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been working out real sporadically. tried those 4 squat warm-ups posted and i can't squat down that close to the wall without falling backwards even in romaleos. definite mobility issues there. suggestions on where to focus?

Man I wish I could be there to show you and help you...hip flexion might be your issue.

Do you not have coach that may can help?

You're going to have to stretch and mobilize almost everyday. Google hip flexion and ankle mobility...incorporate it everyday before or after working out. Took me 9-10 months before I actually got it. And I still do it so I can be even more flexible when it's time for ATG

Here's one that helps a lot

These looks good

Ignore the rowing part, but everything else is legit

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no, i don't have a coach/trainer. my in-laws powerlift but i've only asked them for help with bench and deadlift. they heavy squat to parallel. it took me a long time to get to parallel because of poor mobility and arthritic knees. i want to go deeper and get my back to be more upright when i do. that first IG vid looks good. i'll watch everything at my comp at work in the morning.
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I wish I had my own set up at home. I lift weights once in a while, I mostly do HIITs and calisthenics. My diet is quite **** though, I don't have the disposable income to buy all the right food. I just eat whatever my parents cook and I can't say no to sweets. [emoji]128586[/emoji]

Yea having my own set up at home helps alot. Saves me alot of time. I cant say no to sweets either thats why i buy questbars and lowfat ice cream. Haha
Girl i know just became a personal trainer. $21 an hour + commission from clients.

She has been working out for 6 months decided to take the test to become certified. She is now a personal trainer. It is mind blowing sometimes how they let just anyone do this stuff. She posts vids on IG of her deadlifting and everyone is her in a belt hips shoot up and she basically stifflegs 135lbs.
:lol: I remember a while back this guy was looking for tips on helping his girl train and a bunch of people in here were telling him to let her get a trainer instead. Bothered me cause I've seen the nonsense 95% of these "trainers" at normal gyms make their clients do.
My girl goes on personal trainer rants all the time. :lol:

I forget the certification but she has the one that's hardest to get right under the one that requires a four year degree in training and used to be one as well as something to do with people's diets. Basically she used to write and coach people on diet/lifting programs and train them.

I would never hire one either from the stuff I've seen at my gym, they give no dambs about form and no dambs about much else either. I'd just get a coach if I really wanted one. Between YouTube and my girl I'm good. Not like I'm going to be competing in men's physique anytime soon.
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are gyms liable if some one gets hurt while personal training? Is there any fault at all that would make the gyms hire more selectively?

The girl i referenced literally looks the part and talks the part but i wouldn't let her train me for free.
Depends on what gym you go to, but most big box gyms are full of general population members with very pedestrian goals. The trainers there don't have to be rocket scientists to get hired. Sometimes you get lucky and have a box gym with a couple trainers that know their strength stuff or you go to a high end gym and pay for a high end trainer. But other than that you're better off going to a strength facility or barbell gym and hiring a coach there.
 All these stories about trainers. My experiences with the few I've came in contact with have been positive, but it's wild to hear how little training, or none at all, some of them have. Blows my mind some people can really get in the door without a cert or degree or some flimsy 1 month training period and be good to go. I'm almost 3 months into ACE and still feel like I need at least a year and some experience before I even think about applying. Some people really just don't care and it's dangerous.
Been really busy this week and today might be the only day I have to lift. Gonna try to do full body. Any recommendations on what to hit? I don't usually do full body days.
One of the two gyms I go to has a trainer that is actually pretty knowledgable. I squat on my lunch break and I guess that is when he does his own lifting, so I've talked to him a few times. Still trying to pitch the sale of training sessions, but willing to discuss different legit programs and mobility. He only does Olympic lifts and actually does them with great form which is surprising given it is 24hr Fitness.
If anyone's girlfriend needs a trainer feel free to PM me, I'm not certified or anything but I can show her a good time.
My boy's girl got a job as a trainer. I know her pretty well and I wouldn't let her train me if she was paying me.

She knows the right things to say but i don't think she's done a deadlift in her life.

I honestly think the only qualification you need at most gyms is that you need to look the part.
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Did some deload squats last night, used flat shoes instead of the Romaleos and boy was it different. I was happy I could still hit depth but wasn't confident at all with how they felt.
My pt was brutal but helped me with my form. Some one complained and he got fired . This was fitness connection in htown a few years back.

Most trained i see just watch and talk to their client like the are friends.
Been really busy this week and today might be the only day I have to lift. Gonna try to do full body. Any recommendations on what to hit? I don't usually do full body days.

ugh, full body days destroy me haha.
if I'm forced to do it I'll squat then bench then do an AMRAP of deadlifts and call it a day.
Just do a 5x5 day with squat, bench, deadlift. Or squat, bench, rows. 

Then add some accessory work. 
Just do a 5x5 day with squat, bench, deadlift. Or squat, bench, rows. 

Then add some accessory work. 

Ok thanks. That sounds perfect. I didn't want to overdo it. I probably would have done too much tbh.

Fortunately I don't have to do it any more. My girl just told me she'd start going to the gym with me when she's over so I don't have to skip at all. Her favorite day is leg day so I get to watch her squat while I lift :evil:

I just took a week break after my first month or so of getting back into lifting. Already seeing my strength increase a lot and can't wait to see what I put up today after taking the break.
I honestly think the only qualification you need at most gyms is that you need to look the part.

Whats funny to me is most of the trainers I see aren't even in shape, let alone an ideal shape someone would aspire too :lol:
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