STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I swear whenever I do back day, I look ripped as fuark but when I do chest day and I feel ripped, I just look bloated.

Had a SQUATS/DEADLIFTS day today.
Added some abs in between and after for some extra sweat.


I don't know how you guys are so damn strong. I mean I just started doing deads/squats as part of my routine about 4 weeks ago (3 years too late).
But i put a 45 on each side of the bar and that kills my lower back.
I can go all the way down on squats like 6 times at 135 lbs (including bar)...then the last 4 reps I'm really pushing it up.
I did 3 sets of those.

Is that good for my goal of gaining muscle and getting bigger?
(im not talking about eating, just the workout itself)

Or should I be doing less reps with more weight?
With deads I did the same 135 lbs...I went slow and tried to do proper form...I could do like 6 with slow proper form before i started to shake and stopped. I dont want to keep going if im shaking, i want every rep to be nice and proper.

But should I try to do more? I mean damn... you beasts are all talking about "Oh i just did 315 today on the deads...I went LIGHT..."
"Oh just another easy day with 345 lbs today..."

:stoneface: shows how weak i must be. 6 foot 2 inches, 180 pounds of pure weakness.

Will I get stronger at these soon? Or does it take a while? Ive never incorporated it consistently until now so Im not trying to be Hulk but when Im 200 pounds behind people who are like 6 inches shorter than me it definitely feelsbadman. :smh:
People aren't just "so damn strong". They worked to get there. Embrace being a novice. Gains will come quickest at your level of training. My best advice is don't **** around waste time with some bodybuilding body part split. Do Starting Strength or Greyskull LP and take advantage of the linear progression n00b gains. You'll reach a 315 squat a look quicker that way.

so today our WOD was

1 weighted hanging pullups, 3 hanging pullups, 3 kipping pullups all done without dropping for 3X

then 50 walking lounges with barbell, i did 65lbs

finished off by a little competition with medicine balls, 2 50's, 2 40's, 3 30's, 3 20's we had to pick them up from one side of the gym to the next, about 100 meters, it was a 1 on 1 competition, i got paired up with some girl, she beat me by 3 seconds, shorty was fast as FFFF!
See stuff like the medicine ball race is what I'd do crossfit for. For now I get plenty of the team competition stuff from rugby practice, but if I ever get too many concussion, I may just have to do a crossfit class here and there. Also I feel like I'll probably date one of those Crossfit games elite women at some point and she'll influence me into doing a workout here and there.

Just because a movement doesn't necessarily correlate to another activity doesn't mean that it doesn't provide benefit. People rarely ever perform power cleans in day-to-day living, but they can still be beneficial. Similar for rope climbs and other movement patterns. Sure, some skills are not directly related and the benefits are not as great for GPP. Handstands provide shoulder stability, proprioception, and body tension benefits, but those skills are not noticed much in tasks of daily living.

I agree, people need to understand that training isn't always fun and sometimes you have to push through those emotions. But everyone gets bored at some point by doing the same movements, reps, sets, rest periods, etc. after some period of time. Its inevitable and all I'm suggesting is to be prepared. Just like you know you will be hungry for dinner and keep it prepared, you should expect boredom due to lack of variation and be ready to completely switch it up.

Some people find it boring to be using mostly open kinetic chain movements. Change that to closed kinetic chain movements where they are moving and they are no longer bored, unmotivated, etc. Just a thought...
Power cleans are extremely functional if you do any sport requiring explosive movement - sprinting, jumping, rowing. In addition any time you have to lift something heavy from the ground up to shoulder height - the power clean comes in to play.

Any interest in a FAQ/Read Me type post at the beginning of this thread? I've been seeing some of the same questions over and over again - no disrespect to those asking them - and I feel like it'd be a more effective way of doing things. They have an FAQ over on the Reddit Fitness section, so whenever someone asks one of the generic beginners question like "Whats a good routine for gaining strength" or "What should I eat if I want to lose weight" they just direct them to a FAQ post, which has all the basic info you'd need starting out. I'd be happy to compile information for it, but I'd need you all's input and peer review etc. Let me know what the interest is.
I always struggle with what to eat for lunch.

Here's an awesome tuna salad that I just whipped up. Use greek yogurt instead of regular. Get no salt added tuna. It's awesome.
1/2 cup plain nonfat yogurt
6 tablespoons sweet pickle relish
2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
2 tablespoons whole grain mustard
2 6-ounce cans solid albacore tuna packed in water, drained
1 cup chopped celery
1/2 cup chopped red onion
1/2 cup chopped fresh cilantro
Any interest in a FAQ/Read Me type post at the beginning of this thread? I've been seeing some of the same questions over and over again - no disrespect to those asking them - and I feel like it'd be a more effective way of doing things. They have an FAQ over on the Reddit Fitness section, so whenever someone asks one of the generic beginners question like "Whats a good routine for gaining strength" or "What should I eat if I want to lose weight" they just direct them to a FAQ post, which has all the basic info you'd need starting out. I'd be happy to compile information for it, but I'd need you all's input and peer review etc. Let me know what the interest is.
Yes. Yes. Yes.
THe calorie intake seems fine. I dont have much time right now but I'll say one thing. Its important to start your day off with some whole foods bro.
Eggs, oatmeal, wheat toast with natural peanut butter. Something to give your body the energy it needs to have an efficient day.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Make sure you get your share of good carbs (example: oatmeal) and protein (peanut butter, egg whites), and some good fats (peanut butter, almonds, avocado) ...during your morning to get your metabolism going quickly with the right macronutrients. You need a little bit of each in your diet to lose body fat, gain muscle, and function properly in your fitness.

The protein shake might be fine for some extra protein but i would have it AFTER the real breakfast. Maybe as a snack before your next food snack/meal.

I have my oatmeal first, with some egg whites. Then sometimes i have a protein shake after...or a protein shake an hour after.
But i personally always start my day with oatmeal and/or eggs...if i absolutely have no time and am running late, ill toast whole wheat bread and slab on some natural PB and a banana.

Im sure others will chime in on the rest, hope that helps for now.

Thanks bro. I start my day off with protein only because I'm usually in a rush in the morning but I will at least try to switch to peanut butter sandwich and banana or maybe some hard boiled eggs.
Just put the hammer down on my legs. Lots of deep heavy atg squats and lunges and leg curls and extensions finishing by pounding my calves. Im hitting my legs twice a week so I alternate with power cleans, overhead squats and deads. One day will be power, heavy compound exercises with lower reps, the next will be precision and endurance, higher reps with lower weight and more isolation stuff.
Crossfit today


800m run

75 air squats

Alternate pull-ups/double unders of 20/20, 16/40, 12/60, 8/80, 4/100

75 air squats

800m run

legs are mad jelly. Finished with some voodoo flossing for some knee tendonitis I've been having
Crossfit today

800m run
75 air squats
Alternate pull-ups/double unders of 20/20, 16/40, 12/60, 8/80, 4/100
75 air squats
800m run

legs are mad jelly. Finished with some voodoo flossing for some knee tendonitis I've been having

Anyone got any suggestions on some lower back stretches? Been having a bad back from sports and I always think it effects my workouts since I always have to wear a back brace. got a sale, think its still going on

Copped a 2lb of each Giant Sports protein thanks to Zyzz strong recommendation for it. :lol:
Can I live? You seem salty when their business ain't your business. Can't stand people like you :smh:
Leaving equipment out of place, not re-racking weights, doing exercises in places they shouldn't be and walking on treadmills when there's a damn suspended track is my business. Don't ruin the experience for everyone else when you don't know what you're doing.
Leaving equipment out of place, not re-racking weights, doing exercises in places they shouldn't be and walking on treadmills when there's a damn suspended track is my business. Don't ruin the experience for everyone else when you don't know what you're doing.

Not Re-Racking weights is a HUGE HUGE pet peeve of mine. Come on man! if you put them on you can take them off.

This is true. People just dont know gym etiquette. A pet peeve of mine is not wiping the machine down. Im glad I work out in either a hoodie or a thermal AND i bring my own towel to lay on the bench or wherever my head will be sitting on. I have seen people get sick or break out in a rash due to this which sickens me. :x :x :x :x

As far as re-racking weights, a lot of people wont do that, especially since they know the staff will re-rack after them. Sad, but its the truth
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Haven't been to the gym since Tuesday.......

Back pain has subsided some, but I don't want to rush myself back.
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