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Tried to up the volume in my squats, but it seems my breathing is a barrier. I'm an asthmatic and I kept pushing but eventually I had to give in and bust out the inhaler.

Anyone here deal with asthma? I know swimming is supposed to be really good for asthmatics, but pool water aggravates my skin issues :/
went soooo ham tonight on legs. Swear I felt like superman, strongest I've felt in, idk when. Decided to just do squats and deads. hella reps. I just kept adding weight. ending with sets of 450 for triples, four sets on squats. and deads, i didn't go super high, 385, but i did 4 sets of 8 with that. all were pyramided up to that weight, probably ended with 60-70 reps for each.

gonna feel it tomorrow.
went soooo ham tonight on legs. Swear I felt like superman, strongest I've felt in, idk when. Decided to just do squats and deads. hella reps. I just kept adding weight. ending with sets of 450 for triples, four sets on squats. and deads, i didn't go super high, 385, but i did 4 sets of 8 with that. all were pyramided up to that weight, probably ended with 60-70 reps for each.

gonna feel it tomorrow.
legs hurting just reading that haha very nice! 
Need to find a gym with one of these 
Looks like a explosive/plyo leg press. It looks like it hurts the knees haha. Tebow looking jacked tho! lol
So, been doing a high-carb day / low carb day rotation over the past couple days. Today was my "high-carb day", BUT I missed my damn workout. What do ya'll suggest, going high-carb again tomorrow and hitting the gym, or going low carb tomorrow and still hitting the gym?
You can hit the gym on low carb days lol.
Its actually not that bad especially after u essentially had a rest day with a high carbs
Idk if this makes sense but it's something I've always done, particularly when leg day is the next day.

I basically go high carb the day before a heavy leg workout
Idk if this makes sense but it's something I've always done, particularly when leg day is the next day.

I basically go high carb the day before a heavy leg workout

I tend to just stick with whatever eating schedule I gave myself for my cut .
but I do like when my high carb day is before leg day. but it also depends if im working out early or late that day.

I like having that high carb day during leg day also because I feel like my body is just soaking it up from a hard work out.
I haven't taken pre work out in almost 6 months now and I feel better about it.
You can def get hooked on taking pre work out thinking you need it at all times. I know dudes who never take a break from pre work out

I take Drink packets that have energy (posted a pic of it earlier about 6-8 pages back.
or coffee.

I also don't get caffeine withdraws when I decide to drop caffeine for weeks (which I tend to do)
I vary sometimes I do coffe and other days I do C4 it may be mental but C4 just gives more of a boost and the fact that it has creatine which coffee doesnt
I ran outta c4 awhile ago. It's hard to stay focused in the gym. I became too dependent on that stuff. [emoji]128148[/emoji]
Yall gotta let the pre workout go sometimes....
when you run out of Pre, don't go rushing to the store to get more.

I've always went on the rule. for as long as you took it. stay off it for just as long.
So I am assuming it is like Viagara. You become addicted to it. @Peep Game   was explaining that in another thread how he practically can't function without since he used it for so long
basically. It's no different than any other thing that makes us feel better, or more awake... or stress free

we want more of i. and working out is no exception
Nah, but prior use could be the reason caffeine has no impact on me whatsoever. I can slam two Rockstars/Monsters back to back and feel nothing. I suppose using clen back in the day to make weight for a handful of fights could've also had an impact.

Only supplement I've taken in recent years other than protein is Purple Wraath.
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