STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

lucky do your old clothes still fit you? or you plan on trashing them all?

most my clothes dont fit any more, my suits are OD huge, I`m gonna sell some of my clothes and send the rest to Liberia. All my jeans are baggy now besides a pair of PRPs I have and those are loose, and 2xl polos I got are loose fitting when they use to actually fit.

No shots, but are there people in Liberia that can fit in your clothes?
I'm 6'1".

I don't do anything special diet or workout wise. I do things very typically.

I've been switching up my routine a lot lately, but here's my current split:





For the most part, I eat the same **** everyday. Makes it easier to keep track of cals, since I know everything by heart.

- egg and bacon sammiches

- egg and tuna sammiches

- turkey spam

- white rice

- pb

- nuts

- fried chicken (maybe once a week)

That's the norm, but I cheat...quite often.
Definitely not the best diet, but it gets the job done.

To whoever asked about abs, I do hanging leg raises and sit-ups on a decline bench while holding a 25lbs plate behind my head if I'm working out solo, or with a 15lbs ball being tossed if I'm with a partner. I cut out ab work completely from time to time and notice no difference, though. It's all about low body fat.
Very true.

Great cardio workout tonight.  Good amount of pullups.

Made a quick shake.  Almond milk, handful of spinach, peanut butter, frozen banana, and peanut butter.  Heaven in a cup.
Here is a treat for Team FIT

its a miracle what leggings can do..
Speaking of heaven...

Thanks Freeze for making my sweet tooth go crazy.  The candy in the leggins ain't gonna cut it now.
lucky do your old clothes still fit you? or you plan on trashing them all?
most my clothes dont fit any more, my suits are OD huge, I`m gonna sell some of my clothes and send the rest to Liberia. All my jeans are baggy now besides a pair of PRPs I have and those are loose, and 2xl polos I got are loose fitting when they use to actually fit.
No shots, but are there people in Liberia that can fit in your clothes?
Whats everyones main focus right now for lifting? Like whats your main goal? I wanna know whats all of our goals...

Mine is cutting the fat around abs and chest and getting my legs cut. Then bulk up to around 165-170 (I'm 155 now)
Grilled chicken and brocoli sautéed in garlic and olive oil

I'm I doing it right?


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my dinner tonight

can of tuna with chopped celery, chopped avocados,peppers and cilantro.
greek yogurt

Whats everyones main focus right now for lifting? Like whats your main goal? I wanna know whats all of our goals...

Mine is cutting the fat around abs and chest and getting my legs cut. Then bulk up to around 165-170 (I'm 155 now)
I'm at 186-9

If I get to 180, I think I'll be the most cut I've ever been...would like to up my vertical though.
This Italian spot across from my job, it usually comes with pasta but I cut the pasta out, I'm sure any Italian restaurant can cook that up if you ask for

Only problem is it costs me 10$! my go to meal, well when I'm on my healthy grind and I'm at work...I work nights bro, the struggle is real.

While on the topic, any fitness fam working the nightshift? so much harder to stay fit and eat good around this schedule :-(
them same dudes are the ones you're gonna see in 6 months with NOOOOOO gainzzzzzzz.

some questions about the 'stretch and contract' concept.

so basically what i got was to stretch (extend your arms all the way to get the form?)

i assume the purpose is to get more reps and form in by lowering the weights

not too sure what it's meant to contract, from the video, it looks like the same thing i do with heavier weights? am i emphasizing more stress into the weights as i bring it back up?

finally, is this concept only for the bi?
Need your help NT. I'm a pretty big guy, and am trying to shed fat. I do the treadmill and bike at the gym. Should I be doing more? And what is a good amount of calories I should be taking in a day? I'm tired of being fat and would like to change that. Thanks for any help.
Start lifting - the more muscle you have on your frame, the faster your metabolism will be. I'd suggest working in some interval training on the bike and the treadmill - I'm talking sprints etc.
First and foremost is diet though. Calculate your maintenance calories and eat around 500 below that.

120 crunches/situps every night until Spring Break , gradually increasing as time goes by! 0]
I think this may have been mentioned, but you'd be better off spending that time doing cardio. Whole body fat needs to be low to see your abs thing.

I've been eating a lot of hummus lately. Is this bad for me?
Nope. Do realize that chickpeas (the main ingredient in hummus) lacks a couple amino acids so it shouldn't be considered a source of complete protein. Honestly, I wouldn't worry about that assuming you have other sources of protein thrown in ya diet as well (i.e. meat)

while yes, even when your out of shape its good to work on your core/abs (always helps when you actually cut and your abs are nice,thick,solid, and tight)

but doing abs every night for a year isnt gonna do a damn thing to make them show unless you are on a good diet.

hell, you can do the opposite and not do any ab exercises and have a damn good diet and you will get a solid six pack
This would be better phrased as doing nightly ab work is not the best use of time and energy for getting a solid six pack. Am I the only one who does barely any independent ab work (or bicep work for that matter)?

Heres the video on "stretching and contracting muscles" for anyone who missed it, definitely a must watch if your serious about gaining muscle and strength:

sorry I dont know how to embed on this new NT...:smh:

This video's great if you're into the whole bodybuilding side of things, but I've kind of outgrown the idea. These days I lift for athletic performance and to be able to lift heavy weights, so this concept has become less relevant, though I think it's become incorporated into my subconscious when I lift to some extent.

Here's my update!

Backstory. Random dude i used to work out with comes up to me yesterday and goes, "I've told you, you gotta be careful who you talk to and say stuff around! Stay away from so and so kinds of people!" I'm mid set in my Spartacus workout and had to full out stop. I said what are you talking about. He goes "who did you mention the word testosterone around when you were out. What girls?" I said wtf. I would never do that what are you talking about. He said, a bunch of people (middle Easters) locally who I've met ONCE were all claiming I said I took steroids and that's how I got to where I'm at. Minutes passed and my workout is still on hold. I'm confused as ****. The only time the word testosterone was mentioned was in front of my best friend when someone asked me if I took isa-test which is a natural test booster from gnc. So he said my best friend over heard and told someone who told someone who told someone and when the rumor came back around, you have a wholllllllle bunch of people saying I'm on roids. Like wtf? Who are you to discuss MY body? Y'all ***** have taken 20 breaks since October and you drink and you don't diet and I've been in here everyday doing the **** you ain't man enough to do. So my workout was ****** up and my focus was derailed. :[


I'm on the treadmill warming up my legs and the manager goes around telling us we have a 30 minute limit as a lot of people are waiting. This SKINNY *** MOTHER ****** starts arguing saying hell no, he pays for the gym he's gonna stay as long as he wants. He then looks at me and looks around and says "maybe you should tell the douche bags who walk on treadmills for hours to get off. They're wasting their time." I LAUGHED out loud and shook my head. Manager leaves and he talks to the person next to him and goes "can you believe that guy? who can get a good cardio session in in under 30 minutes? what a joke." Took soooooooo much to bite my tongue!

Did legs today. I warmed up with

20 x 135
And then did 3 sets of
10 x 225

Went to leg press and did 3 sets of 8 plates and then did 3 sets of calves with 6 plates.

Then laying down reverse leg curls. Then leg extensions for hammies and quads. Then did more calves. And ended with a walk on the treadmill for speed 3 incline 15 with no hands.


My embarrassment. My calves. I did work on em today and they still like this. Don't laugh! Just give me some insight on what to do man!



Impressive quads > impressive calves. No one's gonna notice if you have subpar calves if you have impressive quads - focus on those instead.

What do you guys do on your rest days?
Rest. I do try and get some mobility, foam rolling, and stretching in. Definitely helps with the recovery.

Rest day for me today.

I might go for a jog outside if the rain lets up a little here in MD.
But hopefully legs tomorrow night. Chest on friday, rest on saturday, deadlift sunday.

I've heard mixed things about doing Chest and Tri's on the same day. I usually do Bis/tris on same day but switched it up yesterday and did Bi's and back. Did shoulders the day before. Do you guys who do chest/tri's day do all chest then finish with tri's? My tri's get a tough work out on chest day as is but ive heard people do chest and kill tris at the end. Maybe i could throw some close-grip bench sets in at the end or something.
If I get a good bench workout in, I usually feel it a lot in my tris afterwards like triceps cramping up when I stretch my arm in certain positions. Don't feel a reason to work tris independently of bench for that reason but everyone's different.

Man i hate that. It was our big bosses bday monday and they brought cake and cupcakes in. I didn't have any and all my co-workers are like "ohhh jking0821's trying to watch his figure he can't eat cake lolololoolol"

I understand its funny but i always turn down snacks at work and the comment gets made a lot. Or they always ask if i am on a diet. I don't care what you eat or how you look. But when some dude who is 5 foot 7 and 330lbs is trying to make fun of me for watching what i eat, it really makes me want to say something.
Ya - my work orders a monthly bday cake for everyone. didn't have any today. I have trouble in the workplace biting my tongue and not addressing a lot of the unhealthy habits individuals and the company have as a whole. I try and avoid judging my colleagues but it's hard.

25 reps? How many sets? My lifts are dropping since I'm losing weight (and a little muscle which is part of it) so this may be a good alternative. Instead of trying to up weight and suffer from form beig bad when I get weaker. I'm gonna still do my dead lifts like normal though

I'm thinking 3 sets of 15 when I do these?
If you're in a calorie deficit, high volume hypertrophy-oriented training is generally less productive than strength-focused training. In my opinion, stick with low rep sets when you're in a caloric deficit, as you won't be building any new muscle anyways.

Just killed my shoulders and did some good core work. Threw some squats in with one of the trainers at my gym, still getting my form down but I can't seem to get the bar on a spot that doesn't kill the bottom of my neck/top of my back. 
Make a focused effort before you unrack the bar to flex your upper back and traps to give yourself a nice platform to work with. Also keep your elbows down and under the bar - it will help you maintain tightness. You may just need to add some mass to your traps and upper back as well.

Im about 6'2, cut, but i cant gain weight regardless of what i lift....i lift 4 x6 ....i eat but i have a fast metabolism....any suggestions??? Oh and I dont have one of my thyroids.
Rep schemes don't really matter that much for someone in your position. Figure out how many calories your daily maintenance is (may be harder to calculate given the thyroid situation but I'm not sure) and eat 500 above that every day no matter what. The good part is once you got that figured out you'll start to make rapid progress on your lifts. Depending what your numbers are at and how much training you've done in the past, I'd suggest a linear progression Greyskull LP or Starting Strength. You'll probably benefit most from this right off the bat. Don't necessarily emulate some of the training splits in this thread.

Why you gotta do that to ya boy freeze? :[

Mann doesn't look like ima be able to hit arms this week.

Spartacus Monday
Legs Tuesday
Shoulders Traps Wednesday
Break Thursday
Back Friday
Chest Saturday
Break Sunday

And that's how the game goes.

I don't think I eat nearly as much veggies as I should. I guess the thought of brocooli turns me off. Ima holla at cucumbers and carrots though. What y'all think of some green salad when I'm hungry as a snack? Just the lettuce and a hint of some dressing.


Cucumbers are basically all water and don't really contain the same amount of vitamins as other green veggies. Sack up and bang out some spinach - best bang for your buck greens wise. Veggies are great. You can eat as many as you want and just not worry about calories.

Out of curiosity, is anyone else here following 5/3/1? I feel like I'm mostly seeing bodybuilding splits here, so I'm curious.
Cucumbers are basically all water and don't really contain the same amount of vitamins as other green veggies. Sack up and bang out some spinach - best bang for your buck greens wise. Veggies are great. You can eat as many as you want and just not worry about calories.

Out of curiosity, is anyone else here following 5/3/1? I feel like I'm mostly seeing bodybuilding splits here, so I'm curious.
I just snack on cucumbers. I like the taste of them with my fake pickling method.

Dinner :pimp:

Idgaf if its plain :lol:

Damn Bro, you can at least season the chicken a little... :rofl:

Ain't nothing wrong with a little lemon pepper, or some cayenne pepper, or a little garlic and herbs. Maybe a little bit of chopped onions for some extra flavor.

Of course, if you enjoy it plain go ahead and do so. But adding a little seasoning to make it more enjoyable wont hurt you in the long run.
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Can someone post their IF eating and workout schedule for a regular day?

Just trying to get some ideas on how you guys break it down
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