STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Today's breakfast...


Change those to egg whites from now on!
i feel a big majority of the population can control their obesity, weve just grown to be lazy and have things at our fingertips, reminds me of the movie Wall-e (was the the one where everyone was fat being pushed around in hovercrafts?) i feel like thats not too far off our reality, so i dont hate obese people, I just dont feel sorry for them and when my wife starts gaining I always tell her and i expect the same in return since i have a crappy metabolism, dont know why, i put on weight very easy, but at least i try to stay on top of it.....i seriously expect her to do the mean i wont love her

DJYoung hit up target fam, square plates are
macbk - i used to have eggwhites before, but im trying to wean myself into the whole Paleo culture and dudes are big into whole eggs...
One thing I hate about the gym are the chemicals you have to use to wipe down the machines. I am meticulous about wiping down but I'm afraid I'm gonna end up with cancer or emphysema with all the sanitizer that I use 10 times a session for 6 days a week. I be trying to turn my head away and spraying low. It's gonna kill me bro. I wonder if I should start bringing my own eco-friendly joint from Whole Foods.

that's just your ocd acting up fam, relax, you're not going to get cancer. Not from that at least.
guys whats your replacement for bread??...i feel like thats the only thing i cant live without....i gave up rice and soda, took a while but i dont miss it, but bread?

i try to stick to whole grain bread, they have this bread called Ezequiel (sp) bread at Trader Joes which is pretty "healthy"
this thread title reminded me of the old adage "round is a shape"..

and lolz at the Wall-e reference, awesome movie..
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filthy fifty has me feeling incapacitated today :x

***** rough :lol:

you register for the games? my box encouraged us to do so just to kind of track our progress and see how we match up with others.

were gonna do the workouts regardless so i figured i might as well, the first workout is being posted at 5 pst i believe.
guys whats your replacement for bread??...i feel like thats the only thing i cant live without....i gave up rice and soda, took a while but i dont miss it, but bread?

i try to stick to whole grain bread, they have this bread called Ezequiel (sp) bread at Trader Joes which is pretty "healthy"

Haha giving up bread is tough. I try to replace it with big romaine lettuce leafs as much as I can, but still have bread on certain occasions
We dont talk about PF in here bro..that place cant even be called a gym
QFT let the cardio bunnies stay there with their pizza days :stoneface:

I walked in one morning and they had ******g donuts everywhere lmao. I stared in disgust as people were leaving the gym with 2-3 donuts AFTER just doing cardio on the treadmill! ******g America man...smh
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Haha giving up bread is tough. I try to replace it with big romaine lettuce leafs as much as I can, but still have bread on certain occasions

I asked this a couple pages ago and don't think anyone answered. I think it was ill who said he started the see his abs more after cutting out bread.

What is the difference between giving up bread as opposed to other carbs?
Haha giving up bread is tough. I try to replace it with big romaine lettuce leafs as much as I can, but still have bread on certain occasions

I asked this a couple pages ago and don't think anyone answered. I think it was ill who said he started the see his abs more after cutting out bread.

What is the difference between giving up bread as opposed to other carbs?

well it also depends on what type of breads you're consuming. White bread is the worst, since there's so many ingredients in it that aren't digested properly. Wheat and multi grain aren't sooo bad. Carbs in general aren't actually bad, people are just misunderstood as to what kind they should be eating. Complex carbs are better.
LMAOOOOO I love my crossfit people but dawg, ya'll be doing some of the stupdiest exercies ever yo haha.

I try so hard not to laugh at my gym man

:lol: brah I've never in my life seen anyone at my box doing anything similar to that....the hell is that dumb chick doing?
***** rough :lol:

you register for the games? my box encouraged us to do so just to kind of track our progress and see how we match up with others.

were gonna do the workouts regardless so i figured i might as well, the first workout is being posted at 5 pst i believe.

I don't think I'm about that life

I feel weak enough within my own class, I'd be intimidated to stack up against other boxes....gimme a few more
guys whats your replacement for bread??...i feel like thats the only thing i cant live without....i gave up rice and soda, took a while but i dont miss it, but bread?

i try to stick to whole grain bread, they have this bread called Ezequiel (sp) bread at Trader Joes which is pretty "healthy"
Pita bread that I make myself. It's just 4 cups whole wheat flour, 1TBSP yeast and 1.25 cups warm water. Salt is optional. I don't add any though because what I eat it with will always have enough flavor.
hoping there are some runners on this thread that can help me out...

I started running about 5 months ago and recently started getting pain on my right knee; did some research and it's due to the IT band. I've upped my mileage quite a bit throughout my time running but for the past month or so I've been dealing with this IT band pain, which limits my mileage. I've started using a foam-roller to stretch, seems to help but whenever I try to run more than 4 miles at a time I get the dreaded pain. Anyone had this before? What did you do? do you have any stretch exercises that you can share?
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