The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

he doesnt bring down meteors though he creates them. He cuts up the ground and makes a crater and sends the piece that he cut into the sky and back down again.
No he does bring them down. He has a gravity fruit. Here's a panel showing him bringing one down

Here's a later chapter page showing it again. This time he lowered the gravity of the ship so it floats then he pulls down more meteors.

If you re-look at the first panel you can clearly see something going into the sky then coming back down
He has a gravity ability. He cuts a giant boulder out of the ground and makes it really light sending it to the sky then uses his ability to bring it down like a meteor.

Im pretty sure this was explained before.
If you re-look at the first panel you can clearly see something going into the sky then coming back down
You may be right. I thought that was the track his power followed. Vertically his range is crazy, but horizontally it's as large as the circles shown. It appears that so far he just uses the sword to channel his power, but every time he's used his power there's been those circles associated with it. You may be right though but, I don't think they'd be so surprised if he had tossed boulders up then they came back down, rather than if all of a sudden meteors started falling. 

You may be right and he is cutting the ground. I assume we'll see him fight more in this arc and get a clearer picture.
I think he's go ing to try and snag aces DF.. but after seeing law die he may escape and go after mingo pending on if he stays in that spot
If you re-look at the first panel you can clearly see something going into the sky then coming back down
it's not going up, that's just his power pulling the meteorite down to the desired location. You can check all the chapters he was in, aside from the bar incident, he never once uses his powers to throw boulders up of any kind, it's just him bringing meteors down.

I just realized that his DF essentially gives him Pain's god path powers. Dude has the potential to be a monster if that's the case. :x

Now, moving past all that, I think we might have a buster call on Dressrosa coming later. Probably in order to hide all the shady things that Donfla has been doing that can be traced to the world government. :nerd:
I'm sorry I just refuse to believe dude is pulling meteors from space. and many of them at that... his gravity power would be way to crazy powerful if that was the case. who would beat him
You have to realize that he IS an admiral.  One in the new world at that.  There will obviously be a counter to his power, but who will the character be?  On another note, do you realize how crappy luffys df is?  He's a rubberman....also on another note, he's been using gear 2 and 3 for a min now, how  much longer does he have to live if he shortens his lifespan every time he uses it? BTW these new Feng Shen Ji chapters are fire.    I thought it was christmas bruh,  getting 4 chapters in a day.  
it's not going up, that's just his power pulling the meteorite down to the desired location. You can check all the chapters he was in, aside from the bar incident, he never once uses his powers to throw boulders up of any kind, it's just him bringing meteors down.

I just realized that his DF essentially gives him Pain's god path powers. Dude has the potential to be a monster if that's the case.

Now, moving past all that, I think we might have a buster call on Dressrosa coming later. Probably in order to hide all the shady things that Donfla has been doing that can be traced to the world government.
I don't think we quite have a buster call. Violet said 3 warships were coming. Unless since Saka-san became fleet admiral the terms changed, it should still require 10 warships and 5 vice admirals for a buster call. Plus Akainu said he needs to talk to the Gorosei before he knows if he's allowed to move on Doflamingo, because he didn't know about his Celestial Dragon roots. They probably called for extra help to catch Law, since his title got revoked, and the Strawhats. Fuji also mentioned that he wouldn't move on DD until he found proof of what he was doing or until he heard from Saka-san. The world government could explain away Doflamingo's business as a pirate being a pirate. It's not like Ohara where the civilians posed a threat to exposing the government in this case the threat of exposure begins and ends with Doflamingo and his crew.

There's already a lot of moving parts in this arc with the pirates, dwarves, the tournament, the marines, CP0, royalty, etc. A buster call might be too much to add.
Gear 2 and 3 shorten his life? I thought only the thing ivankov did to him shortened his life
add that too the list then, but yeah gear 2 shortens his life.  I'm not sure about 3 honestly, but dude has used it in almost every fight... add that to what Ivankov did, how long does he have left.  I'm pretty sure law isn't dead either.  He's too important to the storyline to die.
Gear 2 and 3 shorten his life? I thought only the thing ivankov did to him shortened his life
It did at first. I think since the time skip he's better mastered his gears to the point his body can handle them and they no longer shorten his life. 
It did at first. I think since the time skip he's better mastered his gears to the point his body can handle them and they no longer shorten his life. 
Nah, that doesn't make sense tho.  It had to do with the pressure or something with his body.  I doubt there's a point where he can just say it doesn't hurt anymore when raising his blood pressure.
I don't think we quite have a buster call. Violet said 3 warships were coming. Unless since Saka-san became fleet admiral the terms changed, it should still require 10 warships and 5 vice admirals for a buster call. Plus Akainu said he needs to talk to the Gorosei before he knows if he's allowed to move on Doflamingo, because he didn't know about his Celestial Dragon roots. They probably called for extra help to catch Law, since his title got revoked, and the Strawhats. Fuji also mentioned that he wouldn't move on DD until he found proof of what he was doing or until he heard from Saka-san. The world government could explain away Doflamingo's business as a pirate being a pirate. It's not like Ohara where the civilians posed a threat to exposing the government in this case the threat of exposure begins and ends with Doflamingo and his crew.
There's already a lot of moving parts in this arc with the pirates, dwarves, the tournament, the marines, CP0, royalty, etc. A buster call might be too much to add.
Well, we already have 2 vice admirals on site with their warships (most likely) and we have another 3 potential vice admirals coming in their ships. That meets one requirement. As for the other, once the buster call goes out, the other 5 ships can be random ones that are nearby. All i'm saying is that this is setting up all the pieces needed for the call to go out, if it comes to that.
Nah, that doesn't make sense tho.  It had to do with the pressure or something with his body.  I doubt there's a point where he can just say it doesn't hurt anymore when raising his blood pressure.
From the wiki:
By training his abilities, Luffy has found unexpected ways to increase his fighting ability, such as the ability to stretch his blood vessels wider to increase the speed of his blood flow in order to become faster and stronger, at a cost of depleting his body's energy at a faster rate. Furthermore, with the application of Haki, he is even capable of igniting a limb for an even more devastating attack. Luffy can even inflate his bones to increase the volume of his body and significantly increase his attacks, at the cost of his body becoming smaller for a short period of time (although after the timeskip Luffy has seemingly been able to overcome this weakness as after he used "Gomu Gomu no Elephant Gun" on the Kraken and he did not revert to his smaller size afterwards).

After the timeskip, Luffy can activate his Gear Second without doing his "blood-pumping" pose. He can now pump his blood while standing, and even select a particular part of his body to bestow the effect upon; this ability to centralize the effects of Gear Second to any part of his body is not unlike that of those exhibited by skilled Zoan users, who are able to transform only a designated body part into animal form.
Well, we already have 2 vice admirals on site with their warships (most likely) and we have another 3 potential vice admirals coming in their ships. That meets one requirement. As for the other, once the buster call goes out, the other 5 ships can be random ones that are nearby. All i'm saying is that this is setting up all the pieces needed for the call to go out, if it comes to that.
True, the possibility is definitely there. It'll be interesting how things play out.
Nah, that doesn't make sense tho.  It had to do with the pressure or something with his body.  I doubt there's a point where he can just say it doesn't hurt anymore when raising his blood pressure.
I had just assumed since he worked out the side effects of G3 and since he can now use G2 with less fatigue and successively without strain that problem had worked out as well. If not , oh well.
I've always thought Akainu sent a bunch his magma fists into orbit so that Fuji can pull em down whenever he needs.  Sound possible? haha
Nah, that doesn't make sense tho.  It had to do with the pressure or something with his body.  I doubt there's a point where he can just say it doesn't hurt anymore when raising his blood pressure.

I'm still trying to figure out when it was said his life shortens with every use.

Plus it's manga, technically Kakashi should be blind or dead, wasnt he only able to use his Makengyo one more time before going blind, back in the deidara arc?

never believe that...(this move can kill you or this will cripple you)
Narutos rasenshuriken was suppose to hurt him too.

releasing the gates for lee and gai.
I'm still trying to figure out when it was said his life shortens with every use.

Plus it's manga, technically Kakashi should be blind or dead, wasnt he only able to use his Makengyo one more time before going blind, back in the deidara arc?

never believe that...(this move can kill you or this will cripple you)
Narutos rasenshuriken was suppose to hurt him too.

releasing the gates for lee and gai.
Idk where you saw where he was going blind, as far as naruto's move his latest powerup enabled him to pull it off.  It was well documented that gear 2 did hella damage  to luffy and it would shorten his life span.
I'm still trying to figure out when it was said his life shortens with every use.

Plus it's manga, technically Kakashi should be blind or dead, wasnt he only able to use his Makengyo one more time before going blind, back in the deidara arc?

never believe that...(this move can kill you or this will cripple you)
Narutos rasenshuriken was suppose to hurt him too.

releasing the gates for lee and gai.
Rob Lucci tells him 

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