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Getting closer and closer to dips with three plates, bros.

Got 5 reps with 125lbs on the belt today.
Getting closer and closer to dips with three plates, bros.

Got 5 reps with 125lbs on the belt today.

You ever do them with an ultra slow negative (like this)? Straight murder

Getting closer and closer to dips with three plates, bros.

Got 5 reps with 125lbs on the belt today.
Do you notice them giving you any carryover to your bench? I rarely do them but know they are very beneficial.
i would think there's carryover especially if you don't bench with a wide grip. weighted dips in the low rep range really hits my triceps.
Has anyone joined a crossfit gym?

My gym membership expired and I'm not sure if I want to renew or switch to a cross fit gym.

I'm thinking a crossfit gym may help motivate me more and push while increasing overall athletic ability (for basketball).
Another reason I considered this is bc when I move in Oct, I could run to this crossfit gym. I'll prob go into the crossfit gym for the intro session and see what its about and all before deciding, but would like to hear opinions.

k I think I'll just have to try it and decide for myself and then decide which route I want to go.
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If you want to train for basketball, find a program that's designed for basketball that focuses on basketball movements. I can recommend the on I just used if you're interested.

Crossfit is not a basketball training regimen.
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Dis gun be good

This directed at me?

Is crossfit frowned upon here?
Sorry I'm confused.

nah bro, it's cool. do your thing, whatever it takes to get you active and keep you active. I don't personally crossfit, but i have friends that love it.

I hooped and I will say the movements in crossfit do not translate to the basketball court. but when I trained for football, a lot of the lifts are the same.
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k thanks for the input.

I also wanted to help put on weight, but you're all correct. I should choose something more specific with similar movements to what I intend to use it for.
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You ever do them with an ultra slow negative (like this)? Straight murder

I haven't, but I'm sure I'd have to drop the weight down significantly.

Do you notice them giving you any carryover to your bench? I rarely do them but know they are very beneficial.

Honestly, I couldn't tell you. I've been through this before, my bench sucks, in spite of my dip strength being pretty decent. My bench is steadily going up after having transitioned back to barbell from strictly doing dumbbells for months.

Weighted dips are the last part of my chest/day after flat bench and overhead press.

I'm 5'8 and was 160 today.

Today was...
Bench - 200 5x5
OHP - 115 3x5
Dips - +125x5, +95x8, +75x10
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If anyone in here can wear 10.5 PM me I gotta get rid of these CF Lites and some other training stuff I don't use anymore.
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My left knee has been swollen and stiff for a couple weeks now.  I have no clue why, but it sucks that I can't hit legs.  Going to see an orthopedic surgeon...if I can get a dang appointment.
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Bench numbers went up, everythings gone up for me, but im still 160. I look more solid but man imma stop looking at the damn scale.

And hell no to that machine Tim is using. Thats just asking for knee problems. :lol:
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