STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

i dont care what anybody says but i love leg extensions the pump i get from them is the greatest pump i get from working out any body part

and what you do u if u have 2 dudes working out in the squat rack in peek hrs at the gym for over 45 mins i asked them how many sets they have left after i saw them do 4 sets of squats and guy is like i got 5 more sets of 3 more exercise said it with no shame

Damn lol. At least he didn't say 5 sets of curls in the squat rack.
Friend posted this on FB:

How did he get all that weight up like that?

Good thing someone was there to video him and not spot him!
Was adding my dinner to MFP, and my curiosity of Keto and wanting to give it a go for so long made me research how to redo my macros and do the percentages for MFP, and found this:

I absolutely love my salads and rice, so this will be tough for me. I'm going to give it my best shot starting Friday, which begins my 5th week on KG's trainer.

8 weeks of keto? I'm game. BRBbuyingIsoPure :lol:
Hit arms tonight with a bit of abs afterwards. Just ate some leftover grilled chicken and penne pasta.

To end my night with a shake or not to end my night with a shake, that is the question.
Can someone review my diet plan? My goal is too lose weight.

Calories ( Protein/Carbs/Fat)

Meal 1 (7:30 AM) - Protein shake - 140(27/3/2.5)

Meal 2 (10:00 AM) - Protein shake - 140(27/3/2.5)

Meal 3 (12 PM) -
Salad - 150(3/10/10)
Chicken - 260(44/0/14), I'm not including my marinade
Chobani yogurt - 140(1*****/0)

Meal 4 (3:00 PM) - String Cheese - 80(7/1/6)

Meal 5 (5:30 PM) -
Chorizo or Prosciutto or Salami wrapped in cheese - 130(10/0/10)
Slice of bread, light cheese, lunch meat - 175(15/21/19)

Meal 6 (7:30 PM) -
3 Eggs - 225(18/3/15)
Bell peppers/onions/tomatoes/olives/mushrooms/spinah/jalapenos/salt & pepper/ketchup/tabasco

Meal 7 (9:00 PM) - Protein shake - 140(27/3/2.5)

I also drink a cup or two of black coffee per day.

Estimated totals - 1600(192/64/82), this excludes everything else I put in my omelet and my chicken marinade so I'm sure I'm around 1800-1900 calories

Appreciate it guys. Thanks.
Can someone review my diet plan? My goal is too lose weight.

Calories ( Protein/Carbs/Fat)

Meal 1 (7:30 AM) - Protein shake - 140(27/3/2.5)

Meal 2 (10:00 AM) - Protein shake - 140(27/3/2.5)

Meal 3 (12 PM) -
Salad - 150(3/10/10)
Chicken - 260(44/0/14), I'm not including my marinade
Chobani yogurt - 140(1*****/0)

Meal 4 (3:00 PM) - String Cheese - 80(7/1/6)

Meal 5 (5:30 PM) -
Chorizo or Prosciutto or Salami wrapped in cheese - 130(10/0/10)
Slice of bread, light cheese, lunch meat - 175(15/21/19)

Meal 6 (7:30 PM) -
3 Eggs - 225(18/3/15)
Bell peppers/onions/tomatoes/olives/mushrooms/spinah/jalapenos/salt & pepper/ketchup/tabasco

Meal 7 (9:00 PM) - Protein shake - 140(27/3/2.5)

I also drink a cup or two of black coffee per day.

Estimated totals - 1600(192/64/82), this excludes everything else I put in my omelet and my chicken marinade so I'm sure I'm around 1800-1900 calories

Appreciate it guys. Thanks.

THe calorie intake seems fine. I dont have much time right now but I'll say one thing. Its important to start your day off with some whole foods bro.
Eggs, oatmeal, wheat toast with natural peanut butter. Something to give your body the energy it needs to have an efficient day.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Make sure you get your share of good carbs (example: oatmeal) and protein (peanut butter, egg whites), and some good fats (peanut butter, almonds, avocado) ...during your morning to get your metabolism going quickly with the right macronutrients. You need a little bit of each in your diet to lose body fat, gain muscle, and function properly in your fitness.

The protein shake might be fine for some extra protein but i would have it AFTER the real breakfast. Maybe as a snack before your next food snack/meal.

I have my oatmeal first, with some egg whites. Then sometimes i have a protein shake after...or a protein shake an hour after.
But i personally always start my day with oatmeal and/or eggs...if i absolutely have no time and am running late, ill toast whole wheat bread and slab on some natural PB and a banana.

Im sure others will chime in on the rest, hope that helps for now.
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Yo I have Shingles so I can't do a lot protein powders because the argine and artificial sweeteners triggers it.

No nuts or peanut butter either.

What options have for a quick protein source?
Yo I have Shingles so I can't do a lot protein powders because the argine and artificial sweeteners triggers it.

No nuts or peanut butter either.

What options have for a quick protein source?

I buy cans of tuna for the purpose of a quick protein source.
Not always the yummiest thing to eat.

But all you gotta do is open the can, and you got yourself 25-30g of protein depending on your brand.
Mix it in with some veggies, or some beans, or some salsa, or some lettuce. Do what you gotta do to make it taste good.

But thats a good quick source of protein if your low on time.
I buy cans of tuna for the purpose of a quick protein source.
Not always the yummiest thing to eat.

But all you gotta do is open the can, and you got yourself 25-30g of protein depending on your brand.
Mix it in with some veggies, or some beans, or some salsa, or some lettuce. Do what you gotta do to make it taste good.

But thats a good quick source of protein if your low on time.
Man I find canned tuna to be delicious. Couple of dashes of salt on that thang and throw it back.
Thanks for the info on macros/micros. Gonna look into those sites tonight. Looks kinda tough to check everything through out the day but ima learn to manage. Sure it's simpler than it sounds. Only thing with myfitnesspal is i feel it doesn't have everything. Like if i want to specify what i got in my chipotle i gotta try to find a stores burrito similar to what i got.

Also how do y'all pick your caloric goal? Do you just put your goal into mfp and have them tell you what to reach?


Fitday is the easiest. You can't be eatin' out and all that if you tryna get serious, except maybe a plain steak and some broccoli at a restaurant.You gotta stick to making your own steaks and chicken breast with vegetables and brown rice. Also, this is great on canned tuna:

I do 1 gram of protein per pound of lean body mass. So, you have to calculate or guess your body fat percentage, and subtract that from your total weight. That's what I use for my protein intake.

I always aim around 150g, even though I know that's more than enough.
Pure piffery dinner on the road tonight

Tub of spinach ( those small premade salad tubs) + 12.5 Oz canned chicken mixed with mango peach salsa + Mozzeralla on top = :pimp:

Hit the spot was kind of pointless to me... it wouldn't let me set a goal that was ABOVE my current weight.. so it doesn't help for a bulk. i put 5 pound weight loss goal and it wants me to eat 3900 calories and on my fitness pals i put a 10 bulk goal and it wants me to eat 3070 calories...

also, if i'm setting my macros and the go to is 1 gram per body pound, i need at least 195 grams. myfitnesspal wants me at 115 grams of protein per day. ayiyi.

Can anyone help me set up a macros goal for me. :frown:


Macro calculator.

That should show your required daily calories to stay the same weight (maintenance). If you wanna lose weight, then take 300-500 calories less a day. You wanna' gain, add 300-500 calories.

g protein = 4 cals
1g carb = 4 cals
1g fat = 8 cals
So if you are on a 2000 cals nutrition plan and say for example your PCF ratio is 40%, 35%, 25%, the allocation is:
protein = 800 cals, 200 grams
carbs = 700 cals, 175 grams
fat = 500 cals, 125 grams

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