Student left in DEA cell to get $4 million from US

Hope he writes a book and does TV interview for a couple more millies...

Eff the Feds

A book about how he was locked up with nothing to do and **** himself doesn't sound like something anyone wants to read or watch. :lol: Its not like he did some extra over the top **** to survive or escape so kill the extra "deals" nonsense. :lol:

The mental breakdown during the time spent in there would actually make for an interesting movie​

That plus the raid on his friends house that got him detained/arrested would make a good movie/book.
It is really depressing how many people here think that being thrown into a windowless cell to die of thirst is no big deal. It does not matter that he got money afterwards, it does not matter what his age was or what his major is and it does not even matter that he was in a house where drugs may have been sold.

Torture is illegal in the US and putting someone into a makeshift dungeon in order to inflict serious physical suffering and internal injuries is and has always been considered torture. Remember that not only did he suffer the pain and torment of starvation and dehydration but he did not know if that door would ever open so he also will bear the mental scares that come from a near death experience.

Even the most ardent drug warrior can agree that torture should never be administered to any one who has been duly convicted of even the most major of drug crimes. If torture is off the table for a major, convicted drug trafficker, it certainly should not be inflicted on someone who was arrested because he near a drug raid.

Sadly, this settlement will do nothing to deter future lawless and brutal behavior on the part our domestic law enforcement agencies. They will pass the cost onto tax payers, they will continue to militarize, they will continue to see the general public as the enemy and they will have little regard for their fellow citizens. The DEA, DHS, local law enforcement and even some National Park Rangers carry around automatic weapons, body armor and a battle field mentality to match.

When you have convinced yourself that the entire country is a battle field, it should come as no surprise that there will be an increasingly lower standard and a diminution of importance that is placed on ideal law enforcement protocols. When a SWAT team raids the wrong house, when they kill a dog that barks at them, when they commandeer the homes of the neighbors of their target, when they shoot at a vehicle because it looked like a suspect's vehicle, when they beat up a cuffed and compliant suspect and when they neglect prosaic police work and leave a human being to nearly die of thirst in a windowless closet, a militarized law enforcement can dismiss those abuses as collateral damage or cite the fact that war is full of imperfections. If you can actually convince yourself and enough of the public that law enforcement is as dangerous as actual front line combat in a real war, you can make it even easier to excuse any type of police brutality.
:stoneface:  What's dumb about my statement? 

It's ironic because my standards are higher than yours and you're calling me dumb.

Your statement is dumb because:

1) You didn't read well enough to see that he was an engineering student when this happened, but now he's an economics student. If he switched majors that would have set him back a bit.

2) You assumed that he didn't get his bachelor's in engineering. For all you know he may have his degree in engineering and now he's pursuing a degree in economics.

3) Your statement is dumb.

 I KNOW he switched majors. But that's part of not being a good student, where you need extra time to "figure out what you want to do." to the point where you're taking far more than 4 years to earn your bachelors. 

2. Who does that? Ask yourself. I know double majors. They don't finish a major and then start another. You do them concurrently.

3. Thanks. :stoneface:

View media item 520587
I was house sitting earlier this year and went to let dog out past midnight. Blazed as **** I forgot the back door had handle lock that allowed you to open from inside while still being locked so if you shut it when outside it would lock you out. I locked myself outside in middle of night with only some shorts on, no phone or anything in a neighborhood I was a stranger with crazed dog. Had no idea what I could do because the house was sealed up like Obama's daughters' rooms and no phone or keys to do or go anywhere. Even if I called locksmith from some neighbor I had no proof the house was even mine and doubt they would even open it regardless of my reason. 

My high went away real fast and into panic mode. Finally decided I had to break window or force self in through locked door. Latter worked because it was cheap door handle, not a knob and just leveraged enough till handle malfunctioned breaking the locking mechanism. Anyone saying being locked in small cell with nothing would be easy for 4 mill is a fool. Try going a day without eating or drinking then toss in some NASA style isolation, you will go ******g crazy. 

but on a srs note, i have a feeling he knew he had a case on his hands

why would his own dooky be all over him????

carving his arm doe? and only finished an S

the pee thing makes sense, but it aint that srs

all in all, leave me in a cell for 4.5 days with nothing but the clothes on my back and give me 3.2Ms
No you wouldnt if you wouldnt know if you would come out dead or alive and not if you didnt know rather somebody was coming back or now and also lock you up in there with no food or water would you still do it?

Dude was forgotten about in there, you could never experince what he been through. I wouldn't had took the 3.w mill. I would had went to trial and gotten more.

DEA agent should be fired for this or charged or should be locked in cell for 4 days so they can see what it feels like. Bet they wont do it again...

I'm 100% sure if they would had found ghat boy dead, they would had said it was suicide and that would had been the end of this story, cover up
3.2 a mill settlement is just for the circumstance. The kid will never have to worry about money again. Who knows his current mental state though, he may have been damaged for life cause of it.

sorry caps
3.2 a mill settlement is just for the circumstance. The kid will never have to worry about money again. Who knows his current mental state though, he may have been damaged for life cause of it.

sorry caps

He should've gotten him a high profile lawyer and go for the motherload, at least 8 mill for himself when it's all said and done.
$3.2 mil is not nothing. That's equivalent to making a 100k+ salary every year for the next 30 years. Or a 50k salary for the next 60 years.

It's not enough to be balling out the gym, but if he's smart (Uhhh.. I assume he is, don't ask me why
) it's def enough to not have to work again.
or he can put 2mill in a high % interest/cd account at around 10% and make 200k a year for the rest of his life and he still have the 1.2 mill to blow on a house and car.

or he could just do what you said and spread it, after buying a home and car, 50k is a nice yearly income for now by himself

but putting 2 mill in  a high interest account would be the smart move
Doing 4 days without food and water knowing you're going to come out to 4 mil =/= going through what that dude went through. Really don't get why it's so difficult for alot of people here to grasp that :lol:
i'll do 4 days for 4 million
Aight so i'll give you 4 mill if we can place you in a window less 5x10 cell with no food and water, handcuffed, also when your locked in cell I will flip a coin, if its heads I will come get you, if it tales i will forgot you in there, now you will not no the outcome of the coin toss, so your left in their wondering if I will come get you
i'll do 4 days for 4 million
Aight so i'll give you 4 mill if we can place you in a window less 5x10 cell with no food and water, handcuffed, also when your locked in cell I will flip a coin, if its heads I will come get you, if it tales i will forgot you in there, now you will not no the outcome of the coin toss, so your left in their wondering if I will come get you
i'll do 4 days for 4 million
Aight so i'll give you 4 mill if we can place you in a window less 5x10 cell with no food and water, handcuffed, also when your locked in cell I will flip a coin, if its heads I will come get you, if it tales i will forgot you in there, now you will not no the outcome of the coin toss, so your left in their wondering if I will come get you

Even that isn't close to what this guy went through.
Idc man, throw me in there for that long for me to get that much money.

Tera Patrick will make me feel better once I start spending that money :pimp:
Doing 4 days without food and water knowing you're going to come out to 4 mil =/= going through what that dude went through. Really don't get why it's so difficult for alot of people here to grasp that :lol:

Idc man, throw me in there for that long for me to get that much money.

Tera Patrick will make me feel better once I start spending that money :pimp:

I was house sitting earlier this year and went to let dog out past midnight. Blazed as **** I forgot the back door had handle lock that allowed you to open from inside while still being locked so if you shut it when outside it would lock you out. I locked myself outside in middle of night with only some shorts on, no phone or anything in a neighborhood I was a stranger with crazed dog. Had no idea what I could do because the house was sealed up like Obama's daughters' rooms and no phone or keys to do or go anywhere. Even if I called locksmith from some neighbor I had no proof the house was even mine and doubt they would even open it regardless of my reason. 

My high went away real fast and into panic mode. Finally decided I had to break window or force self in through locked door. Latter worked because it was cheap door handle, not a knob and just leveraged enough till handle malfunctioned breaking the locking mechanism. Anyone saying being locked in small cell with nothing would be easy for 4 mill is a fool. Try going a day without eating or drinking then toss in some NASA style isolation, you will go ******g crazy. got locked out of a house for a few hours while high and decided to post this story like its some life and death situation you narrowly escaped?

.. "mr yolo"....

View media item 521332
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I think what y'all fail to realize is....

Dude didnt even know he was coming out of that cell.

I read the first line of OP and at first was like, "4 Mil for 4 days? CHALLENGE ACCEPTED."

After reading about all the stuff he experienced... Would deny that challenge 10 out of 10 times.
I think what y'all fail to realize is....

Dude didnt even know he was coming out of that cell.

I read the first line of OP and at first was like, "4 Mil for 4 days? CHALLENGE ACCEPTED."

After reading about all the stuff he experienced... Would deny that challenge 10 out of 10 times.
the argument has changed over many times tho

it went from "Surviving on nothing for 4.5 days is a 50/50 shot, half of us couldn't do it." to "Going through what he went through was crazy"

no ones arguing the fact that it was messed up, and would have most people messed up when they get out

the argument was that even totally unprepared (no big meal before you get in there, no hydration build up) a landslide majority could definitely survive 4.5 days without anything

AND him rubbing his own fecal matter all over himself was way out of order
Just as big a story should be the fact that he's 25 and hasn't finished his Bachelor's Degree. :smh:

ahhhhhhh good one.
Plus was he in some abandoned floor of a building or something? Like in the farthest cell from all humanity?
most law enforcement places I've seen are teaming with personnel coming and going.
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