STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

what's good guys

hope everyone been crushing it


just checkin in... new variations will be posted soon
I workout literally everyday for at least 30 mins... Just been wilding lately...
You just did a show its OK to not be in the gym for a week or 2. Don't wild out too much on food. But you also have a great physique and genetics. Just reverse diet. You'll be fine.
Boy I’m halfway through big bosses chest program and GOT DAMN. My chest and triceps feel dead already. I might need a bra by time I leave here. I was on my last set of 10 wide grip and this was almost me


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Boy I’m halfway through big bosses chest program and GOT DAMN. My chest and triceps feel dead already. I might need a bra by time I leave here. I was on my last set of 10 wide grip and this was almost me

Join the rest of us that cant move or do ****
Man, basically did warm up sets the last few days. All 5 sets of 10 reps but light weight. Did chest/back on Saturday, shoulders and accessory work Sunday. Today did body weight squats and lunges with a ton of stretching then played ball. I'm WASHED. Every part of my body is sore to the MAX and I basically did the work of an 80 year old lady who does hot yoga and gardening 3 times a week.

I pull mixed. Dgaf that one trap is bigger than the other.

I’m getting better at hook grip though but anything I can hook I can pull overhand.
You just did a show its OK to not be in the gym for a week or 2. Don't wild out too much on food. But you also have a great physique and genetics. Just reverse diet. You'll be fine.
Thanks man hope you get better I had a monohydrate scare a couple years back... doctor told me my kidneys wasn’t getting the correct blood flow due to me not drinking enough water...had to stop working out for a month.
I pull mixed. Dgaf that one trap is bigger than the other.

I’m getting better at hook grip though but anything I can hook I can pull overhand.

I go mixed grip once i get up to 4. My right thumb and index are ******, thats when i start using chalk too. Otherwise im holding on with my middle, ring, and pinky with my right hand lol

Speaking of which, i woke up and was getting a weird cramping feeling in my right palm, near the wrist. Ish was weird
I go mixed grip once i get up to 4. My right thumb and index are ****ed, thats when i start using chalk too. Otherwise im holding on with my middle, ring, and pinky with my right hand lol

Speaking of which, i woke up and was getting a weird cramping feeling in my right palm, near the wrist. Ish was weird

Man, sometimes I get some weird wrist and forearm stuff going on the day after I bench. Might be copping some wrist wraps soon.

I’m gonna start getting a coach once in a while. My boy offered to trade me for food. Gonna take him up on the hookup since that works out to be like 1/3 his price in dollars.
Ive been thinking about getting some wrist wraps also for bench and ohp. My wrist doesn't really hurt, although its cocked back in a ****** up position lol. The palm was what hurt, like the part by your thumb.

This one guy im cool with seen me benching once and he asked me after a set if my wrist hurt. I was like naw why, mans like your wrist cocked all the way back. Smh, even tho it doesnt hurt its probably bad
So it's the traps that become imbalanced from mix? Why is that?

Also, may be giving up the 5x5 on bench. Stuck on 215. I've hit 23 and 21 reps before but tonight I hit 4 and 2 my first two sets before I dropped the weight and went for reps.

I'm not sure if I'm just not eating enough? I feel like I've been eating a ton though. Perhaps I'm underestimating my needs? I'm gonna get real with tracking over the next week and then give it another go when I know my nutrition is on point. If I'm still sputtering then it's time for a change.
Did Boss chest program today and mannnnn you definitely gotta put your ego aside to get those 10 sets whooo I had to drop all the way to a plate on both sides looked like a rookie lol
Yeah man. I try and keep my wrists straight but I know they aren’t sometimes. I’ve used wraps before when I messed up the plates in my forearm. It felt like it was too easy.

Olympus Olympus i can see it in my traps for sure.

My whole right side of my body is smaller though. Arms and lats too, I have nerve damage and big plates in both my bones in my right forearm though so I don’t know how much of it is from that. It’s nothing crazy but something I have noticed.
Anyone else in here run marathons, half marathons, 5K. 10K's in here? I just completed my first half marathon and really trained well for it. Little to no soreness the day after. I feel kinda down tho like there's no reason for me to train anymore. Anyone else ever feel like this?
I hear you get more lat imbalance when you always pull the same mixed. That you should be switching it up when training unless your competing or going for new PR. Then go with what’s more comfortable. I’m guilty of never switching
Anyone else in here run marathons, half marathons, 5K. 10K's in here? I just completed my first half marathon and really trained well for it. Little to no soreness the day after. I feel kinda down tho like there's no reason for me to train anymore. Anyone else ever feel like this?

thinking about running one next month,(if i can get my diet in check) but just make small goals like getting a better time or something that means something to you.
I can’t switch grips man. It feels like I’m learning a new lift at this point.

I’m not worried, you wouldn’t notice unless I flexed and pointed it out which would be super weird. :lol:
Yeah for DL I use a mixed grip (left hand pronated, right hand supinated). When I switch it, it feels weird as hell :lol:

Gotta work on that.
Supplement testing is complete almost then back to my.personal stuff. Was cool trying new stuff just to had to leave a review in return.

A pic of my personal pre workouts for the 12mths of this year

hows that total war pwo?

there mre post workout is some of the best stuff ever.
Yeah for DL I use a mixed grip (left hand pronated, right hand supinated). When I switch it, it feels weird as hell :lol:

Gotta work on that.

Are you right handed?

I swear im the only right handed person i know that goes right hand pronated, left hand supinated when doing mixed grip.
When I pull mixed i alternate every set. Pull right over left under for max power :lol:

I’ve worked and got rid of letting my wrist fall back. Feel like I have much more power keeping them straight.
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