STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Well yeah if they are already going for the bench but if I'm already deadlifting and he walks up to a rack with no bar and snaps on me he is just going to get a chuckle out of me and then I'll probably do some rows and shrugs after just to rub it in. Being rude gets you no where. How about "hey can I use that after you're done dl'ing?" Then sure and I'll even hurry.
Well yeah if they are already going for the bench but if I'm already deadlifting and he walks up to a rack with no bar and snaps on me he is just going to get a chuckle out of me and then I'll probably do some rows and shrugs after just to rub it in. Being rude gets you no where. How about "hey can I use that after you're done dl'ing?" Then sure and I'll even hurry.

I know a guy who uses the Olympic bar and puts 225 on it to do walking lunges across the biggest part of the gym.

You know "that guy" that wears the quarter high shorts to show off his quads
Im pretty sure we goto the same gym
Whole bunch of dudes wearing jeans at the gym, that's all I've seen this week
Bro this kills me. Just about every other day I see a dude up there in blue jeans and a mechanic shirt.

I also cringe when I see people wearing flip flops while lifting weights.
Naw you're an *** if you take the bar off the bench for deads when someone actually wants to bench :lol:

We dont' have any extra bars at my gym there is a bar for decline, flat, incline, and another flat, then the one squat rack. I always take the decline bench bar if i can to dead lift. I hate the dudes that take our only squat rack and deadlift in front of it. There is room to deadlift else where but they will take up the sole squat rack to deadlift in.
When kids lose a game of basketball, and they all crowd one bench until they're up next.

Only one guy is actually benching while the other 4 is just standing there bouncing the ball.
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Early am workouts are where it's at. If you can manage to go early in the morning if highly suggest it you'll avoid the New Years crowds.
Lol man what is this?

First come first serve, his loss. He'll get over it.
For real, and there was open benches and bars?? I would have laughed in his face

So glad I don't have to deal with much ******** at my gym.

And I hope youre trolling Amel....
So since its the start of new years what crazy stuff have you guys seen at the gym already?! lol
Nothing except leg press bro screaming and hurting himself. I go at midnight so it's usually guys who don't play. Still bro'd out but everyone is cool and doesn't do stupid things.
Lol man what is this?

First come first serve, his loss. He'll get over it.
For example:

Using a squat rack for curls. If there's no one around and there's plenty of squat racks open, i feel like this is okay.

But if the gym is packed and there's a line of people trying to get their sets in and you're doing damn curls....
yesterday I hogged 1 of the 2 squat racks.

I did squats, military press and deadlifts.

Oh well. After I did squats and press I left for like 5 mins to see if anyone was waiting but it was empty so I did deadlifts.

We only have 2 squat racks
Lol man what is this? :lol:

First come first serve, his loss. He'll get over it. :lol:
For example:

Using a squat rack for curls. If there's no one around and there's plenty of squat racks open, i feel like this is okay.

But if the gym is packed and there's a line of people trying to get their sets in and you're doing damn curls....

I agree

I hear where you all are coming from, but you all have to remember that most folks in the gym are in there for themselves. If that means taking a squat rack to do curls during peak hours, they couldn't care less about your feelings :lol:

It's obviously a major gym foul, but there's no rule against it.
I hear where you all are coming from, but you all have to remember that most folks in the gym are in there for themselves. If that means taking a squat rack to do curls during peak hours, they couldn't care less about your feelings :lol:

It's obviously a major gym foul, but there's no rule against it.

Rules =/= etiquette :lol: that was the point of the original discussion

If I need to do squats and you're doing curls, I'm gonna ask politely if you can step off or at least let me work in with you
I hear where you all are coming from, but you all have to remember that most folks in the gym are in there for themselves. If that means taking a squat rack to do curls during peak hours, they couldn't care less about your feelings

It's obviously a major gym foul, but there's no rule against it.
It actually is a rule, I can print off the sheet and post it beside that rack.
Yep, I agree.

I never go to the squat rack unless I am squatting. Just doesn't feel right hogging it up to press or deadlift when there's only one rack.

Press/deadlift I take the bar off the benches. Still don't get quite get why dude was getting so heated, but oh well.

When you guys are in cutting mode to shed some LBS do you make any drastic changes to your lifts? Are you lifting less and doing more cardio? I know you're gonna limit your calorie intake but didn't know if you were adjusting workouts as well. I need to make a big cut I gained a lot of weight back but also don't wanna go back on my lifts.

I have not made any drastic changes to my lifts, matter of fact..i try to put up the same numbers while i'm on a cut.

Went on a dirty bulk last year and weighed 198. Went on a slow and steady cut starting in August and was down to 167 this morning.

Lift numbers has diminished a bit...but not as bad I thought. Hoping to shed another 10 lbs and see how I feel.
Already seen a dude in spandex booty shorts :x :smh: doing "leg presses" while laying on his back on bench in a smith machine rack....

sadly that cannot be unseen
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