The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

His power is interesting though. Seems like his body is a big storage, that can be useful.

Apoo is prolly the only one I don't fw. Dudes looks like a clown with his long *** arms :lol:

I think he's actually long arm tribe tho :lol: His powers pretty cool, attacks Kizaru with no f's given
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I think he's actually long arm tribe tho
His powers pretty cool, attacks Kizaru with no f's given
When Hawkins met brownbeard tho 
 He told him "oh you're name's so stupid I thought I misheard it. By the way I don't like jokes and I see the shadow of death on you" 

Yeah Apoo is from the long arm tribe. I liked his powers too. He's crazy too that alliance with him, Kidd, and Hawkins is probably gonna crash and burn. 

Capone is like a human fortress, but what's he do if his crew isn't strong? I wonder if he's got special weapons or something.

Kidd is ruthless to which I like. We see the strawhats so much and they're so nice it's good to see ruthless pirates too.
When Hawkins met brownbeard tho :pimp:  He told him "oh you're name's so stupid I thought I misheard it. By the way I don't like jokes and I see the shadow of death on you" 

Yeah Apoo is from the long arm tribe. I liked his powers too. He's crazy too that alliance with him, Kidd, and Hawkins is probably gonna crash and burn. 

Capone is like a human fortress, but what's he do if his crew isn't strong? I wonder if he's got special weapons or something.

Kidd is ruthless to which I like. We see the strawhats so much and they're so nice it's good to see ruthless pirates too.

when??? how i miss this lol
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when??? how i miss this lol
Right before the Timeskip when all the Supernovas entered the New World. Hawkins killed most of Brownbeards men then Brownbeard tried to confront him. That's when Hawkins said that to him then left him paralyzed.

In case you missed that chapter or episode kidd kills a bunch of pirates cause they cry about wanting to return to paradise, Urogue says he wants to go join up with Blackbeard and runs into the lightning island, Apoo gets chased by boars, Capone ends up on a magnet island, Drake attacks one of Kaidou's islands to get his attention. It was right after Marineford.
Right before the Timeskip when all the Supernovas entered the New World. Hawkins killed most of Brownbeards men then Brownbeard tried to confront him. That's when Hawkins said that to him then left him paralyzed.

In case you missed that chapter or episode kidd kills a bunch of pirates cause they cry about wanting to return to paradise, Urogue says he wants to go join up with Blackbeard and runs into the lightning island, Apoo gets chased by boars, Capone ends up on a magnet island, Drake attacks one of Kaidou's islands to get his attention. It was right after Marineford.

this wasnt in the anime probably...damn now i gotta go read it
repped. i started noticing that after sanji asked for permission. it starting hitting me like luffy just earned that respect badge. i want luffy to put the hands of god on flamingo, but im betting that itll be the hardest boss fight for luffy yet. im surprised law got bodied so easily still. like really bodied. like flamingo didn't eem finish him with a DF power, he just shot is *** on some really hood **** :smh: disrespect. either way flamingo vs luffy will be :pimp: and flamingo may lose but luffy will def be leakin n ****.

Honestly I consider law like batman. I don't think he's the strongest but he's a strategist. Give him enough time he'll figure out how to beat you. i think the reason he failed so bad to dofla because that fight was a all is lost i gotta do something about him fight. .
He had no time to prepare.

Luffy on the other hand is hulk, madder he gets stronger he gets he could possibly beat dofla or come damn close to it. ..(plus it's fictional and his story lol)

3. vice admirals aint **** bruh...smoker got owned by law so quick

don't forget law had his heart...
don't sleep on Smoker he's bested pirated quite a few times.

You gotta read the manga for more detail brotha.
Having someones heart is obviously serious and can weaken a person greatly, i mean look what it did to the scientist also. hell look what it did to Vergo.
once again those are strategist moves

and Vergo come on man he's pure haki, that trumps cancels out all logias right there. plus he's dumb strong, what did you really expect.
Going for the heart is Law's trump card. If he can't cut someone with his sword he goes for the heart with Mez or uses counter shock. He went at DD with Mes, but missed the chest and scratched DD's face. When he got smoker's heart it wasn't like he beat him with pure strength it was he brought the rock out the ground to impede smoker's line of sight then used mes to cut his heart out. The only VA who has been a pushover is Maynard, when Bartolomeo bodied him real quick then threw him in the trash heap right before he went to fight in the tournament. Bastille then said that Maynard was just a kid, which suggest he had just become a VA. Vergo got cocky with Law and walked right into that slice once Law got his heart back. Vergo commented that Smoker wasn't fighting like he normally does and it was making him easier to beat. I don't think Smoker is super strong or anything, but he's definitely not fodder. 
a lot of you have been really hard on bleach lately.

I actually think it's been decent the last month or two. R eminence of SS arc imo
It's not being hard on Bleach per SE but when you see captain class vizards getting that work so easily, lol, kinda frustrating...
I just finished the first ten chapters of OP due to my lady, and I must say it is pretty good, but it seems I have a long way to go
* back to the lab*
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It's not being hard on Bleach per SE but when you see captain class vizards getting that work so easily, lol, kinda frustrating...
I just finished the first ten chapters of OP due to my lady, and I must say it is pretty good, but it seems I have a long way to go
* back to the lab*
Enjoy the OP journey
Man we just gonna have to agree to disagree. There's many factors in the OP world not just strength(which is why it's so dope) but if you lose you lose... And people who lose multiple times not even to main characters ain't gonna be very significant IMO
you gotta read the manga, and earlier smoker..
plus like leb13 and i said. There was a lot going on with LAW smoker..

LAW has an interesting power. period.
and with that prep can trump a lot of people
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Enjoy the OP journey
Chapters are fast reads with crazy action...
Kinda mad at myself for sleeping so long on this lol.. Just never got into it but kind of bored tonight, and this thread seems to gas it so much...
I see why now plus if my girl likes it then I knew it should have been good lol
Man we just gonna have to agree to disagree. There's many factors in the OP world not just strength(which is why it's so dope) but if you lose you lose... And people who lose multiple times not even to main characters ain't gonna be very significant IMO
Remember the anime has been portraying things differently from the manga recently. The Smoker vs Vergo fight was 1 thing b/c in the manga the plan was for Smoker to get back Law's heart all along, not win the fight in the anime it made it seem like once Smoker realized he couldn't beat Vergo he went for Law's heart. I just reread the chapters to make sure.

I do however agree a loss is a loss. Smoker lost against Law. Idk how you count the Vergo fight since he accomplished his objective tho which wasn't to win, but to take back Law's heart. I agree that strength isn't always a determining factor in an OP fight. I disagree with the idea that VAs being trash. Also Smoker has had bad post timeskip showings, but I think he's been proven to be significant as far as side characters and marine's go. 
So as for the Vizards, do they not have their hollow powers anymore or are they being put on the back burner? Once Urahara came up with the bankai solution It seemed like a good chance for the vizards to step in and fight
^ Yeah I don't get the whole Vizard thing either. I thought Urahara basically said hollows are poison to quincy. I figured right after he said that, Shinji and co would have popped the masks and went HAM on those Quincy.
Urahara hasn't found a cure for them and that's the frustrating part. They never lost their bankais( as with other captains like Ikkau who is a ******g beast but gets pounded on in one panel.) hopefully some of the theories floating around are true about them being a bigger part of the picture towards the end seeing we don't know what the "war potentials" are?
Sorry for the long post but seeing my favorite manga all over the place is arghh. Its almost feels like DBZ after the Cell Games, **** was just never the same but I still have faith lol
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