The hate for successful minorities is strong... SMH

Originally Posted by fly23s

Not the cops fault. Black and hispanic do have a high rate of crime?

one us doesn't equal many of us.
seriously, profiling in any case is a major no. I don't know what race you are but to be generalized feelsbadman.
Originally Posted by Put em up

Originally Posted by KingSuperbIV

Originally Posted by spacerace

so wearing baggy pants, du-rags, hats, leaning back, and driving nice cars are grounds for be harassed by the police?  
why don't you just quit while you're behind. 

u dang right especially if your in my upper scale neighbor hood because nobody dresses that way unless your up to no good

Seriously dude,your to old to be this ignorant.

Dude is a troll/liar. He has a 100k car but can't spell the name right 
This is most certainly racial profiling. It's really a darn shame. This has happened to me too many times so I know the feeling very well. Once I was pulled over for "speeding" and I was removed from my car to sit on the curb while my car was searched. Said they found pieces of wire in the back of my car and were going to open an investigation on me for the theft of some bike. Another time AFTER I had already parked a cop quickly drove up and parked behind me and pointed me to a near by fence with his gun and proceeded to search me and lift my clothing up asking where my tattoos were and ask what gangs I was involved with..
Feelsbadman when it does happen to you.. 
Originally Posted by GSGoonSquad

This is most certainly racial profiling. It's really a darn shame. This has happened to me too many times so I know the feeling very well. Once I was pulled over for "speeding" and I was removed from my car to sit on the curb while my car was searched. Said they found pieces of wire in the back of my car and were going to open an investigation on me for the theft of some bike. Another time AFTER I had already parked a cop quickly drove up and parked behind me and pointed me to a near by fence with his gun and proceeded to search me and lift my clothing up asking where my tattoos were and ask what gangs I was involved with..
Feelsbadman when it does happen to you.. 
you dont have to allow them to search your car. tell them NO you may not search my car. if they do you, then you have a good lawsuit on their hands..

Also the cop probably thought you were somebody else. He is just doing his job
Originally Posted by bauercans

Originally Posted by DanzInRealLife

Originally Posted by bauercans

White boss told me he believed that the world should be like a pyramid, where the higher up you go in society the less you should have to do.

By "higher" meant it as a euphemism for the rich from western Europe. [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]dude puts in 25 hrs a week and makes 195k. angry jelly[/color]

I'm hoping he's reached that point in his career by himself 

And to answer your other question OP, it's (going out on a limb here) most common in the States. Especially with the racial profiling. Here, not so much. Like some others said, there are certain kinds of cars that are profiled regardless of who is driving.

I guess we're luckier here because our population is tiny so there are less Porsche's, Lamborghini's and so on and so forth, that would be targeted.
The verdict is still out on that.  dude is 42, went to ucla coz his parents were legacies, and has hopped around jobs like 9 times already doing "interim" duties till they find a replacement.
When he goes on vacation, dude openly tells us hes going to meet his old frat buddies to golf in Austin, TX.  No dambs givens robin.

What are legacies? (Not from the US and I haven't seen it used in regards to universities here). I'm assuming it paves your way into university without trying, or thereabouts.

Damn. Some dudes just have it made. I'd be angry jelly too
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

this happened in the Bay?!?!? if so, which city? I can see this happening in the more remote suburbs like Livermore, but I can't imagine this happening in cities like SF or San Jose. Over here, 80% of the population is Mexican/Latino. If you go to the malls, parks, etc here you can count the number of white people you see in 1 hour on one hand

Never mind, it says you're in Boston. got confused by the Monta avy
Everybody was so confused when we found out he was from Boston. I used to think he was from Oakland too
Originally Posted by KingSuperbIV

Originally Posted by GSGoonSquad

This is most certainly racial profiling. It's really a darn shame. This has happened to me too many times so I know the feeling very well. Once I was pulled over for "speeding" and I was removed from my car to sit on the curb while my car was searched. Said they found pieces of wire in the back of my car and were going to open an investigation on me for the theft of some bike. Another time AFTER I had already parked a cop quickly drove up and parked behind me and pointed me to a near by fence with his gun and proceeded to search me and lift my clothing up asking where my tattoos were and ask what gangs I was involved with..
Feelsbadman when it does happen to you.. 
you dont have to allow them to search your car. tell them NO you may not search my car. if they do you, then you have a good lawsuit on their hands..

Also the cop probably thought you were somebody else. He is just doing his job
I had no choice but to let them search my car while I was sitting on the curb and NO the cop did not think I was someone else. I was also with 2 other people and we all were HARASSED for no reason whatsoever. I didn't tell the whole story but he definitely didn't think I was anyone else. Just wasn't fair skinned. Good day sir.
It is human nature to want better than the next man, so police was probably just trying to make himself feel better by seeing if he was better than the person driving the Porsche. Obviously he is not because that is a scumbag thing to do.
[h5]I mean...[/h5][h5]
[font=Georgia, serif][/font]
[h5]Mom Says School Cop Acted Like a Thug[/h5]


     UPPER MARLBORO, Md. (CN) - A seventh-grader says a county police officer yanked him out of the school cafeteria, handcuffed him in front of his friends, dragged him to the band room, where no one could hear, and beat him while he was handcuffed - all because the student dressed like Ice Cube's character in the movie "Boyz n the Hood" for school spirit week.
     Latoya Mason sued the Prince George's County School Board and county police Officer Wantalex Tilus on behalf of her son, Lennox Seaforth Jr.
     During spirit week at Drew Freeman Middle School, students are encouraged to participate in themes that change daily.
     On "70s and 80s" day, Mason says, students and teachers dressed in "throwback designer wear, etc., from the respective decades."
     "One particular teacher was dressed as a Hippie from the '70s, which represented a sub-cultural youth movement known for its counter-values and embracement of the sexual revolution, psychotropic drugs, and rock-n-roll," according to the complaint in Prince George's County Court.
     Seaforth wore a baseball cap, flannel shirt with a white T-shirt underneath, and blue jeans intended to look like Ice Cube's character Doughboy in the 1991 movie "Boyz n the Hood." His mom says Tilus was on cafeteria duty that day, and he "asked plaintiff whether he was 'Gangbanging?' Plaintiff replied 'No' and ran to his seat where he resumed eating lunch with his friends/classmates. Defendant Tilus walked off," according to the complaint.
     But "moments later, defendant Tilus walked across the cafeteria to where defendant was eating and told him to 'get up!' Defendant asked, 'What did I do?' ...
     "Within seconds, defendant Tilus grabbed plaintiff by the back of his collar snatched him up from his seat, lifting him completely off the ground, then forcefully pushed him toward an adjacent wall where he slammed him face first, Tilus then placed his hands behind his back and cuffed him," the mom says.
     Tilus then "paraded plaintiff through the aisle were his friends were seated and exited the cafeteria with plaintiff in custody in a manner so that the violent disturbance could be observed by everyone in the crowded cafeteria. This even was caught on tape," the complaint states.
     Rather than take her son to the principal's office for his presumed offense, Tilus "marched him through the halls until he found the empty band room in which to secret plaintiff out of the sight of potential witnesses." Mason says the cop closed the door behind them and kept away from the window in the door "so there would not be any witnesses to what he would do next. ...
     "(T)he band room was the perfect place to assault plaintiff because of the way the acoustics were constructed, any sound or noise could easily absorbed, included screams for help. ...
     "(W)hile inside this room defendant Tilus chided plaintiff about the way he was dressed then smacked him twice in the face with his full force so hard that he left whelp marks on plaintiff's skin; throughout the entire time plaintiff remained in handcuffs."
     Mason says Tilus refused to let her crying son out of the room until he composed himself, then "marched him back to the entryway of the cafeteria, still in handcuffs and custody, so that all the other children leaving the lunch period could see him."
     Seaforth was treated by the school nurse, who documented the marks on his face as consistent with the size and shape of an adult man's hand, according to the complaint.
     Mason and Seaforth seek punitive damages for civil rights violations, excessive force, assault and negligence.
     They are represented by J. Wyndal Gordon of Baltimore.  
So 3 cars driving slightly above the speed limit...2 of them are "normal" cars and one is a porsche.
You guys are surprised that the porsche is the one that attracted the most attention?

Of course you guys immediately say its racial profiling.
You guys can say what you want but when you buy these high end cars you do it for ATTENTION. You have to accept that this will include attention from the homies, attention from females and attention from law enforcement. You could always just tone it down on your next vehicle if "racial profiling" is such a huge issue.
Originally Posted by goDie

So 3 cars driving slightly above the speed limit...2 of them are "normal" cars and one is a porsche.
You guys are surprised that the porsche is the one that attracted the most attention?

Of course you guys immediately say its racial profiling.
You guys can say what you want but when you buy these high end cars you do it for ATTENTION. You have to accept that this will include attention from the homies, attention from females and attention from law enforcement. You could always just tone it down on your next vehicle if "racial profiling" is such a huge issue.

Not everyone who buys nice cars do it for attention. In this case, yes, probably, since it was a flashy color.

But still, attention is one thing. Causing people to stare and pull out phones is normal, but drawing hate is another. It's the difference between a cop admiring the car and pulling you over for no special reason. Same with people who take pictures on their phones, and those who try to damage the car.

If the negative behavior didn't come with the car, I'm sure no one would be complaining. And yes, you could say it's unavoidable and the owner should know the consequences, but it shouldn't happen in the first place.
Originally Posted by goDie

So 3 cars driving slightly above the speed limit...2 of them are "normal" cars and one is a porsche.
You guys are surprised that the porsche is the one that attracted the most attention?

Of course you guys immediately say its racial profiling.
You guys can say what you want but when you buy these high end cars you do it for ATTENTION. You have to accept that this will include attention from the homies, attention from females and attention from law enforcement. You could always just tone it down on your next vehicle if "racial profiling" is such a huge issue.
i got racially profiled in my 96 acura you can cut all that %%!$ out.
Originally Posted by goDie

So 3 cars driving slightly above the speed limit...2 of them are "normal" cars and one is a porsche.
You guys are surprised that the porsche is the one that attracted the most attention?

Of course you guys immediately say its racial profiling.
You guys can say what you want but when you buy these high end cars you do it for ATTENTION. You have to accept that this will include attention from the homies, attention from females and attention from law enforcement. You could always just tone it down on your next vehicle if "racial profiling" is such a huge issue.

i dont know why this dude always plays the devil's advocate, son look yourself in the mirror
you go down south and you pass as a black/mexican, no in between and they will call you on it.

just because people in NY dont call you out on it, does not mean they arent thinking it, they are just scared to say it because they believe every black/latino is a gangbanger.

The cops in NYC, on the other hand... put you in a reality check, no matter where you live.
Monta, I do agree with the fact that people buy nice looking cars for stunting purposes. If they were the only person in the world they damn sure wouldn't have it. Luxury items are bought for status purposes. There can be other reasons as well, they can like nice things, but remember that the definition of nice is a social construct.
Originally Posted by goDie

So 3 cars driving slightly above the speed limit...2 of them are "normal" cars and one is a porsche.
You guys are surprised that the porsche is the one that attracted the most attention?

Of course you guys immediately say its racial profiling.
You guys can say what you want but when you buy these high end cars you do it for ATTENTION. You have to accept that this will include attention from the homies, attention from females and attention from law enforcement. You could always just tone it down on your next vehicle if "racial profiling" is such a huge issue.

i don't think someone should not be able to buy the car they want because of the police. racial profiling exists believe it or not.
Originally Posted by GSGoonSquad

Originally Posted by KingSuperbIV

Originally Posted by GSGoonSquad

This is most certainly racial profiling. It's really a darn shame. This has happened to me too many times so I know the feeling very well. Once I was pulled over for "speeding" and I was removed from my car to sit on the curb while my car was searched. Said they found pieces of wire in the back of my car and were going to open an investigation on me for the theft of some bike. Another time AFTER I had already parked a cop quickly drove up and parked behind me and pointed me to a near by fence with his gun and proceeded to search me and lift my clothing up asking where my tattoos were and ask what gangs I was involved with..
Feelsbadman when it does happen to you.. 
you dont have to allow them to search your car. tell them NO you may not search my car. if they do you, then you have a good lawsuit on their hands..

Also the cop probably thought you were somebody else. He is just doing his job
I had no choice but to let them search my car while I was sitting on the curb and NO the cop did not think I was someone else. I was also with 2 other people and we all were HARASSED for no reason whatsoever. I didn't tell the whole story but he definitely didn't think I was anyone else. Just wasn't fair skinned. Good day sir.
You did have a choice. all you had to do is say " I do NOT consent to a search of my car" They should stop after that and call the dogs or if they do search then you have a nice lawsuit on your hands.

Now if you were under arrest thats something diffrent

Also if you driving 3-4 deep with your "homies" in rough areas late night or what not what do you expect. I would see what you guys was up to also by running your plates and going from there..

I never ride more then 2 deep when I'm in the hood

But yea racial profiling happens. Heck it happens to white people as well. its more Stereotype profiling..

Think of this if you see 3-4 white young dudes in a luxury car seat leaning back music playing late night in your nice suburb of mostly minorities.. Wouldn't you think something is up?
Originally Posted by TripleXL Vol 2

Originally Posted by dankenstien88

If you think that's appalling look into Tulia Texas and Swisher County.

Where can I watch this?

But on the real profiling is disgusting. I remember this one day clearly. My one friend who just bought a new C63 and� was getting ready to move into a more well off area, picked me up to show me his new house. As we were pulling into his driveway we got pulled over. Held for over 30+ minutes as 3 other back up cars showed up. They thought we had just stolen the car and robbed the house we were driving into
. Even went as far as to ask him to prove he was the homeowner, and how he could manage to own this car and live in this area
The PBS doc is hard to find, I think a torrent would be your best option.

There is also�a special presented by ABC its not as�good though.
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by StonedFace

Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

Originally Posted by scshift

Is this a reoccurring issue or just something I've noticed?

Racial profiling man, nothing new. 

Do they do this outside of America? Or I mean, is it as bad?

I've been all over. Please believe me when I say that Americans are THE most racist towards us. Incredible.
This wouldn't happen in Finland. Because we have strict rules how cops can work. Like really. If some cop did this he would get fired. It seemes that cops have too much power in the US.
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