STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Bro Science always has be dying
you must be white, im betting you're laughing because he said n****
you must be white, im betting you're laughing because he said n****

First of all I'm not.

Second I thought that was the slowest part of the video

I actually found it funny that he was talking about a type of behavior that I also find annoying.

Since you're big into drawing meaningless conclusions, perhaps you're one of those 45 year-old men who chill in locker rooms naked with your saggy skin, wipe ur balls with a towel the size of a wash cloth and make everyone around you feel uncomfortable.

Must be the reason why you're getting your jimmies rustled

:lol: :stoneface:
If I were training for one I'd do a lot of running and calisthenics.
If you want to lift for it (I probably wouldn't, but throwing it out there) your sets should be 15-30 reps and rather light. It'd be a purely endurance type of lifting which isn't what almost anybody goes for.
I made a plan to do nothing but HIIT and abs this summer to get as toned as possible and then build in the winter
but for some reason HIIT is killllling my appetite and in like 1 week in I've already lost 10 lbs (mostly fat for sure tho)... i started it at 180 and i'm 170 as a type...

my HIIT regimen on the tredmill is as follows:
warm up then 30 secs at 7mph
1 min and 30 secs at 11 mph
repeat till 15 mins pass.. which leaves me at around 2 miles (sometimes over if a good song on my ipod lol)

basically I wanna shed as much fat as possible this summer before trying to build muscle in the fall.
I've read HIIT is the best way to lose fat, tone, and not lose much muscle in the meanwhile but any tips on how to preserve what muscle I do have??
I've been working out 5x a week for the past like 2 years
I made a plan to do nothing but HIIT and abs this summer to get as toned as possible and then build in the winter
but for some reason HIIT is killllling my appetite and in like 1 week in I've already lost 10 lbs (mostly fat for sure tho)... i started it at 180 and i'm 170 as a type...

my HIIT regimen on the tredmill is as follows:
warm up then 30 secs at 7mph
1 min and 30 secs at 11 mph
repeat till 15 mins pass.. which leaves me at around 2 miles (sometimes over if a good song on my ipod lol)

basically I wanna shed as much fat as possible this summer before trying to build muscle in the fall.
I've read HIIT is the best way to lose fat, tone, and not lose much muscle in the meanwhile but any tips on how to preserve what muscle I do have??
I've been working out 5x a week for the past like 2 years

if you're working out 5 times a week...and you still have fat to lose..your work ethic isn't the problem. Adjust your diet and stop wasting your time. Your results will sky rocket if you just eat better. imagine what you could've accomplished in that same 2 years if you just had a better meal plan..
truth spoken.

me and my training partner sometimes speak about what would it be like if we were more strict with our nutrition.
you must be white, im betting you're laughing because he said n****
First of all I'm not.

Second I thought that was the slowest part of the video

I actually found it funny that he was talking about a type of behavior that I also find annoying.

Since you're big into drawing meaningless conclusions, perhaps you're one of those 45 year-old men who chill in locker rooms naked with your saggy skin, wipe ur balls with a towel the size of a wash cloth and make everyone around you feel uncomfortable.

Must be the reason why you're getting your jimmies rustled

it actually sounds like your jimmies are rustled
im sure this question has been asked a million times, but if im doing the 5x5 workout to bulk up.

how much cardio can i do and what type?

i know i shouldnt do cardio at all, but i just want to improve my stamina a little
Lifting days I do 15mins HiiT (MTThFri)

Non lifting days I do 30/35

20sec rest / 40full speed on the stationary
Also bulking. I can worry about a summer shred next March, the mass ain't there yet, so why cut?
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I just want to slim down before next semester. Back in January I weighed 195 and by the end of February 177 and gained a little muscle.
Now I'm back at 188 :rolleyes

Any suggestions? I really want to be lean and get to 160. I know I wont get there by the end of August but I want to be really damn close to it.
And do a lot of muscle ups (and not the kipping kind)
Do they regulate if you can kip during the Spartan race? I'd imagine kipped muscleups are going to be a more efficient way of navigating obstacles.

im sure this question has been asked a million times, but if im doing the 5x5 workout to bulk up.

how much cardio can i do and what type?

i know i shouldnt do cardio at all, but i just want to improve my stamina a little
Limited amounts of Cardio/conditioning aren't gonna kill your bulk, especially if you take in the calories to balance out your cardio. Obviously, you should be doing HIIT.

I just want to slim down before next semester. Back in January I weighed 195 and by the end of February 177 and gained a little muscle.
Now I'm back at 188 :rolleyes

Any suggestions? I really want to be lean and get to 160. I know I wont get there by the end of August but I want to be really damn close to it.
How tall are you/
I just want to slim down before next semester. Back in January I weighed 195 and by the end of February 177 and gained a little muscle.
Now I'm back at 188 :rolleyes

Any suggestions? I really want to be lean and get to 160. I know I wont get there by the end of August but I want to be really damn close to it.

You just said you gained muscle, screw the numbers!
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