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Who's tried that Intermitting Fasting from Leangains website??

I did it from about this time last year til about 8 weeks ago. Took my weight loss to a whole nother level.

If you're about that progress life, do it.

I did 130-930p and shrunk it down a few months in to about 4-930
you dudes that lose 100# make me feel stupid that i'm struggling to lose 15 or so. had a big glass of milk for breakfast after i worked out this morning and another one for lunch. just demolished a huge unhealthy dinner (at least it had plenty of protein :lol: ).
I did it from about this time last year til about 8 weeks ago. Took my weight loss to a whole nother level.

If you're about that progress life, do it.

I did 130-930p and shrunk it down a few months in to about 4-930

how was your energy level? any major fatigue or headaches??
thoughts on gnc wheybolic 60 for pre and post work out? im looking for a protein to drink before and after not for meal replacement or so fort.

gnc products are trash and overpriced

look into Optimum Nutrition whey, Giant Sports delicious protein, and my personal favorite Controlled Labs Pronom.
Creatine works wonders for weight gain. my metabolism is crazy fast it's normal for me to go to bed and lose 2-3 pounds in my sleep. got some basic creatine and went up 15 pounds in about 2 months without even being really dedicated to workouts.

why are you taking creatine if you arent dedicated to working out?
I did it from about this time last year til about 8 weeks ago. Took my weight loss to a whole nother level.

If you're about that progress life, do it.

I did 130-930p and shrunk it down a few months in to about 4-930

The problem I had with the IF is that trying to get 3,000 calories in such a short time made it very hard and therefore I wasn't eating as much as I would if i was spreading meals out throughout the day etc.
what the hell are you talkin about?

also, i love how dudes can call each other names when it comes to lifting, but if someone uses the same tough love tactics in sports its not cool

dudes arm was bent and the dunk was a clean flush, so i know for a fact if he works on his foot positioning and taking off from farther away, he can still dunk with authority, just because im not d-riding and i actually post a physical challenge doesnt mean im tryin to be a hater
What are you talking about is the question pauly, I don't think homie was being serious when talking about PG. Just be quiet unless your out here doing 360s and windmills then I will hush.
i am
what kind of medium is that?

im your height and ive never worn a medium that didnt stop right at my waistline
Yeah man, I'm 5'10" 170lbs and i have to go at least a large. I don't know how some dudes who are above 6 foot rock the smedium

For real? I am 6 foot 182lbs and i wear mediums in almost everything. I struggle with length so not all mediums fit me...but i swim in most me the "wavy back syndrome". Granted if there was a slim cut large i could prob be fine with that.

what supplements do you guys take or think r must haves????

All i take other then protein, is a multi and fish oil. I try to get most of my other nutrients from food.
why are you taking creatine if you arent dedicated to working out?

I should rephrase that, not dedicated as I normally am but still workout regularly. The point I was trying to make is that creatine makes such a difference you can see gains without going berzerk at the gym
Legs were still aching from playing ball Sunday. Yesterday I put two 20lb dumbells in my back pack and walked for 30 minutes. Chest day today.
Picked my bike up from getting a tune up and ready to hit the streets. Supposed to be around 90 degress here in Boston for the next 4 days or so. Looking forward to it.

Considering reducing my lifting volume to 3 days a week to accomodate more outside activity, like bike riding. Currently lift 6 days, Push/Pull/Legs (repeat), in order to keep myself active. There any 3 day splits you guys recommend?
Must be nice. I have a slow metabolism. Hec, sometimes I don't go number 2 for a day or so. Try world of warcraft. That'll get your weight up

I've been losing a lot of weight within the past 3 weeks tho. From 204 to 187. Focusing on cardio and losing all that belly fat/man boobs. Doing my best to be in shape by June 21 (When I go to vegas)
Thats really good for 3 weeks, how much of a deficit are you eating at?
I usually guess if i'm not finding what i'm looking for.

For example, yesterday before the Dodger game we did our usual and went to Philippe's (LA Staple, block away from Union Station, world famous for their French Dips for those not from SoCal)

Had a turkey French Dip, coleslaw and some pickles.

They didn't have the turkey on MFP, but I had luck searching for "turkey french dip"
Philippe's is all up in Micheal Connolly books. Read about it before - heard good things.

so do i.

seeing my body go back to how it used to be was a sad sad sad thing to experience and i didn't do anything about it but let it happen.

I don't feel like reading back, but why aren't you able to get in the gym 3 times a week for an hour each. That's all it should really take. School/work obligations?

rocking dat der medium shirt

Any of you guys ever think about going the "healthy" "organic" route? Like copping All NAtural Protein and only eating Organic foods from spots like WHole Foods and crap?
Yeah to an extent. I buy all natural protein (Optimum and/or Met-Rx) and do most of my shopping at Whole Foods. I recognize that a lot of it is a placebo effect, but I enjoy shopping and food prep a lot more since switching to Whole Foods, so I'ma stick with it. I also do follow a fair amount of paleo/primal food tenants that may be of interest. Gimme some specific questions and I'd be happy to post more.

i know musclepharm tastes good but its up to you, its a solid brand. i see no issue trying it out
Sorry for quoting everything, just a pain to cut on mobile, lol.

I'm the same regarding food. I've always been passionate about culinary arts so it's fun for me to do the food prep in a clean and natural way. I would eventually love to grow my own fruits and vegetables. As of now, I don't use many supps due to trying to steer clear of artificial/lab engineered stuff (dyes and sweeteners). Although you can't control everything, I'd like to think that there are some aspects of your nutrition you can control.
been doing IF since Nov 2012. check my previous post for progress pics if ur interested.

IF is a life changer. no problems with headaches or fatigue.

I started doing IF maybe the the end of March from 6PM till 10AM - 11AM, lost about 50lbs.

Still going though, no fatigue or h/a either.
Had a great workout today.

Caffeine > any preworkout powder. Just felt like clean energy rather than just being stimulated into sweating alot.

I'm a fan of lifting raw, but my wrists can never catch up. I've tried the suggestions I was presented with in here for over 2 weeks now. On military/bench press, my wrists just roll back, and I can't straighten them. Bought some wrist wraps, and they arrived yesterday...making strength gains on bench already. Able to push 155 for reps now :lol:.

Also, anybody use knee wraps? If so, around how heavy on squats do you recommend I start using em? I'm just terrified of going real heavy, and blowing my knees out.
Messed up my rotator cuff, feels awful. I'm always cautious to warm up properly and strict form on bench press and military press. It appears to just be overuse from baseball/softball. I'm gonna give it the weekend to see if it improves at all, if not I'll be headed to the doctor Monday morning. I've made great progress over the past year, so I'm hoping it is not too much of a set back.
Had a great workout today.

Caffeine > any preworkout powder. Just felt like clean energy rather than just being stimulated into sweating alot.

I'm a fan of lifting raw, but my wrists can never catch up. I've tried the suggestions I was presented with in here for over 2 weeks now. On military/bench press, my wrists just roll back, and I can't straighten them. Bought some wrist wraps, and they arrived yesterday...making strength gains on bench already. Able to push 155 for reps now :lol:.

Also, anybody use knee wraps? If so, around how heavy on squats do you recommend I start using em? I'm just terrified of going real heavy, and blowing my knees out.

u need to concentrate on eating right and form, the type of equipment your talking about are for experienced lifters lifting substantial amount of weight, and your wrist are never going to get stronger if keep using support
Picked my bike up from getting a tune up and ready to hit the streets. Supposed to be around 90 degress here in Boston for the next 4 days or so. Looking forward to it.

Considering reducing my lifting volume to 3 days a week to accomodate more outside activity, like bike riding. Currently lift 6 days, Push/Pull/Legs (repeat), in order to keep myself active. There any 3 day splits you guys recommend?

You from boston :nerd: What gym u go to?

Had a great workout today.

Caffeine > any preworkout powder. Just felt like clean energy rather than just being stimulated into sweating alot.

I'm a fan of lifting raw, but my wrists can never catch up. I've tried the suggestions I was presented with in here for over 2 weeks now. On military/bench press, my wrists just roll back, and I can't straighten them. Bought some wrist wraps, and they arrived yesterday...making strength gains on bench already. Able to push 155 for reps now :lol:.

Also, anybody use knee wraps? If so, around how heavy on squats do you recommend I start using em? I'm just terrified of going real heavy, and blowing my knees out.

Yeah Cup of coffee can give you great energy. Works for me when i do it like once every 2 months.

Forget all those wraps. You dont need that. No way your going to improve the shape of your wrists using these straps. People who use gloves, straps, and all these unecessary equipment is like those dudes at the bball courts who rock headbands, wrist band, elbow pad, knee pad, the newest jordan 28's or w/e they are.
Ehhh you can miss me with that he cant wrap **** 
 Im using them bad boys when I do a couple plate bb shrugs or some heavy *** lat pulldowns, the calluses on my hands are 
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