STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

HIIT isn't meant to be done on a treadmill, take it outside. 8mph is what a lot of people do to run long distances (1+ miles) and is NOT a sprint.

if you need to do it in the gym, hop on a stationary bike.
Actually it doesnt matter..treadmill..elyptical..stairmaster..aslong as ur goin hard as u can for 15 minutes sweatin ur *** off thats what makes the diff

bein in the gym 2 hours is pretty much standard for myself..if i was ever in a hurry i could do it all and finish in an hour ana half but if ur workin out 2 body parts and especially if u have a workout partner with u..2 hours minimum
Doing Starting Strength, I'm in the gym for a minimum 1.5 hrs, up to 2.5 hrs depending on which workout I'm doing, and the accessories.
You can def get your run on as well. I personally do HIIT or walk on an incline. But I'd assume a steady gradual pace on treadmill should be beneficial for stamina. 30 minutes should be cool. Chime in if I'm wrong fam.


Thank you sir, you weren't lying about Plyo days :lol:

My legs are done.

Good thing I didn't do it yesterday before work :lol:
When I had a gym membership I would do the Bizzy Diet workouts. They are simple but good HIIT mixed in with superset high rep weights. By the time I was done with the workout I was gassed
So I'm in Kingston, NY for 2 weeks and just signed up for a month pass at the Planet Fitness here...

Dumbbells only go up to 75?? How they going to do people like that?? Is that normal here out east? :smh:

Anywhere at home in Portland they max @ 120-130lbs
Got my wife to join the box!...couldn't be happier...women tend to let themselves go after marriage, I think husbands are equally responsible for not pushin them...we can't act like is cool and then act out when things go south if ya know what I mean....not that she had let herself go, but she thought running on a treadmill for 30 minutes was


Today's breakfast...

Turkey Bacon?

What is that in the bowl? Looks like some super sized pumpkin seeds and potatoes in MILK :lol:
So I'm in Kingston, NY for 2 weeks and just signed up for a month pass at the Planet Fitness here...

Dumbbells only go up to 75?? How they going to do people like that?? Is that normal here out east?

Anywhere at home in Portland they max @ 120-130lbs
We dont talk about PF in here bro..that place cant even be called a gym
Steel cut oats, with almond milk, cinnamoned apples and diced

Yeah turkey bacon, usually stick to 2 slices but trying to up my protein/fat a bit...not doing the Paleo thing full force but trying to adopt a few things here and there slowly...
Back and shoulders today after school. Pretty pumped. Had a new shake this morning with milk, protein, oats, peanut butter and some spinach. Giving me some good energy thus far through the day
Today's breakfast...


Is it weird that i love your plates? :lol:


Had a really stressed out morning with my grandfathers health (i'm sill living at home until the end of summer when i get married)

Skipped out on insanity... I will be going to the gym later tonight though.

Just gotta keep eating right.
Got a great chest workout in yesterday. It was a struggle, the energy and fatigue set in quick, but I just keep pushing. When the adrenaline started pickin up, I was feeling better. Hit my pecs with some WMD's. Chest is wild sore today, fatigue was hitting me hard, but my strength was still there. Going to the bball game today, so I can rest again. And then get back in tomorrow. I only have 5 weeks left before my trip, so I really dont have any time to waste as far as diet and exercise goes. This illness put me out of commission the last week. I gotta just push now. Meds and rest have definitely helped. I'm hovering around 73% health now. Getting there.


good job getting your wife in the fit life mindset bro. Couples that play together..

Have great workouts today gentlemen. Whatever you're working, go at it with the wrath of Thor on a molly
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Oh forgot to mention..

Last night I finally lifted 2 plates on flat bench again (6 reps)...

Got my wife to join the box!...couldn't be happier...women tend to let themselves go after marriage, I think husbands are equally responsible for not pushin them...we can't act like is cool and then act out when things go south if ya know what I mean....not that she had let herself go, but she thought running on a treadmill for 30 minutes was]

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Got my wife to join the box!...couldn't be happier...women tend to let themselves go after marriage, I think husbands are equally responsible for not pushin them...we can't act like is cool and then act out when things go south if ya know what I mean....not that she had let herself go, but she thought running on a treadmill for 30 minutes was


Today's breakfast...


good for you bro. You are right that can be a sensitive topic, especially when kids are involved
So I'm in Kingston, NY for 2 weeks and just signed up for a month pass at the Planet Fitness here...

Dumbbells only go up to 75?? How they going to do people like that?? Is that normal here out east?

Anywhere at home in Portland they max @ 120-130lbs
they opened up a PF here in my town and everyone and their momma signed up. i tried it out for free because all my gym partners abandoned ship and joined. dissapointed cant even begin to explain what i felt. 

no dumbbells over 75, only smith machines, crowded, unnecessary workout machines, and to top it all off, NO ONE had a shred of gym etiqutte. ill admit it though, i do get a little ego boost whenever i go (i go every once and while to help co-workers workout). like on a back or leg day, i get looks. i must've set off that stupid alarm at least 10 times by now 
I am surprised KSteezy isn't one of those, "You are supposed to accept your wife for who she is" type of dudes when it comes to wanting them to get in better shape. :nerd:

Does anyone know how to get rid of stomach cramps when doing HITT

i used to have this problem... i try to stay as hydrated as possible and it doesn't really happen much to me anymore.
also, try warming up for longer periods than you do now.
Good stuff steezy. I'm trying to get my wife to go with me more. She does the same thing, run or elliptical. I don't try to bash her and say she isn't doing what she needs too, but I like to see her push herself with her workouts and feel good afterwards.
One thing I hate about the gym are the chemicals you have to use to wipe down the machines. I am meticulous about wiping down but I'm afraid I'm gonna end up with cancer or emphysema with all the sanitizer that I use 10 times a session for 6 days a week. I be trying to turn my head away and spraying low. It's gonna kill me bro. I wonder if I should start bringing my own eco-friendly joint from Whole Foods.
One thing I hate about the gym are the chemicals you have to use to wipe down the machines. I am meticulous about wiping down but I'm afraid I'm gonna end up with cancer or emphysema with all the sanitizer that I use 10 times a session for 6 days a week. I be trying to turn my head away and spraying low. It's gonna kill me bro. I wonder if I should start bringing my own eco-friendly joint from Whole Foods.

This ******g guy... :smh:
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