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Originally Posted by NubianDisaster
Hm. well unpopular opinion coming up.
The black church isn't a problem.
Parenting is the problem.
You don't really need black "role models" the model should be in your home.
AA Parents should be more involved in their children's education and school system.
Notice how I said parents, single parent households can't raise children like 2 parents can.
A strong family and a strong work ethic would definitely start the reform in the AA community.
The thing is who can you except people who don't know any better to know better.
You got 40 year old grandmothers raising kids. You got 3-4 generations that never left the same block. Then what about the 2 parent home that really does the right things but they live in an area where the kids are exposed to the crime, drugs, and ignorance anyways. Of course the parents are responsible but its more than that. Alot of good parents can't be as involved as they would like to be. Remember time is a luxury.
No one in this society where there is even WORLDwide empathy does someone know no better. They know exactly what they are doing wrong, and how they are doing it. Just because someone lives in an area where drugs and crime are prevalent doesn't mean that they will have the effect that you expect it to have. Many may grow up with the impression that this cycle is never-ending until they break it.
Thats why they need parents that constantly reinforce in the home. If you don't have time to spend with your children, I don't think you should have children, but thats another subject. If a parent isn't able to constantly remind the child with positive reinforcement of the child's own responsibility to themselves... then there will always be issues. There has to be individual changes in a lot of AAs in order for the community to progress as a whole. The whole community plays a role in socializing a child, but the parents have the biggest responsibility.