been having some trouble with my squat form as of late, so I decided to drop the weight and focus to try to correct it. Thoughts?

Bar placement... It looks like the bar is on top of your traps?

That's a high bar position, but your movement is a low bar movement, because your hips are going further back.

I also can't really tell whether you're breaking at the hips, or knees first. With that bar position, I personally would have more of a front squat movement. By that, I mean knees first, and you go almost straight down. Minimal movement of the hips back.
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He's lucky he didn't snap everything in his body when he literally just dropped into that squat.
Pat Mendes! Ive seen that before, crazy strong dude, pretty sure he got in trouble for PEDs awhile back and couldn't compete. I wouldn't suggest anyone drop into the whole that fast lol Same way that Kendrick does it, painful to watch.

@paulprince3730  those are knee sleeves and they fall under the raw category with a belt because they don't know to your total per the rulebook.
Bench work from yesterday:

240-5x5 paused last rep on each set

260x1 paused

275x1 paused

CGBP drop set of 

225-205-185-135, something like 6-8-10-15, can't remember.

Hopefully I can make it into the 3s for my meet in June.

Getting ready to go squat, lets get it
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