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Can't figure out whats wrong with me diet.

Moved up to 185 to 200 lbs but body fat is still around 20 -25

I dont get it.

Carbs are about 100g a day or less. Been that way for awhile

Unless my scale is telling me the wrong percentage, idk
Bioforge is good stuff. Contains an herb called shilajit which is good for the joints

how old are you

you shouldnt be taking a test booster under 30 regardless if they work or not unless you got penis problems then go ahead :lol:
Im still recovering from a broken foot as well, may need surgery. I think im working out hard and trying to cut at the same time, maybe my body isnt recovering as fast.

A calorie deficit will definitely prolong your recovery, I would suggest eating more just until you are recovered fully.


i looked it up, i was confused.

i remember hearing about Cissus. will look into it now

It's pretty good stuff, usplabs super cissus helped with my elbow tendonitis years back, I think you will be pleasantly surprised at it's effectiveness.
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I only really mess with isolate post-workout and Dymatize Iso 100 is my go to and the best tasting I've ever had (haven't gotten to my Oh Yeah! Samples yet) The cookies & cream is just on point.

For the Quest Bars, you can get them for $18 before tax. Vitamin World has a $17 off $50 (SUMSALE) online and if you pay with PayPal, PayPal spots you $5 (according to the offer in my email)
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Damn son getting that cake

Isn't there a vid out there of Kendrick almost getting decapitated after missing a lift?

At about the 2:25 mark. Actually bailed before passing out. There was a wall near the platform, made it look worse.

Can't take this dude Zyzz serious anymore. Just ******* pound the damn shake. :lol:. Almost done with my cookies and cream tub. Sometimes drop, a mocha scoop with my morning coffee/shake. Got a banana cream tub that I want to get going.
Y'all overrating quest bars. They ight but not worth spending 20 or more on a box.

I'd probably buy some if I could get em for 15 or less for a box

Even then unlike most of you, I inhale those in 2 seconds and got a sweet tooth so will eat 3 bars a day :smh:
Overrated how?

High in protein? Check
High in fiber? Check
Extremely low Sugar? Check
Low (Net) Carbs? Check
Low Cal? Check
Contains Whey? Check
Taste? Check Check Check

Guess we're different *kanye shrug*
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Did a stupid amount of chest tonight, gym was light weight so I took advantage of pretty much everything. I'm surprised its been kinda slow, being it's summer and everybody trying to get that beach body.

My shoulder gave out on me again. Dont think its my rotator cuff, but the front shoulder area (where the shoulder meets the pec I guess) right where the bone is. It hurt the day after my last push day (last Thursday), today I tried to do shoulders in the AM and chest PM. There was pain during shoulder presses, not so much flys and everything else. It really gave out during incline bench in the PM.

Just when im getting back into things...this happens. Ive had this bad shoulder on and off for over a year.

Im in that same spot. Just gotta go light
Y'all overrating quest bars. They ight but not worth spending 20 or more on a box.

I'd probably buy some if I could get em for 15 or less for a box

Even then unlike most of you, I inhale those in 2 seconds and got a sweet tooth so will eat 3 bars a day :smh:
Overrated how?

High in protein? Check
High in fiber? Check
Extremely low Sugar? Check
Low (Net) Carbs? Check
Low Cal? Check
Contains Whey? Check
Taste? Check Check Check

Guess we're different *kanye shrug*

Man zyzz hates everything
If ON taste bad what taste good?  I have yet to have any protein that i would say taste taste buds are prob broke though....going to docotor tomorrow to have them looked at
If ON taste bad what taste good?  I have yet to have any protein that i would say taste taste buds are prob broke though....going to docotor tomorrow to have them looked at

That Phase 8 is terrible. Not necessarily due to just taste, but texture as well. They add something to thicken it, I think.
Overrated how?

High in protein? Check
High in fiber? Check
Extremely low Sugar? Check
Low (Net) Carbs? Check
Low Cal? Check
Contains Whey? Check
Taste? Check Check Check

Guess we're different *kanye shrug*
I think what Zyzz is maybe trying to say is they're overrated on this forum. You guys talking about buying boxes of them at a time.... I can't really understand the obsession either. They're freaking protein bars for christ sake, just go buy a few lbs of powder for the same price. And in my honest opinion they're nothing special aside from the fact the profile on them is great compared to most bars. Keeping whey on hand in a sandwich bag is not that difficult if its about the convenience factor. 
Got a lift in yesterday with the big man @Dropten. Don't hit shoulders too much and man did he put a hurtin on them, they're roasted today lol. Cool to see how other people train though. Gonna up the total volume on some of my lifts and see how I respond. Hopefully we can get all the guys around the DMV to meet up for a lift one weekend. 
Got to cat sit for my dad this week.  Gonna hit up the Golds in Dundalk....ooooo is this gonna be some good people watching

Saving legs day for this weekend.  Shoulders today cardio tomorrow or vice versa.  Then legs saturday
what are you guys taking for your joints?

have stopped taking fishoil for awhile now while it does help a bit with joints. i took it for like 5 years straight but got sick of taking it

wondering whats out there to help especially with wrists and elbows because thats where i get sore at times.

i never have joint problems an i lift heavy weights, ever heard of deadlifts zyzz?

i dont take fish oil..............waste of money an most are garbage from a purity standpoint

look into CISSUS

an i stay with coconut oil in my diet (also helps my radiant skin)

coconut oil>fish oil

also...................could be the metals in those cheap protein powders you use messing with your joints also
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You make it seem like I drink it all day everyday

I have 4 shakes a week, what's that tell you

There's nothing in whey that will cause joint deterioration

I don't really have joint issues, it only happens once in awhile if I go really heavy for a week. It goes away within a day or two but I'm just being careful and try to protect my joints so I don't cause any real damage down the line. Is it gonna stop me from lifting? Naw I just don't wanna suffer in 20 years bc of this that's all
You make it seem like I drink it all day everyday

I have 4 shakes a week, what's that tell you

There's nothing in whey that will cause joint deterioration

I don't really have joint issues, it only happens once in awhile if I go really heavy for a week. It goes away within a day or two but I'm just being careful and try to protect my joints so I don't cause any real damage down the line. Is it gonna stop me from lifting? Naw I just don't wanna suffer in 20 years bc of this that's all

my bad i have no clue

whats your IG again?
That Phase 8 is terrible. Not necessarily due to just taste, but texture as well. They add something to thicken it, I think.
Phase 8 is like chalk. 

My shoulder is killing me this morning. Probably gonna lay off of it for another week, next push day ill skip incline and heavy presses. Sucks.

Cissus is a brand or an ingredient? Im on BB right now and theres a ton of brands with cissus for joint support. Any recommendations on a brand? Is this better than fish oil?
That Phase 8 is terrible. Not necessarily due to just taste, but texture as well. They add something to thicken it, I think.

Phase 8 is like chalk. :lol:

My shoulder is killing me this morning. Probably gonna lay off of it for another week, next push day ill skip incline and heavy presses. Sucks.

Cissus is a brand or an ingredient? Im on BB right now and theres a ton of brands with cissus for joint support. Any recommendations on a brand? Is this better than fish oil?

Not sure if I recommended a lacrosse ball to you, but it really has helped me a lot. The only downside to it is that it's going to be painful if you're doing it right.
Damn son getting that cake

Isn't there a vid out there of Kendrick almost getting decapitated after missing a lift?

At about the 2:25 mark. Actually bailed before passing out. There was a wall near the platform, made it look worse.

Can't take this dude Zyzz serious anymore. Just ******* pound the damn shake. :lol:. Almost done with my cookies and cream tub. Sometimes drop, a mocha scoop with my morning coffee/shake. Got a banana cream tub that I want to get going.

I like Kendrick, but his continued refusal to split on his jerks has always annoyed me.

Lu Xiaojun is also another lifter with the same style, but he gets away with it because no one else in the 77 kg class comes close to challenging him.

Being in the 98 kg class, Kendrick will always be at a disadvantage not using the split jerk.
I like Kendrick, but his continued refusal to split on his jerks has always annoyed me.

Lu Xiaojun is also another lifter with the same style, but he gets away with it because no one else in the 77 kg class comes close to challenging him.

Being in the 98 kg class, Kendrick will always be at a disadvantage not using the split jerk.

funny how it takes at least 10 sec. for them to check on him..
should I stick with syntha 6 or go with the gnc stuff dude was really pushing it. I know he is supposed to but it seemed better as far protein per scoop

How can you overrate something that is pretty much loved by anyone that eats them? Lol

Its a healthy great tasting bar that taste like a candy bar. If you dont like it let it go. Lmao
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