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 the calluses on my hands are 
I cant ever remember a time when i didnt have these
I don't give a damn what anyone thinks about me. I use gloves when I lift and I enjoy not having Freddy Cruger palms because of it.

Come at me, 'tough guys.'
I don't use gloves. I will continue to use my wraps, and belt though.

I've made 0 progress from bench till today. I've tried to strengthen my wrists, it just isn't working for me.
I love using football gloves when I lift. Just something I'm used to. I never use belts when I dl or squat tho.
need a new multi-vitman..

anyone ever used 'orange triad'?

or what do you guys recommend?
I don't use gloves. I will continue to use my wraps, and belt though.

I've made 0 progress from bench till today. I've tried to strengthen my wrists, it just isn't working for me.

belts are known to cause more issues than they prevent they are only helpful if trying to get a few more lbs on your core strengthening lifts and you will become dependent on them as well and unless your a power lifter the amt of weight u push is irrelevant, no hate but regardless of experience u should ditch the belt and especially if your fairly knew to bb like 1-2 yrs
How do you guys manage your water intake so your not adding on too much water weight?
what supplements do you guys take or think r must haves????

the staples for me are fish oil, creatine and protein powder. sometimes i'll go through a bottle of a multi (orthocore). 95% of the time i use a stimmed preworkout - coffee or caffeine tabs work fine but i actually don't like too much caffeine because it makes me jittery/nauseous and i do enjoy the extra benefits that i get from the preworkouts that i do use - right now i alternate ds craze and appnut uncut. out of all the junk supps that i've tried, there is one supplement that actually works really well for me. ArA or arachidonic acid (molecular nutrition's x factor or sns x-gels) taken 1.5 grams pre elicits a strength gain when taken over a period of 30-50 days. seems to kick in after about 2 weeks. i've only used it 4x (on my 4th time right now) but it's expensive even when on sale.
football gloves when you lift? at least where lifting gloves
Nope. I wear em for a couple reasons. 1) they're free. 2) love the "tacky" grip. 3) just something I've been accustomed to for years.

Plus I don't like the weightlifting gloves with the cutoff finger tips
need a new multi-vitman..

anyone ever used 'orange triad'?

or what do you guys recommend?

First post in this thread, been reading it for a while now though. I have been taking OT as my multi for a little over a year now. I don't really think there's many multis that can top OT's profile for the price. Especially since it has the added joint and digestive support.
lotta people get fat at my job

seen some cute girls blow up

my mexican homie @ work is like 5'0 and started working last year. He used to weigh 150-160. Dude is now like 195-200 at 5'0 :smh:
what kind of medium is that?

im your height and ive never worn a medium that didnt stop right at my waistline
Yeah man, I'm 5'10" 170lbs and i have to go at least a large. I don't know how some dudes who are above 6 foot rock the smedium

For real? I am 6 foot 182lbs and i wear mediums in almost everything. I struggle with length so not all mediums fit me...but i swim in most me the "wavy back syndrome". Granted if there was a slim cut large i could prob be fine with that
im 6'2 (6'4 in brons) every medium ive ever worn has been too short, from that exact hanes brand lucky posted to Jordan ts

lol @ you being a medium fella, its like "im not small, but i cant hang with the big guys neither"
ehhh, it's busta. just watch it lol
track is stupid (as in good)

busta weight fluctuate like a damn woman man, every time he hit the scene hes muscly then he relapses, dude need to get on his LL steez and just stay buff, no romo but a ripped busta would be ill
that busta vid is terrible lol. the amount of crap he's talking versus the weight he's moving is hilarious.

think imma buy me a medium shirt this week and see what it look like - i'm a short guy. 6' 200# in a medium still doesn't compute in my mind.
i like the fit of medium t-shirts but I hate the length because they're usually too long. I like the length of small sized shirt but i gotta lose like 7-10lbs to comfortably fit it
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