STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Yo...there's a LOT of bad *****es at Mount vernon barbell. OF course, all taken and are "powerlifting couples". But damn. The only women I saw by themselves are old women in their 40s+ getting trained by randoms.

Week 2 of Phillipi....


Did a new soundview on Weighted dips.... 45x8 (full ext)

I remember I could barely do 5 with my own body weight.

MVB isn't as huge as I thought it'd be, though. Locker rooms are worse than PH's lol.

But it's 3 blocks from my crib. I ain't mad lol.

Coan program :pimp:

Get on those cougars b

Cougar club :pimp:

I love cougars man. Had a 40yr old few yrs back, she was buying me stuff all the damn time. Food, clothes, cigarettes, paying for hotel rooms etc. Miss that old *****
I had a bad pr joint in her 40s years ago. She was overly sensitive and one day I went off. Long stoy short, deleted her email, changed her number and I never got in contact with h3r again.

Still ain't forgive myself for that. She was so bad. And when you ugly like me that opportunity usually only comes during a dream lmao
What is everyone's thoughts on the "food is medicine" ideology floating around now? It seems like with documentaries such as Forks Over Knives and What The Health? everyone is claiming the cure for all disease is less processed food, more fruits and veggies.

Of course, that makes logical sense. It just makes sense that eating food out of a bag or box that was made in a factory from ingredients that were created in a lab is not as nutritions, and could be potentially harmful, than fresh produce.

But the claims that people go from having MS and being wheelchair bound to all of a sudden being symptom free and magically cured is something out of one of those magic Jesus healer playbook. If these diets can cure MS and cancer, why haven't they been adopted more widely? I get that big pharma and the food industry have lobbyists and clearly they're out to make a dollar too, but something about "fruits & veggies = magic cure for everything" seems fishy. Seems like a lot of people who have no real clue about the science are just going off personal testimony and feel good narratives.

What about the plenty of people who are living well into their 70s-90s that didn't eat this way? How can we explain them?
What is everyone's thoughts on the "food is medicine" ideology floating around now? It seems like with documentaries such as Forks Over Knives and What The Health? everyone is claiming the cure for all disease is less processed food, more fruits and veggies.

Of course, that makes logical sense. It just makes sense that eating food out of a bag or box that was made in a factory from ingredients that were created in a lab is not as nutritions, and could be potentially harmful, than fresh produce.

But the claims that people go from having MS and being wheelchair bound to all of a sudden being symptom free and magically cured is something out of one of those magic Jesus healer playbook. If these diets can cure MS and cancer, why haven't they been adopted more widely? I get that big pharma and the food industry have lobbyists and clearly they're out to make a dollar too, but something about "fruits & veggies = magic cure for everything" seems fishy. Seems like a lot of people who have no real clue about the science are just going off personal testimony and feel good narratives.

What about the plenty of people who are living well into their 70s-90s that didn't eat this way? How can we explain them?

I’ll have to watch those documentaries... kinda been avoiding them in case they guilt me into changing my eating habits :lol:
But yeah you gotta be right about your skepticism on healing serious diseases and disabilities. Just like pharma is often driven by the dollar, and not always altruistic....I think these people pushing these changes need to inject some BS in order to capitalize. There’s gotta be truth to living a longer healthier life by swapping processed foods for real food but curing cancer sounds like voodoo witchcraft bs
I wonder if those documentaries use other countries as evidence because if I’m not mistaken in some countries that is actually all they eat (real/whole foods, chemical free) so do they have cancer and what’s their life expectancy....
Ive decided to stop eating steak everyday, going to go back to maybe once or twice a week or use it for cheat meals only. I haven't noticed any negative effects from eating it every day but for cutting I think a less calorie dense meat will serve me better.
Have y’all seen Steve Austin’s Broken Skull Challenge on CMT? Just found this show, it’s pretty badass. He’s got a ranch and men (or women) go head to head to beat each other on these crazy challenges
What is everyone's thoughts on the "food is medicine" ideology floating around now? It seems like with documentaries such as Forks Over Knives and What The Health? everyone is claiming the cure for all disease is less processed food, more fruits and veggies.

Of course, that makes logical sense. It just makes sense that eating food out of a bag or box that was made in a factory from ingredients that were created in a lab is not as nutritions, and could be potentially harmful, than fresh produce.

But the claims that people go from having MS and being wheelchair bound to all of a sudden being symptom free and magically cured is something out of one of those magic Jesus healer playbook. If these diets can cure MS and cancer, why haven't they been adopted more widely? I get that big pharma and the food industry have lobbyists and clearly they're out to make a dollar too, but something about "fruits & veggies = magic cure for everything" seems fishy. Seems like a lot of people who have no real clue about the science are just going off personal testimony and feel good narratives.

What about the plenty of people who are living well into their 70s-90s that didn't eat this way? How can we explain them?

I think there's a huge genetic factor and also a placebo effect to some extent.

Some folks can smoke two packs of cigarettes a day and die when they're 95 due to something unrelated. Other folks can smoke three cigarettes a day for five years and get emphysema when they're 43.

That being said, I make sure to eat plenty of greens, quality protein and complex carbs. I see some of the stuff people people I work with put in their bodies and I'm blown away. Dudes eat out from a pizza joint 5 days a week.
I don’t believe it. Of course eating real food is better for you but I’m not convinced you’ll go from a wheel chair to being healthy by gong vegan and eating all organic.

I don't believe it either. There are certain plants and chemicals that have documented medical benefits yes. For instance, there is a chemical in a plant (I forget the name) that is extracted and made into over the counter aspirin. But as far as "so and so ate chia seeds for a week, now his cancer went away." That's all bull to me.

I've seen big pharma up close, I've seen government nutritional grants and research up close, I've seen public and private university research up close. I believe in calories in VS. calories out, and genetics as far as health is concerned.
F***k and their dumbass apps. Locking up all their stuff so you have to pay. They also are locking their youtube channel stuff now too. come on yo. yall went all these years being free now you're charging.
Which i understand the production of the videos are great..... but 9 bucks a month. for stuff people have done and have downloaded somewhere else already anyway. what a load of ****.
sad part is im on week 7 of my week 12
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