STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

No point in going ATG unless you're into Oly lifting where it transfers to the other lifts.

Parallel is fine for folks focused on strength/bodybuilding, you won't get any more strength or muscle going ATG only flexibility.

Hurt my back doing that ATG **** [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
You guys having problems back squatting ever try front squat? I can back squat fine but it never feels 100% good like my front squats. Might be worth a try. Blast your quads on fs then you get your hamstrings with dl anyways so you're still balanced.
You really need to open up your hips and focus on keeping your knees out You're not hitting proper depth right now. It looks like your catching yourself before you reach depth. It doesn't look natural. How are your knees holding up? I would deload and work on depth. Watch squat tutorials on YouTube. Alan Thrall is a good one.

I'm in the go as close to ATG or die tryin' camp though.

Tbh im not really that worried about going ATG but i do want to be hitting parallel. I feel like im so close but so far. Everytime i watch a video i just hear that old dude from the state farm commercial "ohh you almost had it" :smh:. Never had any issues with my knees. Appreciate the advice tho, ima work on opening the hips like u and a couple others mentioned and peep those videos you suggested.
my right knee when I stand up from the squat cracks. It doesn't hurt but could it be not enough glute activation and too much dependency on the quads to get the weight up?
Physiotherapist says they don't fix noises :rolleyes
my right knee when I stand up from the squat cracks. It doesn't hurt but could it be not enough glute activation and too much dependency on the quads to get the weight up?
Physiotherapist says they don't fix noises :rolleyes

My knees crack all the time for a variety of reason but never any real pain.

I had Osgood Schlatter from my grown spurt when I was younger which was hell on earth so my knees will never be truly normal.
My knees crack all the time for a variety of reason but never any real pain.

I had Osgood Schlatter from my grown spurt when I was younger which was hell on earth so my knees will never be truly normal.
Bruh that was the worst growing up. I had it bad too. If my bunker pants at work don't have extra padding in the knees while training, my knees are on straight fire. No pun intended
The homie awwsome awwsome had me hype for DL today.

455 fail

Had it a lil above my knees but couldn't pull it the rest of the way. Ima have that juss now tho. Gonna run Ed Coan again starting next weekend. Gonna try increase my max by 50 instead of the usual 40. Finished with a buncha bent over rows(over hand grip), stiff leg DL, seated rows, lat pull downs (overhand and underhand grips), pull ups and bicep stuff. Finished with cardio.
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You'll bounce back and hit that bro. 
 but be careful putting that big of an increase in there, you'll end up frying yourself. Remember its a marathon.

Its crazy to say this but Ive never failed a PR single rep on DL before and Ive only missed one squat ever period. Time to start pushing myself more.
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5x5 315

Pull ups
Cable rows

I'm getting back into shape now. No longer seeing stars after every set. :lol: gonna get after that 500 again in a few more weeks.
You'll bounce back and hit that bro. :pimp:  but be careful putting that big of an increase in there, you'll end up frying yourself. Remember its a marathon.

Its crazy to say this but Ive never failed a PR single rep on DL before and Ive only missed one squat ever period. Time to start pushing myself more.

Word u right about the marathon. Just anxious to hit that 5plate but itll come eventually. Wondering if maybe i should invest in a belt soon? At what point did you start using one?
Word u right about the marathon. Just anxious to hit that 5plate but itll come eventually. Wondering if maybe i should invest in a belt soon? At what point did you start using one?
I started buying all my gear once I decided I was getting serious with powerlifting and wanted to compete. I think I tried my first ever 405 squat in just barefoot, no sleeves, belt or anything. 

I say use a belt now if you aren't, you're core will strengthen no matter what and you don't get cool points if you get hurt because you didn't have one on.
Do belts really help tho? I've never brought one because I don't life that heavy and don't wanna look like a douche walking around the gym with a belt on doing arms or benching lol. And impressive number you guys are putting up in this thread hopefully one day I'll get there [emoji]128170[/emoji][emoji]127998[/emoji]
Do belts really help tho? I've never brought one because I don't life that heavy and don't wanna look like a douche walking around the gym with a belt on doing arms or benching lol. And impressive number you guys are putting up in this thread hopefully one day I'll get there [emoji]128170[/emoji][emoji]127998[/emoji]
First off, **** what anyone thinks in the gym or in life.

Second, for me personally, the belt is probably the most important piece of gear I use, especially on squats. I wouldn't even try anything 85-90% and up without one.
I started buying all my gear once I decided I was getting serious with powerlifting and wanted to compete. I think I tried my first ever 405 squat in just barefoot, no sleeves, belt or anything. 

I say use a belt now if you aren't, you're core will strengthen no matter what and you don't get cool points if you get hurt because you didn't have one on.

Bet. Thatll probably be my next purchase after the shoes. Feel like at a certain point its beneficial to use one. Good looks as always fam
The homie awwsome awwsome had me hype for DL today.

455 fail

Had it a lil above my knees but couldn't pull it the rest of the way. Ima have that juss now tho. Gonna run Ed Coan again starting next weekend. Gonna try increase my max by 50 instead of the usual 40. Finished with a buncha bent over rows(over hand grip), stiff leg DL, seated rows, lat pull downs (overhand and underhand grips), pull ups and bicep stuff. Finished with cardio.

Good work g. :pimp:

You gonna get that 5 plates, what worked for me was doing high volume at like 75-80%.

Like 400x6x2

Your accessory work is really good though, you'll be there in no time with how you been progressing.

First off, **** what anyone thinks in the gym or in life.

Second, for me personally, the belt is probably the most important piece of gear I use, especially on squats. I wouldn't even try anything 85-90% and up without one.

I don't wear my belt much because i eat before I lift then it squeezes all the food up mixed with pwo and it's awful. :rofl:

Belts don't make me pull more but I like the insurance above 405.
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Good work g. :pimp:

You gonna get that 5 plates, what worked for me was doing high volume at like 75-80%.

Like 400x6x2

Your accessory work is really good though, you'll be there in no time with how you been progressing.

Do you DL once or twice a week? Your volume work is crazy fam.

I feel like the accessory work on this program really been the key cuz if u exclude the speed DL the working set is really just a double, with one week being 3 sets of triples. Backs becoming the most fun muscle group to work for me now lol
I mostly train on an empty stomach.

Just feels much better to me.

Same. I might have a lil bit of fruit or something really light. If i have too much im basicslly useless :lol:. When i get home i get my grub on tho
Not me, I get all shakey and weak and can't lift worth a damn. Like I feel way more powerful if I eat a burrito or pho before. I know it's not like that for most though.
You guys use anything for your wrists? That's always been my weak point. Especially now, I still can barely ohp the bar without hella pain. I know it's gonna be a minute before it's better so I was thinking of getting something to help protect it. I've been stuck doing sets of 20 with light weight on any pressing lift.
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