The NBA Draft Thread

I think the dynamic that offsets Lonzo's known deficiencies is that he's definitely comfortable with being a passer. We're not looking for him to be a main source of scoring. I don't think a coach should peg him into that type of role initially and I don't think he himself necessarily wants that

From that perspective the scoring/creating a shot for himself issues are less magnified in my eyes. Just have to make sure you surround him with the right lineup

I guess the thing I'd say that's a worthy discussion is if his playmaking for others translates to the next level, not necessarily his scoring. Which by the way, his natural scoring instinct isn't going anywhere IMO, especially in transition
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Saw him hit a few perimeter shots in the video but can he do it consistently?

Athleticism is obviously off the charts :x :x
I worry about prospects like this in terms of the wear and tear on those knees at such a young age 

He's been an IG legend for a minute now 
I worry about prospects like this in terms of the wear and tear on those knees at such a young age :x

He's been an IG legend for a minute now 

His pops was a D1 football player and his Moms was a D1 high jumper, he just won the genetics lottery.
The fact that Fox has put up near identical numbers as Wall without a jumper bodes well for him.
John wall
Bigger better Steph
Bigger better cp3
Dirk reincarnate
KD 2.0
Malik mamba
Light skin black Gordon Hayward
Detox Steve francis
Tony Allen with layup capabilities

Goat draft class
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