You’re reading even deeper than I am, but it’s unnecessary. We all have headphones in and there’s music in the gym, what would “excuse me” do for a courtesy that should be a given in a public gym?
He’s very aware of his surroundings. They spend most of their time failing PR’s on video with their boys who don’t know how to spot them, and sitting between sets standing around BS’ing with multiple dumbbell sets they aren’t using. So it’s not like they’re in the middle of something, which I would understand.
His “I’m not moving so you can walk by” stance was very obvious, and had I not leaned a little bit I 100% would have bumped his shoulder, which I said I didn’t. All I did was walk by close enough to let him know he needs to be courteous of people walking by / or be more aware of his surroundings if HE’S IN A WALKWAY IN FRONT OF THE DUMBBELLS. Or next time he tries that ****, imma be even closer.
His other homie (before this incident) from his group is also the one who I asked if he was using a piece of equipment he was uselessly standing next to with his gym bag in the middle of the walkway (see the trend here?), and he turned looked at me and just turned back around after I asked if he was using it. I just laughed and started using it.
These kids are meatheads. F*** boys. Primal minds. 99% of my gym experience over the past year has been amazing, this group is the 1%. But hey, color me the bad guy for wanting people to be decent and courteous in the gym?