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Dumbbell Bench
45lbs - 8reps / 4sets

Dumbbell Fly
35lbs - 8reps / 4sets

Dumbbell Bench Incline
40lbs - 8reps / 4sets

Dumbbell Fly
35lbs - 8reps/ 4sets

50lbs - 8reps / 4 sets (2x)

Is this too much for a chest a workout? Should I lift more lbs for a bigger chest?

too much? no but why are you doing 8 sets of dumbbell flys?

and yes you should up the weight
Freeze your bananas and it will be even better.

Buy a bunch of bananas, let them get slightly ripe, cut each banana into 3 pieces. Freeze in a plastic zip lock bag.

So instead of having to use ICE to thicken your smoothie, you can use something frozen that actually has flavor.

To answer your question:

Here's my routine:

3 minute warm-up by doing 2-3 MPH.
30 second sprint at 7-8 MPH (LA Fitness treadmill don't go as fast as I'd like)

1.5% Incline
1:30 jog at 3-4 MPH
30 sec sprint at 7-8 MPH

2.5% Incline
1:30 jog at 3-4 MPH
30 sec sprint at 7-8 MPH

3% Incline
1:30 jog at 3-4 MPH
30 sec sprint at 7-8 MPH

1% Incline
1:30 jog at 3-4 MPH
1 minute sprint at 7-8 MPH

3 minute cool down 2 MPH

If you've never done it before or aren't in decent shape then I wouldn't recommend sprinting at 7-* MPH and/or incline.
This will make you sweat.:smokin

Here's some HIIT music:

No offense but 7-8 MPH isn't even a sprint for a lot of people.

When I was into distance running I was running 5 and 10k's in under 6 minute miles.

The thought process behind HIIT is really skewed, you can't just use it as a blanket statement saying it burns more than steady pace running. It varies by person and their abilities.
30 second sprint at 7-8 MPH (LA Fitness treadmill don't go as fast as I'd like)

No offense but 7-8 MPH isn't even a sprint for a lot of people.

When I was into distance running I was running 5 and 10k's in under 6 minute miles.

The thought process behind HIIT is really skewed, you can't just use it as a blanket statement saying it burns more than steady pace running. It varies by person and their abilities.

I dont take offense to what you said. I work with what I have.
Going from a traditional:




I might move triceps to bicep/shoulder day cause whenever I do the big muscle groups I struggle for time (2 hour parking limit at my gym or you pay a $3.25 parking fee, gym usually validates our tickets only up to 2 hours). I need a change up anyways, and i'll never do shoulders the day after chest, etc. Usually a day inbetween. I feel like my bicep and tricep work has been slacking cause im rushing at the end with 15-20 min left only. I dont know why my workouts lately have been taking so long, but ever since going with my friend on a nearly daily basis its just taken longer.

Do you go to LA Fitness? Because the 2 LA Fitness I have been to are the same exact in regards to parking.
took a legal pro-test cycle before... started benching 315 like it was nothing (I weighed 225 at the time but I did take tons of other stuff to counter the side affects)

this was years ago though...

do they still have stuff like that around?
That happens to me every so often. I'll eat clean for a few weeks then kinda go crazy one weekend. Not junk food crazy but just the amount of food and stuff i normally wouldnt eat. I expected to come back Monday a little bloated but my muscles look more "full". I might check the book mentioned out.

Saw this and thought it was interesting, but it's kinda vague. Can someone take a stab at this and elaborate?

I've come to realize I'm carb sensitive as well. Kinda sucks because I notice my body looks off if I eat a lot of carbs the previous day.

Good article. Gonna try this out, just gotta be focused and not give in to carbs. If I stay under a certain amount, I'm good,
5 reps / 5 sets instead?
Dumbbell Bench
45lbs - 8reps / 4sets

Dumbbell Fly
35lbs - 8reps / 4sets

Dumbbell Bench Incline
40lbs - 8reps / 4sets

Dumbbell Fly
35lbs - 8reps/ 4sets

50lbs - 8reps / 4 sets (2x)

Is this too much for a chest a workout? Should I lift more lbs for a bigger chest?

too much? no but why are you doing 8 sets of dumbbell flys?

and yes you should up the weight
Friend suggested it to add to my chest routine.
anyones muscletech protein orders from ship yet from that deal a couple days ago? mine still says on backorder.
took a legal pro-test cycle before... started benching 315 like it was nothing (I weighed 225 at the time but I did take tons of other stuff to counter the side affects)

this was years ago though...

do they still have stuff like that around?
yup. you can probably even buy prohormones locally at designer body still. if not, there are tons of placed online.
took a legal pro-test cycle before... started benching 315 like it was nothing (I weighed 225 at the time but I did take tons of other stuff to counter the side affects)

this was years ago though...

do they still have stuff like that around?
yup. you can probably even buy prohormones locally at designer body still. if not, there are tons of placed online.

do they have any where I wouldn't have to take tons of pre and post therapy for? (estrogen, liver care, etc)
as with any prohormone, it's best to have a real serm for your pct that is NOT some otc bs. also, many of the support supps are used for a reason. if you're going to do a cycle, might as well be as safe as possible.
as with any prohormone, it's best to have a real serm for your pct that is NOT some otc bs. also, many of the support supps are used for a reason. if you're going to do a cycle, might as well be as safe as possible.

repped... can you shoot me a PM if you have any recommendations?
There was a fire somewhere inside my gym and everybody had to leave, didnt get to do my abs or cardio. :frown:

No work today because of the "snow" (I wish you could see how the streets look. NORMAL day with some rain).

Breakfast: Bowl of beans w/multi-grain crackers

Probably make some type of fruit shake but I still haven't freezed my bananas so I expect it to be weak. :smh:
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